Chapter 192 The Eve of the Battle of Life and Death

Of course, the audience in the stadium was not very clear about these things. They looked at Wang Xiuwei and his powerful strength who came out not far away, and they fell into an excited expression one after another.

“This kid’s strength is outrageous at first glance. I guess Xu Hai is not his opponent at all.”

“The air wave he used just now, if I am not mistaken, at least it is at the general level. Freshmen who are just freshmen are at the general level. Such strength is almost impossible even for the Imperial Capital University and Xuanwu University. That’s right.”

“I don’t think he is very much like a freshman. In fact, in the last game, someone seemed to have his foundation. He is a sophomore from a relatively ordinary university, but even a sophomore student can reach the level of a general. It’s a top-notch genius. It’s a bit strange that a genius like this didn’t appear in the last competition.”

“No, a lot of people didn’t show up when they were freshmen, and then they took the dungeon in the final exam or got a very powerful inheritance or skill in a dungeon before they soared to the sky. It is estimated that this student reached the general level through this method, otherwise, how could he find other explanations?”

“But their school really doesn’t have a face-to-face arrangement. Other schools send freshman students over, but they send sophomore students over, but even so, this person should be regarded as the real person in this competition. The strength of the first person, if there are no more heaven-defying characters behind.”

“It is too much to say that he is the rookie king. After all, he is a sophomore, but to say that he is the strongest dark horse in this competition is reluctant.”

After seeing this scene, the host was also a little excited.

“I didn’t expect that this time the contestants would hide so much. When this classmate Wang Xiuwei was killed by Xu Hai with two tricks in the last game, we were a little sorry, but we didn’t expect that this time he would come back and seek revenge from Xu Hai. NS.”

“Everyone can see that when he suppressed those students just now, the aura he exuded was a very obvious general level. Now he even uses special methods to use skills that can only be used outside the arena. So who is better than Xu Hai in the face of this kind of confrontation?”

Although the host said so, after seeing Wang Xiuwei’s strength in his heart, he has silently agreed that Wang Xiuwei should be much better than Xu Hai.

However, in the audience at this moment, there are still some people who realize that the problem is not right.

“Isn’t that you can’t use the skills you originally carried? Why can this student actually use them? He has used several skills in the last game. Even if he is lucky, he can’t pick up several skills. A skill you already have.”

“Yes, I have seen the list of skills. Many of the skills are special skills in a certain area and will not appear in the competition. The skills he used actually show that the restrictions of the competition have no effect on him. Is it just cheating?”

“Oh my god, Xu Hai actually encountered a cheating man.”

“I hope he is not cheating, if it is really cheating, then Xu Hai will be suffocated even if he loses this time.”

Many people started fighting for Xu Hai.

If it is an upright battle, then Xu Hai’s loss or not is just a bet gain or loss for them, but under the situation of cheating like this, if Xu Hai loses, then it is really the best of this game. What a pity.

What was different from what they had imagined was that in the competition arena, Xu Hai suddenly laughed as he watched the rising momentum of the opponent.

“It has surpassed the extraordinary level, but it should not have fully reached the general level. This power is very unstable. If I am not wrong, this power should be obtained by you using the expensive Forbidden Technique, and this The power is not entirely your own, it is equivalent to an outsider who forcibly infuses the power into your body.”

When Wang Xiuwei on the other side saw Xu Hai saying this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn’t expect Xu Hai to see through his details so easily.

“I didn’t expect your vision to be so good, and that’s right. After all, you are a spiritual inheritor. I can see that these are also normal.”

“This power is indeed very unstable and does not belong to me, but it is enough to deal with you. What, do you think you also have general-level strength?”

Xu Hai shook his head, and didn’t struggle too much with this issue.

“Actually, I’m a little curious. If I didn’t guess wrong, it is absolutely impossible for a life-burning skill like this to appear in the arena. In other words, you brought in your own skills from outside the arena.

And if you use this skill, almost everyone should be able to judge that you are cheating. For a large-scale competition like this, the high penalty for cheating is almost unimaginable. You are very likely to be expelled from school or even be directly expelled. The strength that has been banned for one year cannot enter each instance and the rift in the dimension.

There is one thing to say, this can be compared to getting a good place in the game or eliminating me to lose too much.

I can ask, what makes you so determined to attack me here, even paying such a high price? ”

When Wang Xiuwei heard Xu Hai say this, he sneered.

“The price doesn’t cost, I don’t care anymore. Now I only want to kill you. As long as I can kill you, it doesn’t matter what price I pay.”

Why does Wang Xiuwei not know what he will face after this shot, but no matter how serious the punishment from the state is, it is not unbearable for him, and if he did not kill Xu Hai, then he will face It will definitely be the torment of the soul.

He had specially learned about this kind of soul torment, and it was said that it was much more uncomfortable than death.

When he thought of this, he couldn’t help but shiver. This week Wenzheng is really a bastard…

When Xu Hai saw Wang Xiuwei’s reaction, he probably also guessed the purpose of his coming. He smiled slightly: “If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be Zhou Wenzheng who sent you over.”

The words were said in a very small voice, and the audience present did not hear much, and even the nearby teachers who were observing secretly did not notice what Xu Hai said.

When Wang Xiuwei heard Xu Hai say this, he was taken aback for a while, and then nodded.

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