I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 157: Yin soldiers lead the way

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What floated down the river really looked like a row of soldiers.

There were about a dozen people, arranged neatly and in an orderly manner, but these people did not take a boat, but seemed to be walking in the river.

Most importantly, from a distance, the dozen or so people dressed as soldiers also had a faint blue light on their bodies, and their figures flickered like ghosts. No wonder Chen Ke said he saw Yin soldiers.

Eggplant doesn't seem to read many horror novels, so he asked:

"Yin soldiers? What is a Yin soldier? Are you talking about the sixth child?"

Ji Han explained:

"Yin Soldiers are a legendary army composed of ghosts from the underworld. According to ancient records, they seem to have appeared several times."

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, that's it? Such a dozen people are called the city management of the underworld. It is far from the size of the army."

Having said that, Ji Han was still afraid of some kind of monster again, so he led everyone back to the house by the river.

And as the blue figure in the river gradually approached along the river, everyone held their breaths and finally saw the true face of the thing.

Those were muscular mermaid soldiers, with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a fish, seeming to be taller than the fake mermaid I just saw.

The metal weapons they held were swimming forward neatly along the river.

Chen Ke whispered:

"There are ghost soldiers even at the bottom of the sea to make excuses."

However, Ji Han found that the dozen or so strong male mermaids did not look at them, but swam forward solemnly.

Moreover, their bodies seemed a little illusory and blurry, Ji Han could even clearly see the riverbed behind him through one person's body.

Song Qian also noticed it, and said:

"Not quite right, the bodies of these mermaid soldiers look very weak."

Eggplant joke or not pick the occasion:

"It may have been drained by the mermaid, and there is not a drop left."

Ji Han continued:

"Stop making trouble. What Song Qian said was illusory. The bodies of these people are so illusory that they don't even respond to the surroundings."

As he said that, Ji Han picked up a stone in the house and threw it in front of the dozen or so mermaid soldiers.

As soon as it was thrown out, the four of them fell down and hid in a tacit understanding.

But to everyone's surprise, the dozen or so mermaid soldiers didn't react at all, as if the stone thrown by Ji Han didn't exist.

Seeing this, Eggplant also threw a stone, which hit the last two mermaid soldiers directly.

Unexpectedly, the stone directly passed through the mermaid soldier's body, and even the splashed water also passed through the body.

Seeing this situation, Ji Han seemed to understand, stood up and said with a sigh of relief:

"It seems to be just an illusion."

Chen Ke also nodded and said:

"Yes, it should be the principle of the video tape."

Eggplant was completely stunned and asked:

"Where did that get involved in the video tape again?"

After confirming that it was only a virtual image, Chen Ke became bolder and explained:

"It's like this. Under the influence of a fixed current, magnetic substances can also produce some recording functions. When the environment is consistent with the recording environment, the situation at that time will be played like a video tape. I guess the blue in the river The fine-colored sand has a certain degree of magnetism, and some of the sand fixed on the river bed happened to record a part of what happened here, so what we just saw may be a video of what happened here.”

Eggplant nodded deeply, but Ji Han obviously didn't understand what he meant, so he reminded:

"Okay, since it's not Yin soldiers, they happen to open the way ahead, and we will follow behind. We should be able to reach that stone bridge soon."

The four of them walked out of the house and walked on the rough stone road beside the river, followed by the phantoms of more than a dozen mermaid soldiers in the river beside them.

Ji Hanxin said to let the Yin soldiers open the way ahead. I guess who has tried it in reality, it can be said that it is very popular.

Looking at these soldiers swimming in the river with weapons, Song Qian asked:

"These mermaids are still fully armed. Could it be that they killed all the island residents who came down?"

Eggplant shook his head and said:

"Who knows where the residents and mermaids have gone? But I'm more curious about how they made those weapons? This is in the water, even if there is iron ore in the sea, there is no fire."

These words reminded Ji Han.

Since obtaining and making weapons here is very difficult, why did they have to do it? Moreover, the metal weapons that are made are almost unmanufactured. With such a small number of people, they will not kill each other.

If you need to catch fish, just go back to the top.

Fending off monsters like the devil anglerfish or corpse jellyfish you just met?

It doesn't seem necessary, they just need to adjust the amount of water here.

Most importantly, they didn't patrol around the water wall or the house, but followed the blue river, as if they were afraid that someone would steal the river.

Before thinking through these problems, the four of them turned a corner along the river.

At this time, there was no shelter from the houses, and everyone saw two new buildings appearing on both sides of the river.

Compared with the surrounding houses, those two buildings are like two huge warehouses, and the whole house is much higher than the surrounding houses.

Even the doorway is built on steps more than one meter high, isolating the sea water below.

Eggplant pointed to the house by the river in front and said:

"See? This is definitely a riverside villa in the past. It's either the home of the island owner who is a survivor of the island, or the home of the island owner's mother-in-law. Otherwise, there will never be such treatment? Let's go and beat the local tyrants."

The house that Ji Han looked at also caught his eye, not because he was interested in the building itself, but according to what Eggplant said, there must be something in it.

The so-called thieves, bah, the so-called gamers never return empty-handed, and they haven't picked up anything during this trip, and the little money rewards for killing monsters alone are not as much as they get from reimbursement from the alien guards.

Thinking about it, he agreed:

"That's right, go and have a look, in case you find anything."

Chen Ke asked:

"Don't you need to follow those Yin soldiers?"

"Whether you follow or not, you can walk along this river. Don't worry, go over and have a look first. What if the divine pillar is hidden in the house?"

After talking about eggplant, he gave Ji Han a wink~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The two walked slowly towards the big house by the river, Song Qian and Chen Ke followed behind with weapons.

Now that the devil anglerfish was playing fairy dance, Eggplant was much more cautious.

The four of them slowly walked up the stone steps, out of the sea less than one meter deep, a stone door was half-opened, everyone listened, and there was indeed no movement inside.

Only then did Eggplant make a "321" gesture, then quickly stepped forward and pushed the Shimen away.

As soon as it was opened, everyone felt a heat wave rushing towards their faces, and they could vaguely see a red light.

Ji Han thought there was some dangerous monster hiding again, so he hurriedly grabbed the eggplant.

But when the light of the flashlight shone in, it was discovered that there was no living thing hidden in this room.

It's just that there is a small wellhead made of stones in the center of this room.

There is also a beam of fiery red light emitting from the mouth of the well.

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