I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 114: Conjecture of the Wolf Race


   A group of people all looked at Kevin in confusion, some of them didn't quite understand what he meant.

Kevin nodded, the expression on his face became angry, he gestured on his head, and continued: "It's here, a W letter drawn with a knife! When we found our companion, everyone was the same None of the people who were tortured and killed had any traces of struggle. They robbed the supplies and then killed them. This group of beasts killed people for entertainment!"

  Miqiong heard something wrong, she couldn't help asking: "You said that the other party also died? If all of your people are controlled, how did their people die?"

Kevin nodded and explained: "Because one of them is Thomas. He is a veteran who likes to hide a weapon on his body. When we found him, he was the only one who had been shot several times. I guess It should be while the other party was killing someone. Thomas wanted to take the opportunity to fight back. He took out a gun and killed one of the other people. In the end, he was killed. The other party shot him to vent his anger!"

   After listening to Kevin’s words, everyone was a little silent. These mysterious people don’t know which organization they are, and how many people are there?

   Only Lu Jiayi knows that these people are the wolf clan in the original drama! That group of people who have lost their humanity is like killing people. They take killing people for pleasure and use the slogan that mankind should return to nature! Specially attacking some relatively weak settlements, killing the survivors inside, or transforming them into wolf clan, the most ironic thing is that the leaders of these people are the three people who were expelled by Alexander.

And Kevin’s settlement will be destroyed by the wolf clan in the near future. This can be seen directly in the original play. When Rick and the others arrived at Charvelte, it had already fallen. After they entered the yard One sentence can be seen in one shot.

  Wolvesnotfar! The translation means that the wolves are not far away!

   And when they fled the community after Telsi was bitten, they encountered a walking corpse with a "W" mark on their head on the road outside, which was already obvious.

As for the time of the attack, Lu Jiayi is really not sure, because it is already winter, and the corpse will decompose and decompose very quickly under the high temperature outdoors, but once winter comes, the time is uncertain, maybe three months. , Maybe half a year, so the wolf clan will appear at any time, the danger here is still very great.

  Although Lu Jiayi wanted to destroy the wolf clan immediately, these guys have no fixed place and it is difficult to locate them, so the best way is to take the survivors here and leave.

   Lu Jiayi is not sure about the other party's thoughts, so let's find out first, at least these people come here, if the wolf clan dares to invade, they will have nothing to eat.

   Thinking of Lu Jiayi and Kevin here saying hello, he told Moore to drive in several cars.

   The modified RV slowly drove into the settlement. Lu Jiayi placed it on the open space in the center of the community. Then they could put the security on the settlement in the car. The most important thing was that the RV was mobile.

   There is also a Unimog, with the simple guard tower, it can basically cover the entire base. Lu Jiayi always puts his own safety first.

   After Lu Jiayi arranged the guard work, Noah finally brought his uncle and family to the square, and Kevin also walked over.

   "Hello, Captain Lu! This is Noah's uncle Toby, thank you for saving Noah!"

   Toby is about the same height as Lu Jiayi, but he is not as thin as Noah. Muscle and fat support his clothes, and he looks quite strong. His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Noah. It is obvious that the two are related.

   The Tobys hugged Lu Jiayi, and Kevin on the side had the opportunity to speak: "Lu, how many people have you arranged for alert?"

   "Seven people work in two shifts during the day, and five people work in three shifts at night!"

   "Is it necessary for so many people?" Kevin was a little strange.


   Lu Jiayi shook his head. No wonder this place will fall. This place is not much better than Alexander. He pointed to several places in the yard and said, “Here, here, these places all need to prepare braziers, and someone must be responsible for adding firewood at night!”

Kevin and Toby's family both grinned secretly, thinking that Captain Lu was really too cautious. After living for so long, he has always been a symbolic warning by one or two people. There has never been a problem, but Lu Jiayi is also for everyone's safety. For this reason, they can't say much.

The vigilance mission was arranged, and the women in the convoy began to prepare dinner. Lu Jiayi planned to stay here for the next few days, plan the follow-up actions, and talk to Kevin about the evacuation by the way, and try to get it done as soon as possible. This group of survivors.

   That night, the security guards arranged by Lu Jiayi were already in place. After going around the community, Lu Jiayi finally nodded, which is a little bit like what it should be in the apocalypse.

   At this time, Kevin summoned the rest of the survivors in the settlement. They gathered in a small church in the community. Kevin planned to discuss something with everyone.

Seeing all the masters of the family came, Kevin was not in the ink. He stood on the stage and looked at the dozens of people off the stage. Kevin was a little bit emotional. He got along with these people day and night. If it was not a last resort, he did not want to be with each other. They discussed this matter, but now there is an opportunity, he really wants to seize it!

"There is indeed something to call everyone over this time. I think everyone knows that our community’s food reserves are already low. The food supply these days has been reduced. This is also related to the previous incident. Thomas and the others are all in the base. Good players, losing them is indeed a major blow to us. It is also because of that incident that the food reserves in our base have been reduced and then reduced. Yesterday I counted and we only had enough food for three days."

The people below were not surprised when they heard Kevin’s words. One of them, a man in his fifties, said: "Kevin, we all live together~www.wuxiamtl.com~ We all know what you know, you just No need to say it, let's talk about what it is about looking for us this time! If I am not wrong, it should be related to the group of survivors on the square!"

   Kevin nodded very simply. He just wanted to talk about it this time. Now that I mentioned it, let's just talk about it.

"Bastien is right! You should all know that Noah was rescued by these people, and this kid spent time with them all the way. He and I promised that these people are not bad people. So I think, since there are For such an opportunity, we might as well leave with each other. I heard their captain say that they are going to another settlement next. Once this opportunity is missed, there will be no next time! What do you think, talk about your thoughts. "

   After Kevin finished speaking, the audience began to make noise. A dozen people all had their own ideas. After getting together at this moment, no one could convince anyone for a while.

   Kevin walked to the people and listened. These people's statements can be roughly divided into several types.

   The first is that Noah is too young to see people accurately and can't easily trust these people.

   The second is to feel that they should go with them. These people do not seem to be bad people.

   The third kind is the ones who don't want to leave at all. There are very few people who have these ideas, but their stand is very firm.

   Seeing that the scene was in a stalemate, Kevin had no choice but to stop everyone and analyze it again.

"Everyone heard me say that I have had contact with this Lu. First of all, I think he is not a bad person. Of course, this is just my own opinion. Secondly, the strength of the other party is very strong. You may not know that they have a few hundred in Georgia. People's settlement!"

  Kevin looked at the people below and saw that they were listening. Just about to speak, he heard that the church door was knocked!

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