I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 113: Charvelte Community

After listening to Lu Jiayi’s explanation, everyone gradually got a general impression of the next plan, and Lu Jiayi also had an idea. The community of Uncle Noah in the original play had already fallen when they rushed to Richmond, but That is half a year later.

   If now in the past, can there be another group of survivors? Lu Jiayi has some expectations. His team is still too small, but long-distance travel is not suitable for bringing too many people. Therefore, he is destined to recruit another group of survivors in Virginia to increase the size of the team, otherwise the number of people will be encountered. Too many teams will suffer a bit!

   "OK! Next goal! Richmond!"


   A group of people raised their arms and shouted, these people are all very convinced of Lu Jiayi, so no matter what decision he makes, these people will support him.


   Five days later, Richmond, Virginia.

   A group of four cars slowly stopped on the edge of a wood, and the group got out of the car. Lu Jiayi turned around and looked at it and said, "Kas, Sasha, you two stay in the car and be on guard!"

   "Let's go Noah, lead the way."

A group of people walked through a forest. They passed through the outer circle of protective nets. They were wrapped with thin steel wires around the tree trunks. The upper, middle and lower three layers of steel wire ropes could effectively organize the approach of the walking dead, and everyone crossed the steel nets Came to the edge of the woods.

   "Noah, do you have any defensive towers or sentry posts here?" Lu Jiayi looked at the surrounding wall not far away, and for the sake of safety, it is better not to go there.

   Noah recalled the words: "There is only one defensive tower built on a truck, and sometimes it stops at the gate."

   Glenn walked to the edge of the woods and looked towards the courtyard of the community. Sure enough, he saw a tower that was not too high. Glenn nodded to Lu Jiayi.

   "Let's go in from the main entrance."

So a dozen people passed through a road outside the community, and a group of low buildings could already be seen through the woods on the other side of the road. Community gate.

A low wall surrounded the entire community. Noah was the first to rush to the gate. Seeing the familiar door getting closer and closer, Noah also showed a long-lost smile on his face. He finally got home. !

  Moore followed Noah, looked at the low "brick fence" in front of him and smiled uncontrollably: "Little guy! This is the city wall?"

Glenn and the others all smiled when they heard Moore's ridicule, and Noah, who stood in front, had a hot face. In these days, he has long understood why, when he mentioned the city wall, these people laughed and closed together. At this time, I looked at the low wall that I was proud of before and scratched his head in embarrassment.

   Noah walked to the gate and was about to slap the door, but heard a noisy footsteps coming from the courtyard, and a voice came out from the gate: "Who is there!"

   Noah shouted excitedly: "It's me! Noah! I'm back!"

   "Noah?" The voice inside the door asked in a somewhat unbelievable rhetorical question, and then the door was opened.

   A burly black man came out from inside, holding a shotgun in his hand.

   He saw Noah in front of him at a glance, and his expression became surprised and inexplicable!

   "Noah! Are you really back? God bless!"

   The man quickly stepped forward and hugged Noah. He looked very excited. He calmed down after a while. He looked at Noah and continued to ask: "Where is your father? Why didn't he come back? Who are these people?"

   As the man was slightly wary, he glanced at Lu Jiayi and others behind Noah, and finally his eyes fell on Moore!

   Noah, fearing that the man would offend these people verbally, quickly introduced: "This is the leader of our community, Kevin Flander."

   "Uncle Kevin, these are my friends. They rescued me from Atlanta and brought me here to find you."

Then Noah introduced to Kevin Lu Jiayi and his party one by one. When he heard that the leader of this group was Lu Jiayi, he looked at the young man in front of him who seemed a little weak, he just thought this group The leader of the man is Moore.

   "Everyone, thank you for saving Noah! On behalf of the Charvelte community, I welcome you!"

After a simple greeting, a group of people walked into the settlement in a mighty manner. Lu Jiayi secretly observed the situation in the settlement. He found that the area was very large, but there were not many survivors, and only one person was responsible for guarding. , On the simple guard tower Noah mentioned earlier.

   met several survivors along the way, and they all recognized Noah, but the appearance of a dozen of Lu Jiayi fully armed was a bit scary. They just greeted Noah from a distance and left.

Lu Jiayi thought of Kevin just before opening the door, his tone seemed to be a little flustered, thinking that he would fall here soon, this Kevin obviously knew something, so he stepped forward and asked: "Mr. Flander, I can ask A question?"

   Kevin was talking to Noah, he was taken aback when he heard the words, then he smiled politely, nodded and said, "Of course! You can call me Kevin."

   "Well, Kevin, just before you opened the door at the door, I felt like you were a little nervous, did you encounter any problems?"

   Kevin did not immediately answer Lu Jiayi’s words. Instead, he showed an expression of indescribable expression. He pointed to a house not far away and said, “Let’s go back and talk later.”

Looking at the house in front of him, Lu Jiayi couldn't help but glance back at Telsi behind him. This is the house where the Hammer God was bitten in the original play. At that time, Telsi was on the verge of collapse, and he saw countless before he died. Illusion, he didn't want to kill people, but the people around him always died, and they all had contact with him. The feeling that I didn't kill Boren but Boren died because of me made him finally lose the courage to live.

  Telsi didn't notice Lu Jiayi's gaze. He was chatting with Sasha and Bob, smiling from time to time, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Lu Jiayi shook his head secretly, no longer thinking about these irrelevant things. Now that he came by himself, many things have changed. I hope to keep it up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Everyone walked into the house and found a place to sit. After getting down, Darryl didn't enter the house at all, carrying two hares hunted on the road and skinning outside the house.

   As soon as she walked in, she saw a woman about the same age as Kevin packing things in the house. When she saw Noah, she showed a surprised expression, unavoidably giving another introduction.

   Then Noah greeted Lu Jiayi, said he was going to see his uncle's house, and left.

   Kevin spent a long time in the kitchen, trying to get a glass of water for a few people, but found embarrassingly that there were no cups in the room. He rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

   Lu Jiayi also smiled, saying that it didn't matter, and motioned to Kevin to sit down and talk.

   "Hey, Noah came back today, I didn't want to mention this, but since Captain Lu has asked, let me talk about it."

After speaking, he sat on the chair across from the sofa, clasped his hands, and seemed to be brewing emotions. After a long time, he slowly said: "Our community has been here for decades, and all the neighbors know each other. In fact, it is equivalent to a big family. After the virus broke out, we lost some people at first because we didn't know the situation of the carrion, but with the help of the city wall, we can be regarded as guarding this place."

"But just a while ago, a team of us was out looking for supplies. Suddenly there was no news. I took people out to find them. In the end, we found their bodies in the previous town, and some of them had even turned into carrion. "

   Speaking of this, Lu Jiayi noticed that Kevin's hands were gripping very hard. Obviously, his mood at this time was extremely angry!

   "And near our body, I also found the body of a stranger. This person, the strangest thing is that this person has a W on his head!"

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