I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 104: First contact with the hospital

  嘭! The door was opened, Dawn took the lead and rushed out. More than a dozen police officers were dispatched at a time. Nearly ten police officers all held up and stared at the Asian man standing in front of the door.

   This person is naturally Lu Jiayi. He looked as usual and pressed his hands slightly, without a trace of tension in his tone: "Oh oh oh! Relax, everyone, we are just here to make a deal, there is no need to be nervous!"

   Daun looked at Lu Jiayi and didn't know the origins of these people, but she didn't want to show her timidity in front of her colleagues. She took a peek at the people behind her. She put away the pistol and walked slowly in front of Lu Jiayi.

   "Are you the person in charge?" Lu Jiayi said casually.

The expression on Dawn’s face couldn’t see any fluctuations. The three guys on the opposite side looked cowhide and coaxed, which made her very upset, but she didn’t want to act rashly, but her tone was rude. Asked coldly.

   "Who are you? What do you mean by the deal you just said?"

   "You can call me Lu!"

   Lu Jiayi just introduced his name, and then he beckoned the other person to come with him. A group of people walked to the side of the RV, and Lu Jiayi nodded at Cass.

   Cass stepped forward and patted the door of the car. Hearing a crash, the armor on the side of the RV suddenly lifted up, exposing the inner space on one side of the car!

  A variety of weapons, medicines, and food are piled up in the back of the car, and there is also a display area on the front, where everything is taken out and placed here for easy viewing.

Several policemen looked around the supplies for a while, and their eyes all showed a look of greed. These are all the supplies they urgently need. After all, it has been a year in the end, and the supplies in Atlanta are getting harder and harder to collect. It sounds pretty good to do some material reserves at once!

   Lu Jiayi, who has been staring at these people since the caravan was opened, easily noticed the greed that flashed in the eyes of a few people. He slowly took off his glasses, and then stared at the few people and said word by word.

"As you can see, we have the supplies you need urgently, whether it's weapons! Food! Or medicine! But the shame comes first! Don't think about making any crooked ideas. All forces that establish relations with us are our friends. But those who make bad ideas are our enemies! All our enemies will be like that walking corpse!"

   Speaking of this, Lu Jiayi stretched out a hand in the form of a pistol, and gestured to a walking corpse not far away.

   There was a bang in his mouth, and the movement of his hand slightly raised like a gun.

   Several policemen thought the other party was just making gestures, but in the next moment, the head of the walking corpse was like a watermelon, banging and exploding.

   And then these policemen heard a gunshot and began to echo between the buildings!

   Several people were taken aback, and they turned their heads to look at the surrounding rooftops, trying to find the source of the gunfire, but it was in vain. When they looked at Lu Jiayi again, they couldn't help but have a trace of fear in their eyes.

   And Lu Jiayi pressed a headset in his ear and said softly: "Cooperate with each other, guys!"

   I have to say that the aura is a magical thing. Lu Jiayi didn't reveal his identity at all, but only by his tone and demeanor and the sound of a gun, he suppressed most of the police here.

   Putting on the sunglasses again, Lu Jiayi continued to face Daun in front of him: "Are we just standing like this? This is not the way of hospitality!"

   Unlike the others, Dawn's face is so gloomy and scary at the moment. For her, supplementing supplies is not important at all! The **** in front of her has been stigmatizing her since she appeared, making herself look like a clown in front of her colleagues!

   Thinking of this, Daun did not answer Lu Jiayi's words, but continued to ask: "What materials do you want to exchange?"

Hearing Dawn seemed interested, Lu Jiayi took off his sunglasses again and looked at each other with a very lucky look. Then he said, "You are very lucky. We just happen to lack two tank trucks, one for gasoline. , One with diesel fuel, fill it up! If you can get it, I can pay for supplies that satisfy you!"

   After listening to Lu Jiayi's words, Daun calmed down! After thinking about it, she winked at the policemen behind her, and then said, "In that case, let's go upstairs and talk. This is not a place to talk about things!"

   "It should have been so long ago!"

  Lu Jiayi and the three followed a few policemen into the hospital gate.

The two policemen walked to the side of Unimog, and at a glance they saw Glenn who was also wearing sunglasses in the cab. Seeing Glenn sitting there blankly, they couldn't help grinning inwardly, saying this. What kind of organization, even a driver pulled like this, turning around and walking inside the building while complaining, leaving only the stiff Glenn still sitting in the driving seat and dare not move....

   At this time, in the building a few hundred meters away from the hospital, the people in Moer are packing up their things and preparing to leave! Just now Lu Jiayi and the others entered the hospital smoothly, and all of them could see clearly.

  According to the plan, the next step is to leave here, ready to support!

  When he went downstairs, Miqion found that Noah's legs seemed inconvenient, and couldn't help asking, "What happened to your legs?"

   Noah patted his thigh, and smiled bitterly: "I was injured, but the treatment didn't keep up and it became like this. Now it's in this world, it's good to survive, isn't it?"

Mi Qiongen didn't speak, but just helped Noah to walk downstairs. When she was almost on the first floor, she suddenly said: "The person who just asked you a question is called Lu~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He is very powerful. Doctor, maybe he can help you solve the problem after you settle down."

   Noah was taken aback by Miqiion's words, and then he reacted and nodded with a grateful smile.

   A few people quickly passed through a block of several hundred meters and came to the side of the RV. Bob and the others were using machetes to clean up the wandering corpses around. Seeing a few people came back, they surrounded them one after another.

   "What's the matter? I just heard the gunshots!" Telsi's hammer just smashed a walking corpse and hurried over to look at Sasha and asked.

   Sasha shook his head, patted the gun in his hand, and said, "It's okay! Cooperate with Lu!"

   Just when several people were nervously preparing for support, the three of Lu Jiayi finally arrived inside the hospital.

   Lu Jiayi behind Daun is very active! After a while, I took a look at the passing room, and after a while, I said something to the two people around me.

   Daun also has the heart to show off her own strength. Every time she goes, she will briefly introduce it, but what makes her heart angry is that no matter what she says, this person has a bad expression.

   However, the more confident Lu Jiayi became, the less the police dared to treat him. Finally, he arrived at a room similar to a conference room. Dawn opened the door and found that there was a female patient in a hospital gown cleaning the house.

She glared at the female patient, then shook her head outside to signal her to go out quickly. The woman quickly picked up the tools on the ground and walked out. When passing by everyone, she glanced suspiciously at Lu Jiayi, her lips moaning as if she wanted to say something. Something, but when her eyes fell on the few policemen nearby, she lowered her head again.

   Dawn saw her ditching, he couldn't help but reprimanded loudly: "Joan! What are you still dangling, don't hurry out!"


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