I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 538: Soul Comes Back

Just as the five of them hid behind the stone pillar with the strong protective ball, a blue light drifted over.

Everyone immediately turned off all the light sources, and everyone finally saw the situation outside clearly.

If, as Eggplant said, a blue object did fall from the sky, this location looks no different from a meteor.

And it's still coming this way.

It's just that the speed of that thing's landing is not fast, but it seems to come floating.

Chen Ke whispered:

"It doesn't seem like a shooting star."

Eggplant hissed:

"Shh, here we come!"

Anything can happen in this kind of place at this time, and everyone dare not take risks easily.

The five of them gently moved the protective ball under their feet to hide behind the stone pillar, and the thing also flew to the gate of the palace.

At this time, they were very close, and everyone finally saw the true face of the thing.

It turned out to be a person.

But it's just a human body, the whole body is light and translucent, and there is no propulsion equipment on the body, but it can float forward in the air.

Chen Ke guessed:

"It's a ghost!"

Ji Han didn't deny it either, because it was indeed a spirit body state, but it was the first time he saw such a normal and complete spirit body.

When it got close, the spirit body flew straight into the palace as if it didn't see Ji Han's five people and the protective ball.

At first, the five of them thought it was a monster protecting the mausoleum, but the other party ignored it.

Ji Han started scanning from behind, but he didn't get any game information.

Explain that this thing is neither a game boss nor a teammate, but something that has nothing to do with it.

"It doesn't seem like a monster, eggplant, where did you just see that thing come from?"

"I really didn't pay attention to where it appeared. When I saw it, it was already hanging in the sky and flying towards this side."

Song Qian said:

"And just now I noticed that man's hairstyle is definitely a modern person, not the spirit body of an ancient person."

Ji Hanxin said where did modern people come from? And he came in in this spirit state.

If you say that someone's ability is like this, relying on this ability to get here unimpeded, then maybe you can barely accept it.

But it's not so blind that you can ignore the five people standing next to you, right?

At this time, Liu Dan suddenly reminded:

"Hush, look!"

The spirit body flew into the palace, and the blue light on its body illuminated the surroundings a lot.

The interior of the palace is also made of black materials, and the blue spirit body floats in it, flying into the thick darkness, which is particularly strange.

Chen Ke muttered softly:

"It's almost like the soul after death enters the Hall of Yama."

But this is not what Liu Dan wanted to remind. Under the blue light of the spirit body, everyone can see that there seems to be a big hole in the center of the palace.

Before the five people had time to see clearly, the blue spirit body jumped straight into the hole in the center of the palace.

It was different from the floating and dancing just now. Almost at the same time as the spirit body jumped into the hole, its body quickly fell and disappeared in front of the five people, as if something had sucked it in.

Eggplant asked curiously:

"I'm a bit confused, was that thing really a ghost just now? But what the **** is he doing?"

Liu Dan shook his head and said:

"I don't understand. According to what Song Qian said just now, even if it is a ghost, it should belong to modern people. That means it is a ghost from outside, but why did the ghost from outside fly here?"

Ji Han said:

"It's not so much that it flew here on its own initiative, but I think it's more like being called by some kind, because that thing doesn't pay attention to us at all, and it has a very strong purpose."

Song Qian seemed to think of something, and said to herself:

"The soul is back..."

Chen Ke asked:

"What soul is coming back?"

"Qu Yuan mentioned it in the "Calling the Soul" of "Li Sao". Simply put, it is to call back the ghosts scattered in all directions to their original places."

Chen Ke was puzzled and said:

"Ah? Summon ghosts from all directions? Isn't that the underworld?"

Eggplant waved:

"Don't be funny, do you know how many people die every second? If all the ghosts of the dead came here, the threshold of this palace would have been flattened."

Ji Han knew that Eggplant was right, although he couldn't figure out what was going on, but it wasn't the purpose of this trip.

"Since the divine pillar is not here, let's continue exploring elsewhere."

But just as the protective ball bypassed the stone pillar, Song Qian suddenly shouted:

"Wait a minute! The detector has a signal!"

As he said that, he raised the Shenzhu detector that was emitting yellow light.

But when everyone looked at the location, the hopeful face was covered with sadness again.

"Directly in front of you?"

"That's right, the signal is very weak, it should be far below."

But right in front of the five people was inside the palace, and Eggplant grinned and said:

"Grass, don't tell me that it happens to be the big pit in the middle of the palace."

Song Qian nodded and said:

"In terms of distance, it should be there."

Ji Hanxin said, is it really that small? You should give me a wider space.

Chen Ke suggested:

"From above, the palace seems to be suspended, that is to say, we can go directly down from the outside of the palace, so we don't need to drill into that hole, right?"

After a moment of silence, Ji Han shook his head and said:

"No, I still have to go in and have a look. Going down from the outside may not be able to figure out what's going on~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you want to know the information of the well, you still have to go to the mouth of the well. Going down from the side is useless."

After unifying their thinking, everyone didn't waste any time, and rolled towards the palace while pushing the protective ball.

As soon as they came in, they felt that the gravity environment had changed. Although they could still feel weightlessness, the bodies of the five people and the protective ball obviously fell to the ground.

I don't know if it has something to do with the building materials of the palace, but it seems that it can offset some of the weightlessness caused by the divine pillars.

I have suffered losses from some institutions outside the hall just now, so everyone is always very careful.

However, this time it went extremely smoothly, until the five pushed the ball to the deep pit in the center of the palace, there was no accident.

In order to be careful about the suction of the deep pit, we didn't push the ball too close to the edge of the pit.

But even so, the huge round pit with hundreds of square meters in front of him could be clearly seen from inside the ball.

There are no protective measures on the edge of the pit, which makes people feel a little flustered after seeing it.

However, the light irradiated in the protective ball is limited after all, and it is impossible to see the whole picture of the surrounding area.

"That won't work, we have to go out and have a look."

Eggplant agrees:

"Then open your ball first, you can't see anything clearly in it."

After confirming that the surrounding area is safe with high probability, Ji Han unfastened the buckles between the different panels inside the protective ball, and the entire protective ball instantly split into six pieces.

"Everyone can take one piece and use it as a shield. Let's see if there are any writings or records around. Wouldn't such a palace be built here without leaving a word?"

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