I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 156: Galaxy falls 9 days

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

Eggplant recognized it at a glance. It is the kind of anglerfish with lights on its head on the seabed. It usually relies on the small lights above its head to attract other small fish to approach, and then eats it in one bite.

However, this giant anglerfish is as tall as a one-and-a-half-story building, so it only takes a bite of its own.

Eggplant didn't dare to think too much, and after everyone ran more than a hundred meters, he turned his head to confirm that the big fish could not be chased in shallow water, and then stopped.

Everyone leaned against the side of the stone house and watched the situation of the huge anglerfish ease.

Chen Ke gasped and said:

"Brother Egg, what's the matter, the mermaid didn't catch it, it almost turned into fish shit, right?"

Eggplant was also frightened into a cold sweat, cursing:

"I'm holding Nima, how could I think that there are mermaid fairy dances under the sea, and there will be shadows in dancing with girls in the future."

Eggplant breathed a sigh of relief, patted Ji Han on the shoulder and said:

"Ji Han, I won't say thank you, I owe you the favor first. Go back and make a whole fish feast of anglerfish for you. Damn it, this dead fish scares me to death."

As he spoke, he wanted to take out his sniper rifle and shoot that giant anglerfish, but Song Qian stopped him.

In this kind of place, loud gunshots can easily cause trouble, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Ji Han raised his head and scanned the information of that fish.

【Devil Anglerfish】

[Health volume: 50005000]

[Explanation: In the dark seabed, there will be a mermaid with soft white light all over her body dancing with you. I hope you don’t notice it, so that you can be swallowed by the darkness while dancing, otherwise you will experience real fear before you die. . 】

Good guy, eggplant is really right, it's really a fairy dance, not to mention the fish on the bottom of the sea, this kind of temptation is probably not even the fisherman on the boat can stand.

Ji Han comforted:

"Okay, eggplant, I don't blame you for being careless. No one can resist meeting such a beautiful mermaid."

Eggplant shook his head regretfully and said:

"It's a pity, it would be great if it was a real mermaid, I quite like it."

As he spoke, he still looked nostalgic, and looked back at the little mermaid hanging on the head of the giant devil anglerfish.

Seeing that the hunt failed, the giant devil anglerfish stopped on the diving platform for a while, and then retreated behind the dark water wall.

Song Qian said:

"I thought the water wall here could block the marine life outside, but I didn't expect it was just to isolate the sea water. Then we should keep some distance from these water walls to prevent any marine life from behind from attacking."

Chen Ke said with a smile:

"It's okay, Brother Ji can see the darkness behind the water wall."

Eggplant's curiosity was aroused again, and he asked:

"Ji Han, your supernatural ability is really good at hiding. I haven't even seen anything in the darkness behind the water wall. Don't you have better eyesight than mine?"

Ji Han waved his hands and said:

"Stop talking, I just see things in the dark more clearly, and my eyesight is far worse than yours, okay, this time go straight to the river, let alone a naked mermaid on the road, there is a naked sea goddess standing on the side of the road Son, we must not stray from our course."

Everyone took their equipment and continued to move towards the river.

With a clear goal and refusing to be tempted, the four hurriedly marched through five rows of dilapidated stone houses before finally reaching the river.

As seen from the landing stone platform, the entire river was shining with a faint blue light.

The river is about 20 meters wide, and there are only gentle embankments made of rough stones on both sides.

Moreover, the embankments on both sides did not seem to block the entry of seawater, and the river was buried under one meter of seawater, but it did not affect the water in the river flowing slowly towards the distance.

Everyone slowed down and walked slowly to the river embankment.

Although it is still impossible to see what the blue light in the river is, it is obviously evenly distributed in the river, and the whole river is like a blue ribbon spread on the ground.

And from here, the four finally saw the source of the river.

Behind the whole city is the connection between Rota Island and the submarine mountain, and there is a huge irregular hole on the wall of the submarine mountain.

From the cave in the water, something with light blue light kept falling slowly into the big lake below.

It's like the stars in the sky falling to the ground one by one along with the Milky Way.

Seeing this scene, the first thing Ji Han thought of was the words "It is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the nine heavens".

And from the higher lake sprang this blue river, flowing into the darkness far away.

The four of them were shocked by the wonderful scene in front of them. After a short pause, Eggplant asked:

"Grass, is this the veritable "Blue Danube"? What is the glowing object in the river? Do you want to go down and have a look?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"It's better not to, I don't know what's going on in this river, and according to the images in the Nine Star Realm of the pre-Qin period, this river leads directly to the Mariana Trench. If it is accidentally trapped, there is really no place to die."

Seeing this, Song Qian took out her flying claws, flung them towards the blue river, and scratched.

When Flying Claw was brought back, there was also a lot of shiny blue substance on it.

Song Qian put it on her hands and everyone took a photo with a flashlight, only to see that it was tiny blue sand grains.

In other words, in front of everyone is a blue sand river, and the sand flows along the river with the help of the current.

Ji Han smiled and said:

"Good guy, Wu Cheng'en is honest, Liusha River is actually here."

Eggplant scratched his head and said:

"Could it be that they had such a good sense of city appearance thousands of years ago, and these seabed dwellers created such a blue quicksand river just for fun?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"At that time, it would be good to be able to eat enough. If it is not necessary, such a large project will definitely not be done. This river must have special meaning to them."

Ji Han looked into the distance and said:

"It's still the same sentence. The blue sandstone in this river has nothing to do with me. It's important to find the divine pillar. Let's move forward along the river."

Chen Ke stood on the embankment, looked around and said:

"A part of the scene on the nine-star mirror in the pre-Qin period should have been recorded by a boat. There may be a usable boat nearby."

Eggplant waved his hand and said:

"Come on, let me sit on a broken ship thousands of years ago, I'd rather go by myself."

But when Eggplant turned to call Chen Ke, he found that Chen Ke was standing where he was, staring at the upper reaches of the blue river.

Song Qian also noticed something strange, patted Chen Ke and said:

"Chen Ke, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com What's wrong with you, what did you see?"

Chen Ke was slapped by Song Qian and trembled, he recovered and pointed to the upper channel of the blue river:

"Look at the river, there are... yes, it seems to be Yin soldiers!"

Ji Han was also confused by the new words that popped out of Chen Ke's mouth. Where are the dark soldiers on the bottom of the sea?

"I said Chen Ke, are you dazzled? Or have you read too many horror novels?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a row of blue figures floating down the river at the place Chen Ke was pointing at.

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