I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 123: Late night conversation

In the Charvelte community, when Lu Jiayi smashed through the base gate and rushed out, Aleman’s family was sitting at the dining table. A sumptuous meal was on the table. Aleman’s grandson only had five. Years old, he hadn't seen so many delicious foods in a long time, and excitedly waved his little hands up and down the room.

   On one side of a long table, Aleman sat there in silence, beside his wife and son.

  Daughter and daughter-in-law are preparing the last dish in the kitchen.

   Soon, the family all sat around the dinner table, Aleman slowly stretched out his hands, and the family finished their prayers hand in hand.


   "Yeah! Today's food is amazing!"

   The little grandson was still talking excitedly. His mother helped him cut the steak and poured him a full glass of orange juice.

   "Thank you mom! You are so kind!" The little boy kissed his mom when he saw a smile, and then he couldn't wait to start eating.

   The moment the child turned his head, the tears in his mother's eyes couldn't stop streaming down, and then she ate the food in front of her without a word.

   The family finished the meal in this silent atmosphere, and halfway through the meal, the little boy was already lying motionless on the table.

   The atmosphere fell to the bottom for a while, and the child's parents were already crying, but they still ate the food on the plate silently, and no one took care of the child.

   Aleman raised the wine glass with one hand, and his wife's hand with the other. The rough touch reminded him of his wife's life of silent labor, tears could not stop streaming down.

   "I love you, children! When I get to hell, I will find Satan myself, even if I become a demon, I will make God **** pay the price!"

   "Jenna, see you in hell!"

   "I will revenge myself!"


   A few goblets collided, and after a while, everyone’s eyes gradually lost their spirit...

   In the other room, Selena is still holding Kevin's cold body, her eyes are gentle and she looks at her husband, seeming to recall a happy life.

   At this time! Kevin slowly opened his eyes! Looking at his wife's eyes, they have lost their previous tenderness. At this time, a pair of pupils have turned grayish white, and his face has become extremely pale.

   Selena didn’t care about this at all. She looked at her husband who "woke up" in surprise, and said excitedly: "Kevin! I knew you would not leave me alone! I knew it!"

   After finishing speaking, Selena hugged her husband tightly, while Kevin bit on Selena’s neck in one bite, and a stream of blood poured out! It dyed Kevin's chin and ran down the clothes. Soon all the sheets turned bright red!

   Selena seemed to have lost her consciousness. She hugged her husband like this, her consciousness gradually blurred, and gradually she could no longer feel anything, so she closed her eyes with a smile on her mouth.

   And there was only a burst of low growl and chewing in the room.


   Lu Jiayi's motorcade rushed out of the group of walking corpses and continued to drive forward. After driving for about a few kilometers, Unimog finally stopped slowly on the side of the road. Lu Jiayi knew that he needed to stop bleeding as soon as possible.

   "Damn it, it seems that I have time to replace the glass with bulletproof ones!" Lu Jiayi jumped out of the car and walked towards the RV behind him.

   "Captain! Are you injured?"

   Norton was the first to see the wound on Lu Jiayi's arm, and his exclamation surprised everyone in the car, especially Catherine. She hurriedly got out of the car to check, but was stopped by Lu Jiayi.

   "Go up first! Watch out for those **** in an ambush!"

   Lu Jiayi was sitting on the sofa of the RV, Bob on the side was cleaning his wounds.

   The wound is deep! But it is a bruise. In this case, just sew a few stitches.

   Catherine stood by and looked at Lu Jiayi’s **** wound, her brows frowned, her mouth kept making Bob be careful!

Others also watched silently. Each of them felt a sense of relief. It was not that they wanted Lu Jiayi to be injured, but Lu Jiayi had always been too perfect before, making people forget that he was also a **** person who could shed tears. Ordinary people, but this idea just passed by.

  , Darryl held his crossbow and roared in anger, "Those bastards! I'm going to kill them now!"

"I am coming too!"

"Me too!"

   Before Darryl's words fell, a group of people responded, all taking out their weapons and preparing to do a big vote!

   "Hey! Everyone! Calm down, am I okay? Besides, I have killed the attackers!"

   Lu Jiayi smiled indifferently. He enjoyed the feeling of being cared for by a group of people. It was very warm, a group of strangers before the end of the world, because the end of the world came together, crying and laughing together.

Moore on the side of    pointed to Lu Jiayi's wound, and then pointed to his own: "Captain, this is a sister's wound! Hehehe! I will have a bullet hole to commemorate it later."

   "Okay! That group of gangsters may not be far away! Let's leave here as soon as possible, so we can save some trouble."

Bob quickly handled the wound. Lu Jiayi originally planned to continue driving the Unimog, but a group of people disagreed. In the end, Glenn and Maggie came to a husband and wife gear, and the two ran to the front car. .

   The line of people no longer inked, and a line of nine cars set off on the journey again.


That night, in a remote farmhouse, nine vehicles surrounded the farmhouse. At this time, most of the team members had finished eating and fell asleep. There were no entertainment facilities in the last days, plus a lot of physical energy every day. Labor makes these survivors basically fall asleep as long as they are safe.

   On the outside car, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com arranged four people to watch the night in four directions, and it was Darryl on the modified RV.

Sitting on the second floor of the RV, looking at the dark grass in the distance, Brother Nu is quite leisurely. He really likes the state of being alone. If there is another stranger in the car at this moment, then this person will definitely die in embarrassment. .

   Just when he took out a cigarette and wanted to light it, the door of the RV rang, and Lu Jiayi walked up with two bottles of beer in his hand.

   Daryl looked over with some caution, but found that it was Lu Jiayi, and he relaxed again: "You should rest more! The wound will heal faster!"

   Lu Jiayi smiled and handed over a bottle of beer.

   "It's okay! I'm a doctor. I'm still sure about this. I'm looking for you this time because I want to ask you something."


   Lu Jiayi organized the language. He was a little bit unsure of what to say about this matter, but after thinking about it, he decided to say hello directly.

   "Darryl, do you find it a little strange every time I go out?"

   Daryl looked at Lu Jiayi confusedly, he didn't understand what it meant.

   Lu Jiayi saw that the other party did not understand, so he asked in a more straightforward way: "That is, every time I take a team out, what is the difference with others?"

   Daryl frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he said: "Every time you go out, you can basically get home! Others don't seem to be..."

   "Yes! That's it!" Lu Jiayi said with a little weirdness.

  Darryl couldn't figure it out even more. He scratched his head speechlessly, and the corners of his mouth curled, but he didn't say anything.

   But at this time, Lu Jiayi was already in deep thought. He discovered a secret, which seemed to be a big secret!

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