Richmond, Virginia.

   On the square in the Charvelte community.

   The modification work has come to an end. Lu Jiayi did not make any meticulous modification this time. He just installed steel plates on the outside of several buses.

   Even so, the appearance of several cars has undergone a lot of changes. This change is like converting a Highlander into George Patton, and the appearance of the whole car has become extremely tough.

For these five buses, Lu Jiayi and Axel worked overtime. After Lu Jiayi determined the transformation plan, the two of them took a car and took a few people. They spent two days teaching and rushing to work. Finally the modification is finished.

   But these two days are not only good news. Kevin is already at a dead end due to his injuries.

   I don’t know why, Selena, who was very dissatisfied with herself before, had a slightly better attitude after the first night, but she only had some eye contact.

   Kevin’s room was surrounded by a large group of people at this time. The door was open. Kevin suddenly regained consciousness. At this time, Lu Jiayi was next to Kevin and wanted to help him check his body. .

   Kevin stopped Lu Jiayi from trying to check for him. He shook his head slightly and said softly: "Lu, call Selena in. I have something to tell her."

   Lu Jiayi sighed. Actually, he doesn’t need to check, he also knows, Kevin’s this is a flashback! Scientifically speaking, the brain sends the final signal when the patient is about to die, which increases the secretion of various hormones in the adrenal glands, allowing the patient to return to a relatively stable state within a few hours to one or two days.

But the people outside didn’t know this. For Kevin’s sudden awakeness, everyone was happy. The happiest thing was naturally Selena. She was feeding her husband a spoonful of water with a bowl of water. , The mouth kept saying something.

   Kevin, who was leaning on the side of the bed, just looked at his wife with a smile, letting her toss about.

   Selena also found something wrong with her husband, she asked a little strangely: "Kevin? What's wrong with you? I don't think you are right."

Kevin pushed away the spoon that was delivered in front of him and took Selena’s hand. There was a deep apology in his eyes, and he said to his wife: "Selena! I still decide to let everyone leave here. This place is too dangerous! Those bandits may find here at any time, and I don’t want you to be in danger."

   Selena glanced at her husband reproachfully, and said grumblingly: "You are just getting better, so don't worry about these things! Take care of your body, and we will consider these things when you are better."

Kevin slapped his wife's hand with some hesitation, glanced at the outside of the room, and said again: "Selena, help me call everyone in. I have something to say to them. Go and help everyone. Get some water."

A group of people quickly walked into Kevin’s room and watched his wife leave. Kevin couldn’t help speeding up his speech: "Everyone, my time is limited, so I’m going directly to the topic. I hope this matter will not affect everyone. The decision to leave here was an unexpected incident. There was no warning before, so I can’t blame anyone. Lu has tried his best to protect me. I can only say that my luck is not good. Time is running out. The last wish is for everyone to take Selena when they leave, and take her away regardless of whether she agrees or not! I understand her, if I leave, she will definitely stay, you can Assure me?"


   There was a cracking sound of glass falling from outside the door. Kevin sank in his heart and turned to look at the door. Sure enough, he saw Selena standing there with tears in her eyes.

After sighing, he waved his hand to his wife. After Selena sat down on the bed, Kevin grabbed his wife's hand again and said with some emotion: "Don't resent Lu, this is not his fault. Although I was shot, I could still hear something vaguely. He was going to perform surgery on me as soon as he drove out the intruder. However, because there was no type O blood, Lu had to draw blood first and then operate. He did his best. NS!"

All the people around shook their heads and sighed. They felt sorry for Kevin’s experience and at the same time became more determined to leave here, while Selena’s eyes on the side showed an inexplicable meaning, she didn’t know she was thinking about it. what.

The following afternoon, Kevin’s condition got worse and worse. By the evening, the lamp was almost gone. He still held Selena’s hand in confusion, and Selena spent the entire afternoon. They all sat motionless in front of Kevin's bed, just watching Kevin close his eyes a little bit.

Several people on the side wanted to step forward and persuade her, but unexpectedly, Selena got a gun from somewhere, and said coldly to them: "You go! I won't leave with that Lu, I want stay!"

   "Selena!" A woman who knew her well called her name anxiously, trying to persuade her to continue.


Selena suddenly raised the gun high and pulled the trigger against the roof. Everyone around was shocked and didn't want to persuade the other party. They all hurriedly exited the room. Selena and Kevin are left.

   stroking her husband's face, Selena said softly, "Kevin! All the annoying guys are gone! I will always be with you!"

She lay slowly beside her husband, resting her head on Kevin’s chest, listening to her husband’s steadily stopping closed her eyes, and a tear came down her. His face fell on Kevin's chest.

   The people who left the room looked at each other, and walked out of the house to their respective homes. They needed to prepare some supplies so that they could use them on the road after they left.

When everyone was halfway there, a sharp whistle sound suddenly came from the simple guard tower. They all stopped and looked into the distance. I saw that Lu Jiayi's team all started to take action, and people ran up one after another. After leaving the RV and the guard tower, he looked out of the courtyard wall.

   At this time, the outside of the yard was unexpectedly surrounded by walking corpses!

   Lu Jiayi also reacted for the first time. He climbed directly onto the roof of the RV and glanced around, only to find that the intricate wires in the woods had been cut at some point! A large number of walking corpses came from the other side of the forest towards the main entrance of the camp!

   Two words suddenly appeared in his mind, wolf clan!

   That’s right, this was definitely done by the wolf clan. In order to avenge the murder of dozens of people, the other party directly attracted walking corpses to deal with them!

  The wolf clan in the original play is a group of fierce characters who dare not fear death, dare to hold knives, guns and sticks, and they can do this kind of revenge by borrowing corpses.

   "Captain! What should I do? We are surrounded!"

Lu Jiayi looked at the walking corpses outside the gate, and was about to walk to the front of the gate. This door was just a wooden door covered with a layer of metal skin. A dozen walking corpses might be OK, but a tide of corpses of this scale is I can't hold on!

   Lu Jiayi shouted to the people around him: "Go and notify everyone! Get here now!"

   After speaking, he stood there without saying a word, looking at the corpses outside the wall, planning the next breakout plan quickly in his mind.

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