Lu Jiayi's brain was running fast at this time, and all the previous things flashed in his mind.

   He found that every time he went out, he would encounter what he needed, and it was accompanied by some minor changes, such as a zombie attack.

   And when he first realized this problem, it was when he met Noah outside the hospital. At that time, he really thought about it, it is best to meet Noah! This way things will be much simpler, and the hospital incident eventually turned into a fight between the two sides! At the time, he just felt that meeting Noah was a bit too coincidental, and didn't think about it elsewhere.

   The search for the bus this time confirmed the matter again. He originally looked for the bus and modified materials.

   Unexpectedly, not only the car was found but also the materials were found, and then a wolf clan attack occurred immediately, and Kevin died as a result, and Moore was also injured, resulting in a group of corpses appearing in the follow-up!

   Thinking about it now, the last time I went out in prison, I ran into a guy who looked very familiar. Although that battle happened early, would there be any connection between these things?

   The time I met Bob, why didn’t anything dangerous happen that time? Is it because Moore discovered Bob?

   Ordinarily, the people I found were very important. There were two professors and a weapon expert. According to my own conjecture, at least one super-large-scale attack or corpse wave would be the right thing!

   Lu Jiayi didn't know at this time. In fact, the base has been attacked by a huge wave of corpses. Since he has been on the road, the signal is not very good, he has contacted twice but the effect is not good, so he has not contacted the base for a long time.

   Could it be a special ability of oneself to exchange danger for something?

   Otherwise, how to explain these coincidences? Maybe you need to try next. If you want to find a tank of water, will it happen? Then what are the things to deal with?

   There was a weird aura in this incident, which made Lu Jiayi feel very uncomfortable. He wanted to try and was afraid that something would happen.

   scratched his head in distress, Lu Jiayi planned to give it a try first, at least to verify this conjecture.

   Thinking of this, Lu Jiayi stopped thinking about it, and secretly made up his mind to figure out this matter before arriving in Alexandria!

   "Okay, I'll go in and rest, I won't disturb you!"

   Daryl looked at Lu Jiayi, whose expression changed. Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask anything. He touched the wine bottle with Lu Jiayi and turned his attention back to the grass outside.


   One day later. Inside a residential house in a small village.

   Lu Jiayi looked at the boxes of water in front of him, feeling a little complicated.

   is not because of the water, but because he seems to have verified his conjecture.

   The next thing is to see if there will be an accident. These tanks of water will not have a big impact. If there is an accident, it will not be too serious.

   Glenn and T Tsai took the water into the RV each one by one, while Lu Jiayi's eyes were always on the surrounding streets.

The street seemed very calm, with only a few wandering corpses facing the direction of the convoy. Axel is now becoming more and more capable, from daily cleaning of corpses to small-scale battles, he is also becoming more and more proficient. , It’s never the soft egg in Oscar’s mouth anymore.

At this moment, he just cleaned up the walking corpses and looked bored at the houses around him. Suddenly, a house attracted his attention. It was just an ordinary house, but the structure was a bit strange. There is a front entrance and a garage, but behind the garage, the roof is not lowered, but a higher roof is added, just like another room.

   He touched Glenn beside him, and pointed his finger where he saw.

   "Glen, see if there is still a storage room there?"

   Glenn followed his hand and looked over and found that strange place. He said with some uncertainty, "Maybe it's a house built in the backyard."

   "Let’s go and see! What if there is something?"

   Glenn pulled the opponent, and then shouted at Maggie and Tee behind him: "Maggie! Tee, come here."

   The four of them walked to the back of the house. As Axel said, this is a warehouse built in the backyard.

Several people stepped into the yard and looked at the small yard in front of them. The backyard that had not been taken care of for a long time was already covered with weeds. The tall grass was withered and yellow, and all around were plastic bags blown in by the wind. And waste paper, it looks very messy.

   Glenn and Axel walked to the door of the warehouse and patted the door. Glenn put his ear on the door and listened for a while, but no sound came out.

   The lift door was not locked, only a lock was hung, Glenn took it off, counting down, and the others all raised their guns and aimed at the door.

   Wow! The door was braced! What appeared in front of everyone was a double-opening sliding door. Through the glass window, you could see that there were cardboard boxes piled up behind the door, blocking the entire door from bottom to top.

   Glen pulled the doorknob, and the door opened.

Pushing the carton in front of him, Glenn found that these boxes were very heavy, and he didn't know what was in them. Because the pile was too high, he couldn't take it down immediately. He could only take out the dagger and cut open the carton in front of him. Opened a square opening.

   The box turned out to be paper, stacks of newspapers.

   "No wonder it's so heavy! Axel, help me!"

  Since there were no important materials in the box, the two of them didn't care, and they directly pulled the stack of boxes down.

   The cardboard box fell directly outside the door with the two men's strong pull. The two hurriedly stepped aside, and the cardboard box fell directly on the ground with a dull sound.

With the light from the outside, a few people looked into the room. There was a black hole inside. He couldn't see the specific situation. Glenn couldn't help but leaned forward and probed, trying to get closer to see clearly. , Maggie on the side also took two steps forward curiously.

   Just when Glenn's face was about to poke into the house, the sudden change occurred! A small hand stretched out from behind the box, and slammed into Glenn's face!

   Glenn's shocked body leaned back sharply, but he didn't maintain his balance and lay down on the ground. At this time, two small figures jumped out from the dim room and directly onto Glenn's lap!

  People finally saw these two little figures, they turned out to be two children! At this moment, the two little guys who should have been carefree have turned into walking corpses, they hugged Glenn's leg tightly and bit them down!

The first reaction of Axel and Tee was to shoot, but Glenn was struggling very violently, and it was difficult to aim for a while. At this time, if one accidentally hits Glenn, it will not save someone. It was murder!

   Maggie hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull the two little walking corpses up. As soon as her hand stretched forward a little bit, she heard two gunshots not far away!

boom! boom!

With the sound of the gunshots, a blood hole appeared in the heads of the two walking corpses. The kinetic energy of the bullet brought the corpses of the two walking corpses to the side, lying on Glen’s legs. between.

   Glenn panted violently, and his body couldn't help shaking. He turned his head and looked to the side, and found that Lu Jiayi was slowly putting away his gun.

Glen stretched out his hand to give Lu Jiayi a thumbs up, and then lay directly on the ground. Maggie sprinted up and pushed the two walking corpses aside, looking at Glen's legs in a panic, until Confirming that her boyfriend is safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief.

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