I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 125: Alexandria community

   Lu Jiayi walked to a few people and said in a serious tone: "Be careful, I can't save you every time at a critical moment!"

   Glenn nodded in embarrassment, and then said gratefully: "Thank you Lu, you saved my life again!"

   Maggie walked directly to Lu Jiayi's side and hugged him.

   "Lu, thank you! Thank you!"

   reached out and patted Maggie's back, Lu Jiayi's tone eased a little.

After being safe, a few people have time to take a good look at the two little walking corpses. Judging from the clothes, they are obviously a male and a female, probably only five or six years old. At this time, the small body is lying on the ground. Can't move.

   Knowing that a few people feel uncomfortable, but Lu Jiayi still reminded him.

   "Okay, it's time to go!"

"and many more!"

   Glenn stood up a little unwillingly. Under Maggie's pull, he kicked over the cardboard boxes on both sides of the door, and the whole wall of cardboard boxes fell in half.

The situation in the house finally appeared in front of people. This is a small warehouse. There is a door leading to the front. At this time, the front door is also blocked by a stack of cardboard boxes, and the warehouse is full of scattered food. Bags and bottles of mineral water, there is a mattress on the wall, looking at the furnishings on the bed, there should be at least one adult living in this room.

Looking across, the corpse of a puppy was lying quietly on the ground. Its body was rotten and stinking. I don’t know if the two children couldn’t help eating it before they were alive, or they died after they became walking corpses. Dropped.

   The few people are in a heavy mood. It is difficult to imagine what the two little guys experienced before they died. When they were about to starve to death, they were not accompanied by their relatives. How does this feel for the children? Whether it's the child's father or mother, it should be out to find supplies, and then....

   sighed, Lu Jiayi reminded: "Well, everyone, don't think too much, let's go!"


   Glenn who was standing there suddenly said, and Lu Jiayi turned to look at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

   "I want to bury them."

   A few people were silent for a while, and Maggie looked at the two small figures on the ground a little bit unbearably, with mixed feelings in her heart.

  Lu Jiayi didn't speak, but turned and walked in the direction of the RV. Axel shrugged and said that he could do nothing. Just when a few people wanted to leave, he saw Lu Jiayi walking over with a few iron shovel.

   "All are here to help, I can't stay here for too long."

   Several people looked at the captain who had already started digging, and couldn't help but smile at each other. Maggie patted Glen on the back and raised her eyebrows in consolation.

   "Let's go, help."



   The road from Charvelte to Alexandria is relatively long. Several cars have been driving on the road for a long time, and the distance to the destination is getting closer.

   Lu Jiayi is not sure whether the current Alexander has sent Allen out to search for survivors, but what he can be sure of is that the good days of the luckiest guys in the last days are coming to an end!

   But now Lu Jiayi has no time to think about Alexander's affairs. Lu Jiayi did several experiments along the way and found some drinking water and food. After finding these materials, some small accidents will happen!

   Glenn’s previous incident was also a small accident. There were only two walking corpses. If Lu Jiayi hadn't arrived in time, he would have been planted there.

   Although cutting off the leg directly can save his life, if you are lucky, it will be like Herschel in the original drama. If you are not lucky, you will lose both legs!

   Therefore, it is said that the more minor accidents are the most likely to cause accidents, which made Lu Jiayi nervous all the way.

   But Lu Jiayi has now fully determined his "ability", let's call it the ability, this kind of ability can be said to be mixed.

When    brings things, it will cause him trouble, and the more profit, the greater the trouble!

   This kind of feeling made Lu Jiayi feel no surprise at all, just feel scared.

   If he wants to find an expert who can make nuclear bombs, and he finds it, but in the end, the whole team is destroyed by an accident, it would not be worth the loss.

   So what Lu Jiayi wants to know most at the moment is what kind of price he needs to pay to get something equivalent. He needs a quantified value, even if it's about it.

   But he didn't dare to try, or even to think about it. Humans are a strange animal. Sometimes the more you think about it, the more similar ideas will flash in your mind.

   An irritable Lu Jiayi smashed the sofa beside him with his arm, and in exchange for a burst of tingling pain in his shoulder!

   But the pain made Lu Jiayi calm down, and he also had some weird guesses about the next many things in his heart.

   A weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth thinking of something, while Moore, who was sitting not far away, silently moved aside, muttering to himself.

   "Boss, what insidious plan is this? The smile is so horrible, I'd better stay away!"

   And Lu Jiayi, who had figured out some things, suddenly became more confident about some things about Alexander. He couldn't help but got up and walked to the front of the car and asked Norton, "Norton, how far is it?"

   "It'll be up to two hours later. It will be an hour soon, depending on the road conditions!"

   Lu Jiayi nodded in satisfaction, and went back to the sofa to plan the next thing.


   Alexandria community!

This is a high-end community that has not been put into use before the end of the world. It has an independent solar power system and a storage tank, as well as a complete sewage filtration system. These houses with a unit price of more than 800,000 have been sold out long ago. , But instead of waiting for their original owner, they waited for a group of outsiders. Relying on the advanced and independent survival system here, plus the wall built by Reggie Monroe to help the community, this lucky community is just like that. Almost two years have passed in the last days.

   Someone will ask, haven’t these people encountered a zombie attack in the first place?

   Yes, these people really haven't met. According to community leader Diana, the evacuation of the people in northern Virginia was very successful, resulting in very few corpses and survivors in this land. Is this really the case?

Northern Virginia did successfully evacuate several million people, but there are still a lot of people and walking dead. The reason why Alexander has been safe is that they have a huge mine not far away. It should be the retreating soldiers here. The obstacles set up caused the walking zombs in this pit to only enter but not to exit. In the end, the more and more zombies gathered, the herd effect will attract other nearby zombies, and then gather more and more, finally forming the one in the play. The walking pit that makes your scalp numb!

Today is still an ordinary day for Alexander. Early in the morning, Allen and Eric packed up their things and prepared to continue exploring. The two are diplomats appointed by Diana. They have the ability to take survivors. The right to return to the base, although it has been more than a year so far, has not been able to bring back a single person.

   It’s not that they don’t want to bring it, but that survivors are indeed rarely found.

   So far, no survivor can meet their needs.

   "Ellen, Eric! Be careful outside and think carefully!"

   Diana stood in front of the RV, looking at the Allen and his wife who had been packed up, and said seriously.

   It is not the first time that the two of them have gone out. They have been running around for a long time, which made them feel a little out of place in the community. Everyone looked at them with weird eyes.

   The two still felt a little awkward at first, but as time passed, the discomfort disappeared.

   Ellen stretched out his hand and hugged Diana for a while, then naturally stepped back and hugged Eric again, and said seriously: "Don't worry, we two have always been very cautious."

   After talking and smiling, Allen drove a white car, while Eric got in a white RV, and the door was slowly opened.

   "Wang Defa!"

   The few people standing at the door suddenly widened their eyes, looking at the road outside the door, a huge convoy came from a distance!

   All the cars that drove over were big cars, the convoy was very long, and they drove straight towards the gate.

   Aaron rushed out of the car and hurriedly shouted to the back: "Eric, go and call someone!"

   said, he also took out the pistol from his waist and put on a defensive posture at the fence of the gate.

   There was a harsh braking sound from several cars, and the cars came to a halt in front of the gate.

   At this time, many survivors in Alexandria just ran out of the house and ran towards the weapon storehouse. There was a panic and bewilderment on their faces. They had never encountered such a thing!

   Diana stood in front of the gate, looking at the convoy outside with a serious expression.

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