Chapter 95

“You can’t think that all of our students died in the battle. It’s normal to die one or two, or even ten or eight, but how can there be only ten or eight of our students in the combat department are still alive!”

He is completely crazy. Ten, twenty, or even dozens of students have problems within his acceptance range, but there are at least a few hundred students who died?

Even Meng Xiaotian’s combat power index was close to one thousand and a half, and a master who stepped into the transcendent level directly died here. It is really hard for him not to doubt that it was a system problem.

“Teacher, please don’t get excited. We also suspect that there is a problem with our system. We are arranging technicians to carry out various maintenance and testing. Please stay calm.”

“It should be a system problem. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why such a large number of casualties occurred in such a copy. Wait a minute, and we will see the results at that time.”

After a while, a man in the same uniform walked up to the man, said a few words to him in a low voice, and left.

After hearing that sentence, the staff member was silent for a while, and then said bitterly: “Just now, the test results have come out, and our system and data have not found any problems, that is to say… this is real…”

To be honest, this situation has never happened since the original forest copy was opened.

After hearing this sentence, the other teachers were also silent.

Even Sun Qiang and Zhang Jian of the Department of Science and Science, and Li Changsheng, who had come to watch the show, bowed their heads and said nothing.

Although they didn’t deal with the combat department, the students present were all students from Teito Budo University!

This level of loss is unbearable to anyone.

And just under this silence, suddenly, a black light flashed in another huge instrument at the door of the instance.

“Warning, warning, someone in the dungeon has completed the third-level mission and surpassed the most advanced hidden conditions. The virgin forest dungeon was hit by extremely strong energy, and the will of the world is about to intervene. All the surviving personnel in the virgin forest dungeon will be forcibly teleported. Come out, please be prepared.”

At the same time, various data began to change continuously on the big screen, and soon, a grade appeared in front of all the teachers.

“Hao Rong, virgin forest, alien camp, complete level three missions, the highest level of mission evaluation.”

“Three-level task, the highest task evaluation!”

“What did Hao Rong do in it?”

Suddenly, all the teachers present even forgot the grief. They looked at Hao Rong’s achievements, almost astonished and speechless.

“We haven’t had a student who can complete the third-level task in many years.”

“Oh my god, this is a miracle. I didn’t expect that in my lifetime I would be able to meet students who completed the third-level tasks, and the ones I got were not the first-level evaluations, but the highest-level evaluations.”

“Wait a minute, Hao Rong’s level three mission completed was the highest level evaluation, but didn’t the system prompt that someone completed the level three mission and obtained a surpassing highest level evaluation before finally causing the dungeon to close?

I am familiar with the name Hao Rong, wait, she is the person who teamed up with Xu Hai. ”

“According to this, the person who has completed the third level task and obtained a surpassing the highest evaluation, is it possible that…”

Sure enough, a golden light appeared on the big screen before they finished saying this sentence. Xu Hai’s name directly occupies the entire screen, and a line of words appeared behind his name.

“Complete level three missions and get double rewards that surpass the highest level of hidden evaluation and the will of the world.”

For a while, there was only silence in the entire square.

“Are you sure that there is no error in the system? It surpassed the highest rating…”

“If there is no mistake, this should be the only one in the world to achieve this kind of result.”

“Xu Hai, is that Xu Hai who got the heaven-defying score in the illusion copy before?”

“I’m rough…”

Various voices continued to appear, and the teachers of the Imperial Capital Budo University present were all dumbfounded.

Not only them, but even the people in the military were a little unresponsive at this moment. Several senior officers in charge of this copy stared blankly at the names and numbers on the big screen, feeling extremely shocked.

After a while, one of the officers trembled and said, “I’ve heard the name Xu Hai. He was the student that Xu Haodong personally invited several times before?”

“What the hell did this guy do in the dungeon? It doesn’t matter if he gets such a high score, why did he give up the entire dungeon.”

He now somewhat understands why Xu Haodong would visit the thatched cottage to invite Xu Hai.

If he were replaced by him, let alone three visits to the thatched cottage, it would be ten times eight times a hundred times. As long as he could invite Xu Hai home, he would be willing.

How long does it take for such a super genius to have this kind of strength in school?

If he were to give him another ten or eight years, would it be okay?

And unlike everyone’s admiration and surprise, the combat teacher who was threatened by Sun Qiang stared at the screen with a hideous face.

Zhou Hua is dead, Meng Xiaotian is also dead, the students in the combat department are almost 80%, how is it possible!

“Sun Qiang, what did you do? Did you give Xu Hai any special skills? Otherwise, how could he kill Meng Xiaotian and Zhou Hua, how could he make such an evaluation?”

“I applied for an investigation, and the copy experience this time is definitely tricky.”

The teacher screamed feebly, and the energy in his body was constantly rising.

But the people at the scene didn’t respond to him at all. They were all general-level teachers. Who was afraid of whom?

Suddenly, the door of the dungeon began to collapse, and at the same time, nearby, beams of light began to flicker, and soon, two figures slowly appeared from the door of the dungeon, standing at the door of the dungeon. Directly above.

These two people are Xu Hai and Hao Rong.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire scene finally reached its highest point.

“Xu Hai! This is Xu Hai! I have seen him.”

“Xu Hai, what did you do in the dungeon? How did you get this level of evaluation.”

Various voices came together, and Xu Hai, who was in the air, looked at the crowds of people outside, and knew that what he did this time must be known to everyone.

Of course, he was not very afraid, after all, from the beginning, he had no intention of concealing his achievements.

Two Gouyu’s Sharingan was turned on at full power, and he quickly found out where Sun Qiang was.

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