I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 536: Zheng Ge's voltage

The five people used jet packs to follow the general route they had just optimistic about all the way down.

Chen Ke's drone also flew faster in this environment.

There was a dead silence all around, and all I could see was the outline of the black palace and the endless silhouettes of terracotta warriors and horses.

Although I know that those things are dead, but in this environment, my heart is still a little hairy.

Only the sun, moon and stars made of beautiful jade and pearls on the top of the head make people feel truly beautiful.

The landing place initially confirmed by the five people was the black palace.

However, for the sake of safety, everyone did not easily land at the entrance of the palace, but stopped at the square in front of the palace.

The amazing thing is that the blue bricks under the feet seem to be fixed in the air, and even if you step on it, it doesn't make it move.

Almost as soon as Ji Han landed, the surrounding bronze humanoid lamp slaves lit up.

Hundreds of lights around the square and on both sides of the stairs were lit almost simultaneously, clearly illuminating the square where five people stepped into.

The gold adorned in the black palace revealed a crime-provoking alluring gold under the light of the fire.

It added a bit of extravagance to the original solemnity.

Seeing the changes around him in amazement, Eggplant smiled and said:

"Don't tell me, Brother Zheng really pays attention to the cards. This lighting system is not out of date even if it is put in now."

Liu Dan reminded:

"Just be careful, I don't feel right."

"how to say?"

Ji Han replied:

"It's very simple. After you die, eggplant, will you install an inductive lighting system in your own mausoleum or coffin?"

Eggplant shrugged:

"That depends on whether my tomb has enough three rooms and one living room, and whether my descendants have burned a few mistresses for me."

Chen Ke took out the air detector to check the parameters, and asked:

"Brother Ji, are you saying that there is a problem?"

"I'm not sure, I just think Qin Shihuang didn't have the kindness to guide the tomb robbers, everyone should be careful."

At this time, everyone was on the edge of the square, and there was still a certain distance between them and the palace.

In order to confirm that the divine pillar was not placed in the palace, everyone should go there.

Song Qian reminded:

"Then everyone, let's fly over, and don't step on the ground here."

The five of them flew up again, pulling some distance away from the ground. Don't look at Eggplant's unreliable words, but his body was very honest, and he was always vigilant about his surroundings.

But nothing happened all around.

Ji Han was also a little puzzled, did he make a wrong judgment?

As the emperor who unified the six kingdoms, Qin Shihuang was just a little afraid of the dark, so he left an ever-burning lamp, and it would automatically light up when there was any trouble? It is convenient for me to go to the toilet in the tomb in the middle of the night?

As the five people approached, the palace in front of them became bigger and bigger.

Ji Han has been to the Forbidden City several times, and compared with this one, the largest Hall of Supreme Harmony inside is like the younger brother among younger brothers.

Chen Ke exclaimed while filming:

"My God, I almost have the urge to kneel down."

Eggplant retorted:

"It's just a big exaggeration, it's not a big deal."

Ji Han retorted:

"That sense of majesty and overwhelming aura can't be reflected by your size alone. If you magnify you a hundred times, I can only see your belly and double chin, and I won't have any feeling of wanting to kneel down. of."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Soon the five people arrived at the center of the square, and there were two rows of figurines on the open space.

Either standing or kneeling, the clothes should be arranged in the order of Wendongwuxi.

Different from those seen in the pits of the terracotta warriors and horses, these human figurines are all colorful and look lifelike.

Chen Ke looked back and forth, scratched his head and said:

"These figurines are so abrupt. They are neither in the hall nor in any scene, and their body movements have nothing to do with the surroundings."

Ji Han joked:

"These are perhaps the figures that Brother Zheng likes very much, so they are placed in the most special position."

Song Qian reminded:

"Don't be alive like the mercury terracotta warriors above, everyone should be careful."

Chen Ke took a few photos, but they didn't get too close.

Eggplant has sharp eyes, and he flew to the figurine and said curiously:

"Hey, there are many holes in these figurines."

Sure enough, as Eggplant said, the figurines have holes in several directions near the outside.

It's not neat, there are gaps on the edges of the hole, it looks like it was punched violently with something.

Qin Shihuang cursed doll limited edition?

Just kidding, who does Brother Zheng want to kill and tie up dolls?

Ji Han guessed:

"Maybe it's a trace of the previous construction, let's move on and see if the divine pillar is in the palace."

But just as Ji Han finished speaking and everyone was about to move forward, the surrounding lights suddenly began to flicker.

It seems that something large is approaching, causing the air flow to flow.

As soon as they stepped into this open space, everyone remained cautious, so when the surrounding fire flickered, the five of them immediately took out their weapons and looked around.

However, nothing appeared around except for the constantly flickering lights.

Liu Dan replied:

"I didn't feel the change in the air flow, it should be something weird among the lamp slaves."

Chen Ke glanced at the air detector and said:

"The air quality hasn't changed, and it doesn't look like it's toxic or anything."

Eggplant gasped and said:

"Grass~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What's going on? The electricity in His Majesty's house is not stable?"

Ji Hanxin said that fortunately there were so many people, even if nothing happened in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, even if the candlelight flickered, it was scary enough.

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but it says in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" that if the **** crowing lamp goes out, you can't touch gold. I think it's a bit dangerous."

Chen Ke said with a guilty conscience:

"Brother Ji, don't you don't believe in that? In this case, don't be scary!"

Ji Hanxin said how to explain it, this situation can't be just a simple prank by Qin Shihuang, right?

However, as soon as Chen Ke finished complaining, the lamp slaves around the square went out together.

Moreover, hundreds of lights were extinguished together, and the surroundings were instantly plunged into darkness.

Although everyone's flashlights were turned on, the instantaneous black and white changes still made it difficult for everyone's eyes to adapt.

But at this moment, Ji Han and the other five heard the sound of "whoosh, whoosh" coming from around them.

Before anyone could react, Eggplant shouted:

"It's a **** crossbow arrow!"

Immediately afterwards, arrows fell on the surrounding ground, piercing directly on the green bricks with such force.

At this moment, Ji Han suddenly understood what happened to the holes on the figurines on the ground.

These figurines are here for **** testing and targeting!

In this situation, it was already too late to use Evil Spirit Possession, and the sound of the arrows in his ears was so dense that Ji Han activated the [Strong Protection Ball] almost without any hesitation.

"Get close to me!"

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