The view on the RV is still good. Lu Jiayi can easily see the situation outside the wall. Because the surrounding dense woods do affect the view, it was difficult to detect the walking corpses in the woods before, and I did not expect that the outer wire rope would be affected. shear.

This is fatal. Now the walking corpse at the front entrance is about to rush to the front door. Lu Jiayi quickly jumped out of the RV, patted the glass of the cab, and shouted at Norton inside: "Drive the door against the door. Persevere until everyone gets in the car!"

   Norton nodded, the RV started, and a kick of the accelerator rushed to the gate. The front corner slammed against the center of the gate, and at this time the group of corpses had already rushed to the gate!

   One, two, a group of walking corpses threw on the door one after another, and the surrounding walls were also full of walking corpses!

Several aborigines who had just packed their things and ran over also saw this scene. Several of them had their legs weakened and sat directly on the ground. The rest of them also watched this scene blankly and muttered. Those who were talking to themselves didn't know what they were talking about. Judging from the movements of their hands, they should be praying for God's blessing.

  As people rushed over one after another, Lu Jiayi frowned and glanced at the crowd. He looked at Noah with some doubts and asked, "Where are Selena and the Aleman family?"

Norton shook his head and walked to Lu Jiayi and explained in a low voice: "They all decided not to leave. Selena was holding a gun and said that anyone who dared to enter their house would shoot! The Alemans didn't want to leave. We have been persuading for a long time, but their family seems to be determined not to leave."

   Lu Jiayi sighed when he heard the words, and didn't ask too much, greeted the rest of the people to get in the car quickly.

   "Listen, everyone! Don't fall behind for a while!"

Lu Jiayi got into the driving seat of Unimog, then drove the car to a distance of 20 meters from the gate, picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand, and shouted: "All cars start! Norton! Go back! Follow me for a while. !"

   All the cars started instantly, and the RV Norton drove back ten meters abruptly, revealing a wide gap.

   The Unimog, who stopped behind, had already activated at this time, and Lu Jiayi's eyes were staring at the door.

   The door was already crumbling because of the retreat of the RV. The door was sunken inward, showing a state of collapse. Lu Jiayi still didn't move, he was still waiting.

   The cork on the gate broke with a "pop"! The door was recessed into the courtyard again, the wood at the break of the door bolt made a crackling noise, and the wood fibers broke one by one. Finally, the whole door bolt could no longer withstand the huge thrust and bend quickly!

   At this time, Lu Jiayi's foot finally stepped heavily on the accelerator of Unimog! A burst of engine noise hits, and the fuel in the engine burns quickly, providing surging power for this car!

   Unimog rushed to the door violently, the newly installed corner on the front of the car flashed with cold metallic luster, and quickly approached the door!

At this time, the door bolt was about to break completely. Lu Jiayi did not wait for the walking corpses to rush into the door. He stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and the car slammed into the center of the two doors. It was originally recessed inward. Under this huge force, the door protruded out instantly.

   The door bolt broke into two pieces instantly! The two doors were also pushed outward by the Unimog, and the walking corpses on both sides were pushed back by the door panels. They walked a few meters, and both door panels flew to the sides of the car with a bang. , Lu Jiayi's vision instantly widened, and all the places he could see were walking corpses!

The Unimog has strong power, and the front corner of the car also has the effect of distributing dead bodies. The walking dead in front of the car are all squeezed to the sides, but the rear fleet is too long to wait. The gap behind the car a few meters away will be filled with walking corpses rushing up, and the walking corpses in the back keep pushing down the walking corpses in front, and several cars also feel the pressure brought by the groups of corpses on both sides!

   Lu Jiayi saw the rear view in the rearview mirror. He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie next to him and shouted: "Shoot! Clean up the walking dead on both sides!"

   There was a fierce gunshot from the car behind, and the walking corpses on both sides were quickly cleaned up. A line of nine cars benefited from the installation of the collision angle, and for a while, they moved forward without any risk.

Lu Jiayi quickly rushed onto the road not far away. He quickly glanced towards the front of the road and found that the group of corpses had come from one side of the woods, and his side wanted to get out of trouble, so he only had to rush out of the road. A circle of tens of meters of walking corpses will do.

   "Everyone, follow me! As long as you dash forward a few dozen meters, you can rush out!"

   Lu Jiayi, who put down the walkie-talkie, hit the steering wheel, and the front of the car turned and rushed forward along the road.

   The sunroof on the roof of the modified car was suddenly opened. Raphael probed out from the inside. A machine gun had been installed on the roof. It aimed at the walking corpse behind, and the muzzle of the M249 began to pour bullets crazy!


  With the bullets fired from the car, the current convoy is like a row of hedgehogs. The walking corpses approaching the convoy are quickly harvested. The convoy also seized the moment of neutral and pushed forward quickly!

   Lu Jiayi also stared nervously at the road ahead, getting closer and closer to the edge of the group of corpses, thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters!

   Seeing that it is about to rush out of the corpse group! Lu Jiayi's expression gradually relaxed. He glanced in the rearview mirror, and the team behind him followed him steadily!

   suddenly! He saw a few people running out of the woods on the side of the road ahead!

   That's right, it's human! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that kind of running posture. These people stood tens of meters away from the corpse group, all of them raised a pistol in their hands, and shot Lu Jiayi's driving position!

Lu Jiayi reacted very quickly. He quickly remembered the road conditions and terrain for the next tens of meters, and then quickly shrank his head to the bottom of the The accelerator pedal was stepped harder, Unni Mork uttered a roar like an ancient beast, and the body speeded up again, knocking away the last few walking corpses, and rushing towards the dozen people!

Lu Jiayi knew that these people must be members of the wolf race. The other party’s goal should be to shoot him as a driver, and then the entire convoy would be surrounded by walking corpses, and they would not need to lose a single soldier to solve their own problems. Group of people!

   a bunch of evil people!

Lu Jiayi's heart was secretly vicious, his body slightly lifted, looking forward through the gap of the glass, the windshield had been riddled by the dense bullets, and the opponent was still thirty or forty meters away from him, Lu Jiayi controlled Keep moving forward with the steering wheel.

   Suddenly, he felt a pain in his arm. He knew in his heart that he should have been scratched by a bullet, but he couldn't control that much. He took out the pistol at his waist and shot two shots at the glass in front of him.


   The glass finally couldn't bear to shatter completely. At this time, he found that the other party's gunshots suddenly became much smaller, and the other party's bullets had finished!

Lu Jiayi didn't dare to stop, he flicked the steering wheel, and Unimog leaned sharply to the side. The only wolf clan that was left suddenly lost the sight. He hurriedly finished the last two bullets in the magazine until he got the bullet. The gun made a creaking sound, and he realized that there were no bullets!

   Lu Jiayi straightened the front of the car again, and took out the gun with his other hand. The two guns were held high, and the bullets suddenly poured out!

   bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

   Throwing away the gun in his hand, and holding the steering wheel with one hand again, the Unimog at this time has already pressed over the corpses of several wolves.

   bang, bang!

   The wheels ran over the bodies of several people, and they continued to drive forward without stopping at all!

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