Chapter 193

“It looks like you know yourself quite well. If you knew so, why bother back then.”

When he thought of this, he felt that he would hate Xu Hai to death.

If Xu Hai did not attack Zhou Hua and did not kill Zhou Hua, then Zhou Wenzheng would definitely not use this method to force himself to kill Xu Hai, and he would not have to pay such a high price to do this kind of thing.

Behind Xu Hai, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue both came near him.

They had been attacked by Jane before and were seriously injured. Even though they had received a simple treatment, they were far from fighting.

After seeing the aura displayed by Wang Xiuwei, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue didn’t care about their injuries, and directly grabbed Xu Hai, full of worry in their eyes.

“Xu Hai, let’s surrender. At least we can safely withdraw from the competition. I think this guy is a bad one. The teacher has not asked you to be careful before and don’t care about the ranking.”

“If you continue to stay here, even if there is no life danger, he will definitely interrupt your foundation, leaving you no way to practice.”

The two of them don’t really care about rankings. To them, Xu Hai’s life is more important than anything else.

Wang Xiuwei sneered after seeing the two girls saying this.

“Don’t think about it, none of you can escape.”

After speaking, he hit the two girls with an energy ball.

He can’t let Xu Hai surrender. Once Xu Hai surrenders, then those teachers will come out and intervene. When that happens, he is the secret method of burning life and all kinds of arrangements are really in vain.

And Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue looked at the energy ball that attacked them, and their eyes showed a little despair.

They can feel that even if all their skills are not sealed, it is difficult to say whether they can withstand this energy ball.

But fortunately, before they were hit by the skill, Xu Hai waved his hand and instantly knocked off the menacing attack.

And when Wang Xiuwei looked at Xu Hai in this way, there was also an unexpected look in his eyes.

“Yes, your strength is stronger than I thought, but even so, it’s useless. With my all-out effort, you won’t have any chance to beat me.”

As he said, he started to make strange handprints, and the people outside the stadium were a little curious when they saw the handprints he made.

“Is this guy making the seal? Why is it so slow?”

“Why didn’t Xu Hai take this opportunity to attack? If it were me, I would have shot it a long time ago.”

In the retreat room, the old people saw Wang Xiuwei’s handprints, and their faces became more solemn.

“This is the unique skill of the Hidden Man Association. How could this guy make this skill possible.”

“He should have brought the talisman to activate the enchantment. Why haven’t these teachers taken any action after seeing him like this?”

The old man from the Ministry of Education sighed.

“It’s not that those teachers didn’t take action. They were bewildered by the special rune papers of the Hidden Ones Association. If I didn’t guess wrong, this time, there should be more than a few rune papers from the Hidden Ones Association that Wang Xiuwei brought. He should have been around for a long time in order to create an illusion, which made the teachers not realize that the battle of life and death is going on here. It seems that he really spent a lot of effort to snipe Xu Hai. ”

His eyes are very worried. In this case, Xu Hai is really bad luck.

“Why did this student pay such a high price to kill Xu Hai? Do they have any Xu Hai hatred?”

The young man standing behind the old man who represented the military heard these old people say this, and immediately stood up and said: “Leaders, we know a little about this.

This Xu Hai had previously killed some students in the combat department of his school in the original forest copy, and the leader of these students he killed was a student named Zhou Hua from the Imperial Martial Arts University.

Although the talent of this student is average, his elder brother Zhou Wenzheng is an apprentice of a semi-sage level master, and his own strength has reached the pinnacle of a general. He also participated in the National New Martial Arts Conference and killed him in the last session. In the finals, if I guess right, this student should have been sent by Zhou Wenzheng, Zhou Hua’s brother. ”

And while they were talking, the barrier that Wang Xiuwei made had also been completely formed.

Although this enchantment is not very strong, it can completely hide their figure. After their illusion is discovered by those general-level teachers, there is no need to worry about exposure in a short time.

Only in this way can Wang Xiuwei be able to guarantee that he can kill Xu Hai in the game.

Xu Hai, who was not far away, looked at Wang Xiuwei who had created this barrier, and smiled coldly.

“I’m curious, do you think you really eat me?”

He cast a look at Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue, and signaled both of them to retreat.

But in Wang Xiuwei’s body, a breath was slowly surging.

At this moment, Xu Hai has a real anger in his heart for Wang Xiuwei who has made so many arrangements to kill him. He will never give the other party any chance for someone like this who wants to kill him.

“Since you worked so hard to make this barrier, then I will follow your mind and regard this barrier as your burial place.”

His voice was very cold, but at the moment Wang Xiuwei thought he was beating a swollen face to fill a fat man.

He sneered: “Xu Hai, I will burn you some paper money to commemorate you every year and today.”

After speaking, two very peculiar energy balls appeared in his hands. These energy balls emit a black light. They are a curse type skill he learned from the Hidden Association.

“Xu Hai, you will die inside this time.”

As he said, he threw two balls of light towards Xu Hai.

Outside the competition arena, the spectators watched Xu Hai and Wang Xiuwei fighting in the enchantment, and they all started a round of worry. They had already seen from this picture that Wang Xiuwei wanted to plot against Xu Hai.

“Oh my God, how do I feel that this guy is not a student, he was ordered by someone else to come and kill Xu Hai.”

“I also think, look at the skill he just displayed, does it look like the skill on the wanted list? This seems to be the skill of the Hidden Man Association.”

“Why didn’t Xu Hai surrender quickly? If it were me, I would have slipped away in such a scene.”

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