I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 537: underground meteor

In fact, everyone has already prepared the special bulletproof vest made by Captain Ding'an of the foreign bodyguard team before coming here.

Although not as effective as normal body armor, it is very lightweight and does not affect movement.

There is no problem dealing with normal crossbows.

But that thing was worn on the body after all, and the limbs and head could not defend at all.

Originally, Ji Han and the others thought that in case of a crossbow attack, after all, there is still some reaction time. As long as the head is kept, the wound on the body can be healed very well.

On the one hand, most of these crossbows are ambushed in the walls, although they are dense, they also leave enough time for people to react.

On the other hand, equipment such as bows and crossbows need regular maintenance. The mechanism in the tomb has been used for thousands of years, and it is basically unusable. Even if there are really crossbow arrows, they should not be very powerful when shot.

What's more, everyone has already entered the interior of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum at this time, and it feels that they have closed the crossbow mechanism outside.

Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful bow and arrow hidden here.

And before that, there was a time difference with the lights.

First light up all the surrounding lights, so that people who come here think that it is a lighting setting, and then turn off suddenly. There is almost no reaction time in the darkness, and the crossbow arrows are shot from all directions.

Moreover, the agency was triggered when everyone walked to the center of the square, and the surrounding area was very open, except for those vulnerable servants, there were no bunkers around.

If you don't prepare any protective measures in advance, this wave will be enough for you.

When the four of them heard Ji Han's prompt, they all rushed over immediately.

With the opening of the [Strong Protection Ball], the soft soil immediately wrapped the five of them in contact with everyone.

At the same time, there was a violent collision outside the sphere, making a dense "da da da" sound and strong vibrations.

The five people felt that the arrows outside the sphere hit the surface of the protective sphere densely like raindrops.

There is still enough space in the protective ball. After everyone reacted, they barely stabilized their figures in the ball.

Unexpectedly, when the flashlight was turned on, the first thing that caught Ji Han's eyes was Chen Ke pressing Liu Dan.

At this time Liu Dan was not as indifferent as before, he smiled and said:

"The response is really fast. I would like to say thank you for Ji Mo."

Ji Leng complained on his face:

"When I was saving me, I didn't see such a quick reaction. If I like the hero so much, I would have kicked you two out of the protective ball if I knew it."

Chen Ke was also embarrassed and immediately got up from the ball.

But the crossbow outside the sphere is still not over. The solid protective ball is like a football. The materials of the polygons next to each other are not the same. Half of them are transparent and the other half are opaque.

So everyone can clearly see the number of arrows outside.

Eggplant gritted his teeth and pulled out an arrow from his arm, cursing:

"Grass, if you slow down, you will be shot into a hedgehog. Qin Shihuang's old lady is really **** ugly. She led us to the center of the square, and then extinguished all the lights. In the end, all arrows were fired. Don't tell me It's the tomb raiding team, even if an army comes, more than half of them will be killed or injured in this wave."

Song Qian hurriedly drew out the green nutrient solution to help Eggplant stop bleeding.

I think it was because the eggplant was bigger, and it was a little slower when the protective ball wrapped him just now. Fortunately, the treatment medicine was available, and soon the eggplant's arm returned to its original state.

At this time, the crossbow arrows outside finally stopped firing.

Through the protective ball, you can see that the arrows on the ground outside are like weeds all over the place.

Liu Dan used Ji Han's protective ball for the first time, and he was still observing it curiously.

At this time, the protective ball had been hit by those arrows and landed on the ground of the square. Chen Ke suggested:

"Since we still have to go to that palace to see the situation, why not just push it over like this, in case there will be any other organs."

Ji Han and the others also agreed. After all, they had a lot of experience in pushing the ball when they were in Kunlun Mountains.

The C position was still given to Eggplant, and the five of them controlled the spray-painted backpacks and rolled forward in the square by stepping on the protective ball with arrows pierced outside.

Eggplant looked at the arrow on the ground and guessed:

"Be careful when you go out. You can see that the arrows are concentrated at the position we just had. I suspect that the weapons here have some kind of positioning ability."

Chen Ke questioned:

"Positioning? Brother Egg, this is still a bit exaggerated. Although some traps could be created at that time, there is no perception system..."

Before Chen Ke could finish speaking, the protective ball under the feet of the five people was suddenly pushed up.

Everyone stabilized their figures and looked back, only to see a spear stabbing out from the ground where the protective ball just passed.

Fortunately, with the protection of the protective ball, it will not be pierced through candied haws.

But relying on that hit just now, the protective ball was also pushed up high.

Ji Han suggested:

"No, there are still too many traps below, let's just push it in the air, a little farther from the ground, and, Chen Ke, stop talking nonsense."

It is true that it is not as easy to grasp the direction in the air as on the ground. Fortunately, they have experience before. Although they are a bit slow, the five people still rely on the protective ball to reach the gate of the palace.

Looking up in the ball, I really feel that I am as small as a hamster in the ball.

Because all the lamp slaves outside were extinguished, the whole palace was completely plunged into darkness.

Liu Dan turned around and asked:

"I can't see what's going on inside, do I still want to go in?"

Ji Han turned around and asked:

"Is there a signal from the pillar inside?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"This distance detector should be able to fully cover ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but there is still no signal, I can guarantee that the divine pillar is not inside."

"Okay, let's turn around and continue down."

Eggplant joked:

"It's already at the gate of the Tiangong Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. I really don't want to go in and have a look."

Ji Han shook his head resolutely and said:

"I haven't reached the state of 'I can die at night after hearing the truth', and my curiosity can't stop my desire to survive. Let's not take irrelevant risks."

"Understood, let's turn around now."

After Eggplant finished speaking, he turned his head but paused, looking at the high place behind him.

The position of the protective ball just blocked the sight of others, so everyone didn't know what Eggplant saw.

Eggplant suddenly turned his head and said:

"Quick, quick! Push the ball aside first, hide first!"

Ji Han asked curiously:

"What's wrong? What did you see?"

With the protective ball, there should be no need to be afraid of traps, and Eggplant should be very clear about this.

Eggplant replied while adjusting the direction of the protective ball:

"I didn't see it clearly. It seems to be a meteor flying towards this side. Let's hide first."

meteor? Ji Hanxin said that there is no record in the ancient books that Qin Shihuang's mausoleum was used to make shooting stars.

But seeing Eggplant's serious look, everyone didn't dare to underestimate it. Cooperating with Eggplant, he first rolled the ball behind a pillar in the palace.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a blue light shining outside the protective ball.

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