Chapter 93: Mission Complete

“And the strangest thing is, why is this guy able to control the top overlords from the primeval forest?”

Recalling the few near-death experiences of being chased by forest lizards and wild orangutans before, Zhou Hua couldn’t help but shudder.

His legs are still trembling now, and around here, those students in the combat department who were not involved in the hunt for Xu Hai saw Zhou Hua’s figure appearing here out of thin air, and they also had some questions in their hearts.

Many people stepped forward and said to Zhou Hua, “Brother Hua, did you use the legendary Thousand Miles Teleportation Stone? Why did you use this? Did you encounter any danger?”

“Yes, yes, what about Meng Xiaotian senior and other students in the fighting department? Why didn’t he come back with you?”

Zhou Hua lowered his head and said nothing.

To be honest, he didn’t know how to say these things.

I can’t tell these classmates because he wanted to hunt Xu Hai, and as a result, everyone who went there in the combat department was wiped out, right?

“Ah, nothing happened, but there were some accidents. The wild orangutans and forest lizards in the virgin forest went crazy, so everyone quickly evacuated and wanted to find a place to make a comeback.”

He tried his best to keep his inner peace, and after making up a lie, he hurriedly left.

Now he has no interest in doing anything to Xu Hai anymore. The only thing he wants to do is to find some human races to leave this place, and then hide and wait until the end of the mission.

At this moment, a certain military location in the original forest copy.

Originally, everything was functioning normally, but suddenly, the radar remembered the most advanced alarm.

“Warning, warning, a large number of virgin forest animals were found ahead, repeat, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!”

The soldiers present were a little panicked. They don’t know how long they haven’t received this level of warning.

And just after they were ready, these monsters had arrived near the barracks.

Immediately afterwards, these soldiers heard one roar after another from the mouth of the alien beast, and for a while, most of the soldiers were directly paralyzed by these roars.

Before the battle started, many people began to flee, and many people who had no time to escape were directly crushed into a pool of fleshy mud by the alien beasts in the primeval forest.

And the forest lizard, which has always claimed that it would not attack humans, walked in front of it swaggeringly at the moment, with green light constantly emitting from its mouth.

Every green light will cause a large amount of life to evaporate directly from the ground.

In the other direction, the wild orangutan slapped his chest, and his body was covered with human blood.

Suddenly, all the places where these strange beasts came were filled with all kinds of calls for help and despair.

Many students from the combat department who had not had time to leave were also directly killed in this indiscriminate attack.

In fact, even if these strange beasts originally appeared, they would only appear alone. Of course, even one or two strange beasts would be enough for these dungeon native troops to spend a lot of effort to solve them.

At this moment, not to mention the appearance of strange beasts in groups, there are two strange beasts at the front of the primeval forest overlord level.

A force of this size and level has no resistance at all in front of them.

At the same time, in a very remote place, a group of people are walking at full speed.

These people are the indigenous peoples of the virgin forest gathered by Zhou Hua after completing the task.

In the car, Zhou Hua was continuously giving orders to mobilize troops to escort these civilians from the human race, and he looked not far away at the human capital that had already risen in heavy smoke and was almost half destroyed. There was still a bit of a panic in my heart.

“Is this guy Xu Hai crazy? He wants to kill him quickly…

Fortunately, I was smart at the time, and I quickly ran out with the human race, otherwise I guess I would really fall under Xu Hai’s hands this time. ”

He breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the co-pilot, looked at the sky nearby, and felt an unspeakable sadness and grievance in his heart.

Obviously he should be the one who won, but in the end, he was so embarrassed.

However, before his hypocrisy lasted for a few seconds, he found a familiar beam of light rushing toward his car from the sky.

At the same time, a very familiar voice rang in his ears.

“Yo, Zhou Hua, why did you run away? I thought you would be there with our classmates in the combat department.”

Only at this time did Zhou Hua realize that Xu Hai had been waiting here for a long time beside his car.

And that beam of light that I feel very familiar with, it turned out to be a masterpiece that I learned for a long time, Raikiri.

“Xu Hai, how could you appear here!”

He hurriedly took out the gems he hung around his neck, thinking that as long as he could launch an attack inside, Xu Hai would definitely die.

But what he didn’t expect was that Xu Hai’s strength was much stronger than Zhou Hua, and Zhou Hua was directly penetrated by Xu Hai’s Raikiri before he could react.

Until his death, Zhou Hua didn’t expect that there would be such an ending between himself and Xu Hai.

“Huh? What is this?”

During the explosion, the gem that stored a full blow at the general level was also blown out, and Xu Hai, who turned on the two-hook jade Sharingan, was naturally keen to discover the unusualness of this gem.

He took this gem in his hand, and then backed away extremely quickly.

And at this moment when he retreated, a very cold mechanical sound also rang in his mind.

“Congratulations for successfully conquering the forest lizards and wild orangutans, and helping them to kill a large number of native humans.

Your task has been successfully completed, and this three-level task is evaluated as the highest level.

Due to the high degree of completion of the mission and the achievement of the mission’s hidden conditions-expelling alien races, the will of the world will give you a reward, atomic breath.

This move can be used in conjunction with other remote moves. ”

Xu Hai was stunned. He knew this move. The forest lizard had been using this atomic breath.

“This thing can also be used with long-range attacks, which means that when I use Raikiri, I can also add the special effect of atomic breath, then Raikiri’s power must be upgraded to another level.”

Seeing the reward he received, Xu Hai almost couldn’t help but laugh from ear to ear.

Strictly speaking, the benefits he got this time were definitely not less than the illusion copy.

At the same time, Hao Rong, who just rushed over, said to Xu Hai very excitedly: “Xu Hai Xu Hai, I just received a reminder that our mission seems to have been completed.”

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