Seeing this thin figure, Lu Jiayi instantly recognized him, it was the black-skinned lame Noah!

   At this moment, he was prying a door with a dagger difficultly. Lu Jiayi confirmed that the other party did not bring other weapons and walked out of the corner slowly.

"need any help?"

   Noah was taken aback by the sound behind her, her body trembled abruptly, and then quickly turned and looked behind her.

   Seeing that there was only one person, Noah breathed a sigh of relief, but still exposed the dagger, staring at Lu Jiayi and asked, "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

   Noah’s current thinking is that there is only one person on the other side, and there is nothing to grab on him. As long as his attitude is tougher, he will definitely retreat.

   Then Noah saw many people walking out from behind Lu Jiayi! There are guns, crossbows, and bows!

He was stunned. The small dagger in his hand couldn't give him any sense of security at this time. He threw the dagger on the ground knowingly. Keep talking about it.

   "The weapons are given to you, I have no intentions, I just came to find some supplies, I will go now, I will go!"

   Just when he retreated to the corner of the corridor, he suddenly felt a low voice behind him again: "Don't move!"

   Then he felt that his back was being snatched from him, and Noah's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and he sighed secretly that he shouldn't have escaped from the hospital today.

   When Noah appeared, Lu Jiayi frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, until Noah was controlled by Cass, he looked at Noah again.

"What's your name?"

   Noah seemed to admit his fate, lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "Noah."

   Will Lu Jiayi continue, knowingly asked, "Why are you here? What is your relationship with the people in the hospital over there?"

   Noah looked up at Lu Jiayi when he heard the hospital. He asked uncertainly: "May I ask first, what is the relationship between you and the hospital?"

   It doesn’t matter how you stand, Lu Jiayi said without concealing: “We are a caravan. I heard that there is a gathering place here. Come and see if there is anything worthy of our trade. But before we go in, we still have to find out, right?”

Noah stared at Lu Jiayi's eyes for a while. He felt that this person should be telling the truth, and then he sighed and explained to everyone: "There are indeed a group of survivors here, and the leader is a man named Dawn. There are about a dozen policewomen in China, but the number is small, but each of them has weapons, and their internal disagreements. I was brought here by them about half a year ago. At that time, my father and I came here with them. But he didn't save my father, just because he is stronger and will resist!"

   Speaking of this, Noah clenched his hands unconsciously, and there was a look of hatred in his eyes.

  Miqion suddenly asked: "That's why you escaped?"

   Noah nodded, and then said in an imploring tone: "I have said everything that should be said, and it has been a while since I escaped. They are likely to have come out to find me, can you let me go?"

   "Where are you going?"

   Hearing Lu Jiayi’s question, Noah showed a longing look: "Richmond! In Virginia, my uncle lives there! Do you know? I heard that there is a city wall there!"

Daryl suddenly sneered. He didn't know what was wrong. Hearing Noah's words, a small wall appeared in his mind, and then he thought of the magnificent walls of the base, and he felt that Noah's appearance was very different. It's funny, but when he was about to laugh, he held back.

But when everyone behind him heard his laughter, his original serious expression became weird, and then Glenn was the first to laugh, and then there was a chain reaction. Everyone laughed, and there was The more you laugh, the stronger the trend.

  Darryl also had an expression of wanting to laugh and holding back. As soon as the corners of his mouth opened, he pretended to cover his mouth and cough, and he stunned his smile.

   Noah looked at the smiling group of people who couldn't straighten up, wondering what he said wrong.

  Moor also made a quack with a big grin. While smiling, he looked at Noah and said, "You are such an interesting kid!"

   "Ahem! Pay attention to quality!"

Lu Jiayi embarrassedly coughed twice at the people behind him, and the people slowly stopped laughing. Darryl gave a wink at Big behind him, and the two immediately turned around and started shooting. The walking dead.

   Noah then took the time to ask: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

   Lu Jiayi waved his hand and signaled Noah not to care about these details, and then continued: "We also want to go to Virginia. We can take you back by the way, but you have to follow us to several places!"

   Noah looked at Lu Jiayi with some caution, not understanding why the other party wanted to take him there.

   Lu Jiayi knew what Noah was worried about. He just said casually: "It's up to you to go, but we don't know you, so you still need to take a test. After the test is completed, we will decide whether to take you or not!"

   Even though I have seen more than half a year of fighting and fighting, Noah is a child anyway. Coupled with the sense of security brought by the military uniforms worn by Lu Jiayi, the hesitant Noah nodded.

   asked Noah for the detailed list of personnel, Lu Jiayi decided not to observe anymore, he asked Noah to follow

   "Now that we understand everything that should be understood, then we should also make a debut!"

   Lu Jiayi straightened his clothes, and led the Glenn three people downstairs.


   A Unimog RV painted in camouflage colors is driving on the streets of Atlanta. The exaggerated appearance of UU Read is very eye-catching, but the attraction at the moment is indeed the walking corpses on the street.

   The driving Glenn stepped on the accelerator excitedly, and the torque output brought by the torque of more than 800 Nm made the surrounding walking corpses shatter like tofu.

Lu Jiayi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Glenn, who was invading and unable to extricate himself. He patted him on the shoulder with some sympathy, and watched Glenn look at him suspiciously. Lu Jiayi said quietly, "Don't be too excited, don't forget. To know who lives in this car."

   Glenn seemed to be thrown into a basin of cold water, and he fainted in an instant. Thinking of the corpses on the car body that he had hit everywhere, he trembled.

   At this time, the hospital had already noticed the car crashing on the road. When the police saw the car parked in front of the hospital, they all took out their weapons and ran downstairs.

A group of policemen quickly ran to the entrance on the first floor. They also happened to see three people coming down from the RV, all wearing camouflage, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and wearing a combat vest with rows of magazines lined up on it. , All carrying an M4A1 behind him, guns and cold weapons in his waist, and a black man carrying a small box in his hand, I don't know what it is.

Sophisticated equipment makes them stunned. In fact, the police equipment of the beautiful country is very good, but they can’t stand the bullets enough, and many weapons are so useless. Now the most commonly used by the police are only left. Pistols and some shotguns.

   The three people who got out of the car took out the cold weapons on their bodies, and took a few stabs at the nearby walking corpses.

   Then swaggered to the front door, and the Asian man in the lead shouted into the door: "Is anyone home?"

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