Chapter 191

“Don’t worry, stay calm and don’t worry.”

The old Liu’s brows were also slightly frowned, and when Wang Xiuwei appeared suddenly, he didn’t figure out what was going on.

It stands to reason that Wang Xiuwei is just a student of extraordinary level. Even with some means, he could barely reach the general’s early stage and had his old life. How could he be able to have the opportunity to be a top master of this semi-holy level? Where do you take advantage of the formation?

And at this moment, a figure not far away suddenly came to him, and that was his subordinate.

“Minister, everything just now has been clarified.”

“What’s the matter? Report it quickly.”

After hearing the words of his subordinates, not only the old people from the Ministry of Education, but also the other two old people showed a strong sense of curiosity.

“Deputy Minister, this student is really not a freshman in the freshman year. He is a sophomore student. He had applied to the school for a long time before coming and walked through the back door to participate in this competition.

Of course, these are not violations. The real violation is that he forged his identity and did not use his school identity to participate in the competition, and when he entered the final game, he used special skills to give This offset the suppression of the seal in the venue. ”

“Special skills? What special skills?”

“According to our survey, the skill he used should be a certain skill from the Hidden Persons Association. The specific skill is still being analyzed, but the results should appear soon.”

The old man from the military squinted his eyes, and his tone was unusually calm, but there was a wave of dark waves in this calmness.

“The Hidden Persons Association has forged identity again. It is obvious that this guy’s intention is not to compete. If he thinks that he organized so many people before and was so miserably restrained by Xu Hai’s lucky gems, then this student’s purpose should be It is already clear that he should be participating in the competition to find a chance to kill Xu Hai.”

When thinking of this, the expressions of the three old men all changed. Several people looked at Xu Hai and Wang Xiuwei in the court with a trace of worry in their eyes.

“After this guy performed this secret technique, not only did his combat power index reach the general level, he could also use his own high-level skills. In order to limit some of the experts’ secret interference, our game rules specially set up the field and With the limitation of not being able to communicate with each other outside the field before the end of the game, even us, there is no way to enter the game at this moment, and those teachers should not choose to stop it when they see this kind of scene.”

The rules of the game are very clear. Similar to this kind of scene, the three old people know that those teachers are indeed not qualified to stop it.

After all, no one can be sure whether Wang Xiuwei cheated or he really has any special methods to use his skills within the rules.

The old man from the military looked gloomy: “Lao Liu, do you have any way to stop the game?”

The old man from the Ministry of Education shook his head.

“It takes a lot of steps to stop the game. After we complete these steps, it is estimated that the daylily will be cold.”

“That said, Xu Hai can only fend for himself.”

“Anyway, to be honest, judging from this guy’s murderous intentions towards Xu Hai, it is difficult for those teachers to protect Xu Hai, so this time it is very likely that Xu Hai will need to let Xu Hai escape this time by himself.”

The old man from the Ministry of Education sighed deeply. This time, to be honest, it was really the negligence of the Ministry of Education that caused this problem. It’s hard to blame.

The breath of the old man from the administrative department was constantly surging, and in the end he even slapped the door of the closed room with a slap.

The door of this closed room is made of materials that are unbreakable at the level of a marshal. After all, this closed room has to carry the aura of three old people, and ordinary materials are naturally not good.

But this is so, this door is still as fragile as paper in front of the old people in the administration department.

The people on duty nearby were shocked when they saw this door being broken so easily.

Most of them didn’t know the identities of the three old people inside. At this moment, seeing them smash the door of this material so easily, they couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. The strength of this old man is too strong.

Even so, the old man from the Administration Department did not vent all his anger. He watched the old man from the Ministry of Education sink down and said to him: “Lao Liu, this time I have to say that you are educating you. The negligence of the Ministry of Duty, I know that this matter may not have much to do with you, but you, as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, if something really happened to Xu Hai, then the Ministry of Education cannot shirk the blame.

You have to know that Xu Hai may be just a student in the eyes of others, but it is already a very precious strategic material in the eyes of high-level people like us. If such a trivial matter causes problems with Xu Hai, what will be the consequences? You should know too. ”

“This kid was originally a good seed with great potential. If we can cultivate him well, then the half-step sage level is almost a certainty, but because of this small omission. Now he has stepped into the quagmire. , Once he can’t get away, what he will face is lifelong mediocrity.

Even if those teachers can rescue him, what about someone who burns his life with the mentality of death to intercept and kill Xu Hai, it is absolutely impossible for Xu Hai to have the possibility of surplus cultivation. ”

The old man from the Ministry of Education sighed deeply.

“Don’t worry, no matter what happens to Xu Hai, I will heal him. The big deal is that I will use myself as a medicinal guide to perform a resurrection technique on him. Even if the old man is dead, I have to save him.”

The vice minister of education said very plainly, but in the eyes of the subordinates behind him it was like thunder.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with the Deputy Minister of Education. After all, he was not responsible for copying and arranging these venues, but even so, he still made this kind of decision. How important it is from the top.

And the more so, the more fearful they are those who are responsible for the layout of the game venue this time.

Once something happened to Xu Hai, the black hats on their heads would really have no way to fasten them firmly.

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