I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 112: Thinking on the road

Three days have passed since the battle in the hospital. Lu Jiayi has also modified two tank trucks. In fact, it is very simple. It is to thicken the armor so that these two ancestors will not be hit by stray bullets and become bombs. Two boxes Oil can support this team to run a long way.

   After a group of people experienced the hospital incident, they just adjusted their mentality, and then set off for their next destination.

   Lu Jiayi was still sitting on the sofa thinking about something, and a group of people next to him were playing poker boringly.

   The sad Glenn has lost only a pair of pants. He wanted to find an excuse not to play, but Darryl forcibly held it in place.

   "Glen! If you leave today, I will explode your chrysanthemums tonight!" Moore looked at Glen who was flushed with a smirk.

   And Maggie sat aside, looking at her boyfriend in embarrassment jokingly, and she couldn't help but smile.

   Lu Jiayi looked at this warm picture, but was thinking about the next itinerary in his mind.

The police in the hospital had already settled. The team members didn’t want to exchange fire with each other. After Noah and Joan talked about their experiences with everyone, people also changed their minds, and they only had murderous intentions on some of them, but The idea of ​​destroying the other party has never occurred.

The same is true for Lu Jiayi. Rather than killing directly, he still hopes that the other party will internalize through internal disputes, but it is not good to think about it the other way. If O'Donnell wins, who knows what this **** will develop into? , Thinking of this, he shook his head and didn't think about it anyway, it was all gone anyway.

   But with the demise of the hospital, Lu Jiayi couldn't help but think of another organization: the terminal.

   Compared with the police, this can be said to be a completely dark organization, but their development is also staged.

   In fact, the story shown in the play is very simple, the whole plot has a fast pace, and then it explains the process of this group of people from good to bad through interspersed narration.

The terminal in the play was indeed a group that provided shelter to survivors at first, but it was ultimately defeated by reality. The most taboo thing about survival in the apocalypse is to easily believe in others, and they may be kind at first, but since the terminal has been After the mob captured them, they became lambs and could only be slaughtered. Recognizing the reality, they changed after defeating the invaders, and became a fearsome cannibal!

   However, Lu Jiayi sneered at this, not to mention the right or wrong of cannibalism. There are many small details in the original drama, such as the materials that Kama found in the storage room of the group after breaking through the wall, including a large number of toys! How many adults need to bring toys in the end times? These are obviously children's toys, so the question is, what about the children?

  Also, are the thugs who captured the terminal in the play cannibals? Lu Jiayi didn't think, because there was a scene in which these people sent the mother of the cannibal leader Grey back to the container! Then I picked a girl to take away again, and what did the girl say?

   "No! Not again!" (No, come back?)

   As for why I took a girl away for a while and then sent it back, it's not enough. This also reflects that the things these people do after occupying the place are mainly burning, killing, looting, cheap silver women.

   From that time onwards, Grey and others have put the phrase "not a butcher, but a lamb" on their lips.

   Not only did they hate these thugs, they continued it, and even twisted it into another existence.

   Based on his painful past, he started to be a butcher for granted. Therefore, Lu Jiayi sneered at the words that these people had said that they had taken survivors. They just haven't changed their minds.

Cannibalism is their choice. Even if there are no mobs, this ugly face will be exposed sooner or later. It is not so much that they started to eat people because of the actions of the mobs. It is better to say that the mobs are just a catalyst for their arrival. It just speeds up the process of these people's transformation. A person with a conscience can't do things like cannibalism anyway.

   "Are you still thinking about the police? It's not your fault, they have lost themselves!"

  Looking at Lu Jiayi sitting there silently, Catherine next to him resting on his shoulders, speaking to him in a relieved tone.

   Lu Jiayi just shook his head and said after a while, "I'm fine, I just thought of some other things!"

  Darryl’s voice suddenly sounded from behind the two: "Are you two making a romance?"

After speaking, he rolled his eyes and walked to the co-pilot in front of him. His motorcycle was hanging behind the RV. Last night, Darryl, who was planning to take a nap, only felt that his mouth was full of dog food. , Can only run to the co-pilot and then fell asleep.

   And Lu Jiayi continues to think about how to deal with the terminal. After all, he is not sure if these people have become cannibals now, but in any case he does not intend to let these **** go!

However, considering that the current terminal is likely to have not yet become a cannibal settlement, Lu Jiayi does not want to come to the door now, and the current prison is on the right track, there will be no governor to stand in the way, there should be no power to stare at it for the time being. If you don't let it go, the chances of the prison and the terminal intersect are much smaller, and Contra and the others will have to wait half a year before they reach Georgia, and they don't know where it is yet.

If this is the case, it is better to go to Virginia first, spend more than half a year to lay the foundation, and then find an excuse to go back to the prison, by the way, kill the terminal station, and see if you can meet Abraham and the others. In this way, it does not waste time, but also gathers all the main forces. The next step is to develop the base. Besides, I have already handed over the follow-up development plan of the base to Rick before leaving~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I believe I have left. In the future, the development of the base will still be very rapid.

   Thinking of this, Lu Jiayi finally raised his head and looked at the people who were still playing poker. He clapped his hands and coughed a few times.

   "Everyone! I carefully considered our next itinerary."

   Hearing Lu Jiayi's words, everyone stopped their movements and turned their heads to look at him.

Lu Jiayi got up and walked to a map pasted on the wall. He searched the map and drew a cross. Then he pointed his finger at the place and said, "That's it. Do you remember Blake? The husband of the old couple in the Bo team!"

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Lu Jiayi clicked on the map again and said: "Blake told me a place, which is here. He said that there is a community called Alexandria in this place, which was organized by a former municipal official named Diana. The settlement of survivors."

   "This place is built on the basis of a high-end community. In their last call, the other party claimed that they had built a circle of walls around the community, so this place is likely to survive!"

   "I suggest that we first go here to inquire about the situation. If we can successfully contact people in this community, we can use this community as the foundation and continue to explore the surroundings!"

  Mi Jon asked with some doubts: "Why did you go to Virginia first? Don't we look around Georgia first?"

Lu Jiayi shook his head and explained: "Georgia will leave it to Rick. The prison has some background and can better organize some operations, and we have to go to Noah's old hometown to see if his relatives Let him be reunited with his family while still there, and then we can just go from Richmond to Washington!"

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