I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 158: The bottom of the sea never extinguishes fire

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

After looking around the house, everyone was relieved that there was no monster hiding.

The house by the river is different from the other houses below.

Not to mention the unusual warmth inside the house, there are not even any living facilities built here, not even the simplest stone bed, and there is a big hole in the roof.

The ground on one side of the house is full of stones, and the simple stone table on the other side is piled with rusty and tattered cold weapons.

And in the center of the house, a small stone well was built with stones. The mouth of the well is only 30 to 40 centimeters, but the stone platform is still very wide.

A fiery red light emitted from Ishii's mouth.

Everyone leaned over to take a look, and the feeling of being roasted came over instantly, and Eggplant threw the sea water on his body towards Xiaoshijingtai.

The water droplets fell on it, making a "squeaky" sound, and evaporated in an instant.

Ji Han skipped over the mouth of the well, only saw a dazzling red light below, and felt his face was suddenly scalded.

Eggplant asked:

"Ji Han, do you see what it is?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It's too hot. I can only see the dazzling red light below. It's probably either magma or burning underground natural gas."

Chen Ke said in surprise:

"The color seems to be underground magma. There may be an active volcano below, but it's so close, and it hasn't been extinguished after a thousand years. It's unimaginable that the fire on the bottom of the sea can't be extinguished for a thousand years."

Song Qian picked up a stone beside her and said:

"It seems that they used the temperature of underground magma to forge metal weapons. These iron ores should be dug from nearby."

Eggplant drew the weapons forged by the islanders on the table and said:

"It's all broken copper and iron. If you need craftsmanship, you don't have craftsmanship, and you don't need level. Except for tetanus, it's useless. I thought I could have two treasures."

Ji Han didn't give up, and even scanned it again, but it was indeed like what Eggplant said, it was just a pile of scrap iron.

Can't help but also complain:

"These islanders are too belligerent, guarding such a volcano to make weapons, why don't you even pick some pearls?"

Chen Ke approached Xiaoshijing Road:

"No matter what, at least I can warm up to the fire. I will freeze to death after staying in the sea water for so long."

Everyone leaned over to keep warm.

Song Qian said:

"I guess, it is also when they can come to the bottom of the sea, which means that they are not warlike people. Why do they make weapons? Could it be that after the island residents arrived here, they were attacked by the mermaids below. They forged weapons for self-protection. In order to defeat the mermaid, but lost in the end?"

Ji Han considered Song Qian's guess, and replied:

"What you said makes sense, but why don't the island residents here go back directly with the power of the divine pillar? And looking at the scale of the house construction, they don't seem to be defeated by anything."

At this time, Chen Ke, who was leaning against Xiaoishi and facing the wall, suddenly stood up and said:

"Hey, look here, there seems to be something."

As he spoke, he wiped the wall closest to Xiaoshijing with his clothes.

That wall was probably covered with black dust because it was the closest to the small stone well stone platform where the iron was forged.

However, a piece of the edge was accidentally rubbed off by someone, revealing a part of the pattern below.

It seemed that something should be restrained on that wall, but it was covered up.

Everyone helped Chen Ke wipe off the thick layer of black dust on the top, finally revealing the true colors of the wall.

It was another stick figure carved on the stone, and there were as many as there were on the island temple.

There are still six paintings from top to bottom.

This time, there are not only paintings, but also some engravings on the side. Although I can't tell where the language is, at a cursory glance, it looks a bit like the ancient characters seen on the walls of the catacombs on Heishi Mountain in Crescent Spring.

However, the distance between the two places is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles, Ji Han probably has nothing to do with it, it's just that the pictographs of the original characters are relatively similar.

The first painting seems to depict the scene when the islanders had just arrived here. It only painted a huge bowl-like space with a river passing through the middle and several small volcanoes around it.

Ji Han nodded and said:

"It seems that when the residents of the island arrived here, the river was already here."

The scene in the second painting is exactly the same as the previous one, the only difference is that the residents of the island are all worshiping the river.

Eggplant asked:

"Have these islanders never seen the river? They shouldn't be worshiping, right?"

Chen Ke continued:

"Maybe it's because the river is glowing blue. After all, it's the first time I've seen this kind of river. They thought it was a miracle?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It shouldn't be that simple. Look at the third picture."

In the third stone painting, the island residents have already started building houses around, and it seems that they have decided to settle here.

Pointing to the third painting, Ji Han continued:

"If you just found a luminous river, it is obviously unreasonable to bring the whole island to live next to it. Living here lacks sunshine and food, and they will not live long. The ancients should not be so stupid. Kind of place."

The three nodded, and they all agreed with Ji Han's statement that this river must not be as simple as they thought.

Everyone is looking at the fourth painting. This scene is basically the same as the third one. The only difference is that the residents in the painting have all become mermaids.

Eggplant scolded:

"After they built their house, the magpie's nest was taken over by the mermaid dove?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"No, if there is a dispute with the mermaid, it will definitely be drawn, and this is too peaceful, it seems to be, it seems to be..."

"It's as if the inhabitants of the island have turned into mermaids."

Ji Han said what Song Qian wanted to say.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone frowned, although the idea was a bit unbelievable.

It can be seen that the scenes and residents in the third and fourth paintings are almost exactly the same, but the bodies have turned into fishes. It seems that this is indeed the most reasonable explanation at present.

After seeing the fifth painting, compared with the previous one, the obvious change is that there are more houses and a platform is built. It seems that the scale of the island residents has expanded.

Chen Ke concluded:

"It seems that after the residents of the island live here, their living standards have improved significantly. I really can't figure out how they did it."

Eggplant suggested:

"It's not just that there are more houses, you see, in the fifth painting, the river has also narrowed."

Sure enough, as Eggplant said~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Comparing the above and the next, the river in the fifth painting is narrower than the first four, and Eggplant’s eyes are indeed poisonous.

It stands to reason that the artist can reproduce two basically identical scenes, and should not inadvertently create such a large gap in the thickness of the river. In other words, the narrowing of the river is also the message they want to convey.

Next is the last painting.

When seeing this painting, the expressions of the four people changed.

In the last painting, the river becomes narrower than before, and the mermaid residents on the bottom of the sea are fleeing, and a huge "hand" protrudes from the water wall at the end of the river.

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