Chapter 94: Really Hidden

Looking at the rewards he received, Xu Hai finally felt comfortable.

Strictly speaking, the benefits he got this time were definitely not less than the illusion copy.

At the same time, Hao Rong, who just rushed over, said to Xu Hai very excitedly: “Xu Hai Xu Hai, I just received a reminder that our mission seems to have been completed.

“Don’t worry, I think this time our mission should not be completely over. If possible, I want to see if I can get a higher score.”

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai with some curiosity and said, “I got a first-level score. What score did you get?”

The scores this time are actually graded. Although there are specific numerical values ​​for the refinement, the notification will not notify the numerical value.

Level 1 is equivalent to the highest conventional level in the original forest copy. Of course, Xu Hai broke this tradition.

He smiled, “Oh, I got the highest grade.”

“The highest level? You are too good! But it’s normal. You are the one who really completes the task. I’m just following you to get some benefits.”

Xu Hai smiled and rubbed Hao Rong’s head, but did not intend to end there.

He looked at Hao Rong and said, “According to my previous experience, the highest level may not be the highest level. There may be hidden levels. Didn’t the task prompts have similar hidden conditions?

So I want to see if there is a possibility to raise the highest level one more level, then the rewards will be much more powerful. ”

This highest level can get the reward of the will of this plane, so if any hidden conditions can be fulfilled, will it reward better things?

After thinking of this, Xu Hai directly used his flying technique to fly to the top of the cloud. He looked at the copy below and found that where he was, it was just a huge island.

“If you count carefully, the original forest duplicate human races that we can come into contact occupy only the size of a province. If I destroy this entire province…”

He did not go on, because relatively speaking, this idea is too crazy.

If you change to someone else, then you probably won’t think about it from this perspective.

However, at this moment, Xu Hai has secretly condensed a compressed beam of light in his hand.

This beam of light is extraordinary. It not only integrates Sharingan’s abilities, but also adds the upgraded version of Raikiri and the atomic breath he has just acquired.

Even Xu Hai didn’t know what would happen after this beam of light was hit.

One minute, two minutes, a full half an hour passed.

At this time, Xu Hai trembled violently. In his hand, a ball of light almost as big as him could not restrain his desire to escape.

He looked at the human capital that was in chaos below, hesitated, and finally threw the ball of light in his hand lightly.

Not long after, a mushroom cloud rose on the ground. Xu Hai did not carefully observe the situation below, but roughly judged the ending of the capital where the human race below is located.

At the same time, on another island in this world, in a very modern base. Suddenly remembered the sound of police sirens.

“Alerts, alarms, a large amount of radiation and explosions have been detected, and the target location is an island country.”

In an instant, everyone in that base was in a mess.

“What’s going on? How could there be a huge explosion in the island country? What happened?”

“They didn’t blow up the nuclear bomb because of an internal war, did they?”

“Internal wars, they are all about to be destroyed by the alien beasts in the virgin forest. They still want internal wars.”

Suddenly, a large number of forces that did not belong to the island began to send their own satellites or reconnaissance planes to survey the situation on the island country.

And a moment later, the information from their investigative tools allowed them to see shocking scenes that they had never seen in their lives.

Half of the entire island nation sank into the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, in a certain place in the virgin forest, a few combat students looked at an island that was almost destroyed in silence.

“In the end, what happened? I’m not mistaken, right? All the human races we are trying to help are dead.”

“No, I haven’t completed this task yet.”

“Who did this kind of thing? Is it a general-level master?”

“For this world, this is already the end of the world.”

And in a corner that was completely untouched, a large number of scientific research students and their hostages gathered here.

As early as half an hour ago, they received the message from Hao Rong to them. Although they were half-believing, they were also students in the Department of Scientific Research. They believed what Hao Rong told them and brought their hostages. Arrived at the place designated by Hao Rong.

“I’m not mistaken, the light wave just now needs to have the strength of a general at least.”

“Why do I look at that light wave just now looks like Raikiri.”

“It’s funny, Raikiri hasn’t seen him before. Doesn’t Zhou Hua from the combat system know how to do it? Do you see if he can use that power? Zhou Hua’s Raikiri can only knock down a building if he is dead.”

While these students were discussing, some of the more rational students in the rear also fell into contemplation.

How could Hao Rong know this kind of news in advance?

Could it be said that this time the entire virgin forest copy of this big island was pierced in half, does it have anything to do with her?

Since it has something to do with Hao Rong…

Is it also related to Xu Hai?

Finally, a student stood up, he looked at the devastated virgin forest not far away, hesitated and said, “You said, could this be done by Xu Hai.”

“How could Xu Hai do it, are you funny?”

“I hope not, if he really did it, then his current strength can only be described as horror…”

At the same moment, outside of the copy.

The atmosphere here is much quieter than the inside of the dungeon, and the entire emperor martial arts university teachers are going crazy.

On the big screen, a large number of students began to disappear, and even in the end, even the staff of the army began to wonder if there was an error in their system.

And the teacher who had mocked Sun Qiang had his eyes flushed at this moment. He tightly grabbed a staff member of the unit and said to him with his eyes widened: “What is the problem with your system? Why do our students have all the names? Has disappeared?”

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