I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 103: Grady Memorial Hospital

   In fact, Lu Jiayi had long thought about how to contact this hospital! The easiest way is to kill this group of police directly. These are just some very ordinary city police. In his eyes, these are just some donut killers who can only call support in case of trouble.

   And their existence is also easy to explain to the team members. After all, they often go out on patrols, so they only need to make up a survivor and say that they listened to this person.

   If you don't want to kill these people, the easiest way is naturally to warn these people! Make them scared!

   Lu Jiayi understands that for someone like Dawn who only pays attention to her own one-third of acre, when she understands that there is a powerful force outside, her first choice is definitely to avoid intersection with it.

   This kind of thankless thing, Dawn will not do, including other police officers in the hospital, they may be good and bad in terms of character, but the essence is the same.

   Therefore, Lu Jiayi did not want to destroy the other party, the best choice is deterrence!

   But I still have to find an entry point. I can't rush to the hospital directly, then threaten with a gun and then withdraw, so people will only think that this is a provocation.

It is now a year after the end of the world. According to the original plot, Noah was rescued by Rick’s team about a year and a half before the end of the world. He himself told Beth in the hospital that he was staying there. For a year.

   In other words, Noah should have been in the hospital for five or six months, which is almost half a year.

   Lu Jiayi was sitting in the co-pilot, planning how to contact each other. It would be better to meet Noah who had fled, but this is almost impossible. It depends on luck! Then I came to my door as a team of doctors, but they were originally hospitals, and they also have their own doctors! After thinking about it, there is only one way of exchanging materials.

As the two vehicles slowly approached Grady Memorial Hospital, the walking dead on the street became less and less. The whole street was littered with all kinds of garbage and fallen leaves. As the two vehicles passed by, the wheels ran over. The thick layer of dead leaves made a creaking sound, and the roar of the engine floated far away on the empty street.

The surrounding walking corpses tried to pounce on the people in the car, but they could only be blocked by the thick armor of the two cars. They put their rotten hands in the depression on the car and tried to grab the car, but they were caught The huge force from the vehicle brought it down, and several walking corpses were quickly run over by the tires of the vehicle, leaving only half of their body waving their arms on the ground in vain.

   Norton found a hidden alley and parked the car in. Everyone got out of the car and cleared away the walking corpses that followed. Then the corpses were all piled up next to the trash can in the alley.

   Lu Jiayi looked at it visually. It was about less than one kilometer away from the hospital. It took only a few minutes to drive there. In order to avoid the other's sight, they deliberately chose a road facing the side of the hospital.

   "Lu, are you sure there is a group of survivors here? Or a group of police?" Telsey couldn't help but said with some doubts, looking at the dilapidated and desolate look of the hospital in the distance.

Lu Jiayi shrugged and replied very casually: "I don't know the specific configuration of the other party, but I can confirm that there are survivors here. I heard a survivor say that the person left afterwards, but I did come here to confirm. pass!"

   Everyone nodded their heads for unknown reasons, which blindly believed in Lu Jiayi.

Lu Jiayi thought for a while and said, "Everyone, I planned like this. For a while, Darryl, Big, Sasha, Moore, you four, follow me, Cass and Raphael to the building and observe What about the other party!"

While saying that Lu Jiayi pointed to the front, everyone looked there and found that it was another building not far from the hospital. They heard Lu Jiayi continue to say: "We will observe in this building for a period of time to confirm the situation of the other party, and then I will take Kas and Raphael drove the Unimog past, and you guys continued to help us cover in the building. Mor, you take the rest of the people in the car and stay on guard."

   "After we get in, you need to go downstairs and gather with Mor and them, and then be ready to take my orders to support us at any time."

   Glenn frowned after hearing the plan: "Lu, isn't this too dangerous? Just three of you will go there?"

   Lu Jiayi shook his head and explained: "Actually, there are just three people. We appeared as a big caravan. If there are more people, it will make them feel pressure. It doesn't make much sense to bring a few more people."

But Lu Jiayi immediately thought that he would drive there, so he changed his words: "Well, Glenn, you will go with us in a while. You will be responsible for driving. When you get there, you don’t need to get out of the car and don’t open the door to the other person. Wait in the car, just sit in the car, understand?"

   Glenn nodded without understanding, he didn't understand Lu Jiayi's purpose for doing this, but does it matter? Just do it.

When Lu Jiayi finished speaking, he looked at Cass and Raphael, and continued to exhort: "You two too, you will see your acting skills after you go in for a while. You don't need to talk the whole time, but you have to show that it is not pleasing to your eyes. Feeling like, I will be responsible for everything else! Do you understand?"

   Cass and Raphael looked at each other, they were a little dazed. They always felt that Lu Jiayi had a feeling of pretending to be a big match, but they immediately dispelled the idea. The captain should not be that kind of person.

   "Received, Captain!"

   Seeing that the two seem to understand, whether they fully understand it, Lu Jiayi is also the secret road and the two have not been baptized by the Yan national costume Biwen, otherwise this kind of thing will be straightforward without a teacher.

  Seeing that everyone is ready~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lu Jiayi didn't hesitate anymore, just waved his hand and set off!

The distance of a few hundred meters is nothing to these people, not to mention that there are obviously fewer walking corpses on the street now. Most of the time, a few people don’t even need to use a knife, and they soon came to the building of that building. Down.

   Lu Jiayi rushed into the main entrance of the building. The building was empty, and there were only a few corpses lying scattered in the hall.

   Lu Jiayi walked to a corpse and knelt down to check it, but his eyes suddenly became fierce. This was a walking corpse that had just been killed!

   Is there someone in the building?

   Lu Jiayi beckoned to everyone behind him, motioned to follow, then pointed to the corpse and whispered to Darryl: "This walking corpse has just been killed, and the wound has just been pierced by a sharp object."

  Darryl also went forward to check, and then observed around the corpse. For a moment, he pointed to the stairs and signaled to go up.

   A few people stepped lightly and began to walk upstairs. Lu Jiayi also kept observing his feet, tracing in the direction of the traces.

   Not long after, a few people arrived on the eighth floor. Lu Jiayi found that the trace disappeared. He cast a look at Darryl, and the two began to look for it separately.


Soon, Darryl issued a reminder, indicating that in his direction, a few people walked over with light steps. Sure enough, two more walking corpses appeared in the corridor. Lu Jiayi leaned forward and walked a distance. A faint footstep can be heard at the corner ahead.

   He motioned for everyone to be quiet, then sneaked to the corner, poking out his head slightly to observe, under the dim light in the building, a small figure was prying a door with difficulty!

"Do you need help?"

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