I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 69: It doesn't have to be so smart

"Let's talk, who is the inner ghost..."

In the small room in the attic, Ye Liangchen finally saw the little ghosts he had been thinking about these days. It's just that the situation is slightly different from what you imagined.

He was sealed and thrown on the ground, while those little devil heads were still sealed in the formation.

Fortunately, I finally found it.

He proposed that he wanted to see the little ghosts before he died, and that was the purpose. As long as you let yourself come here while You Dannu was proud, then the task would be completed. As for his own safety, he has never worried.

After all, in his arms, there was a small bell given by Li Chu.

This little bell was stuffed with Li Chu's accompanying signs, which was a life-saving bell for himself, and a fierce bell for the half-monster in the camp.

Zhao Liangchen couldn't help but remember that he had taught Li Chu to paint the sequel. He knows how to "make talisman" but Li Chu doesn't. For a time, he was not much proud of himself in front of him.

But now he was thinking about whether he should teach Li Chu more about Fuludan formation. After all, at this moment, he has completely lost the thought of competing with Li Chu, and he has no mentality of cherishing himself at the beginning.

Because he realized that his initial mentality with Li Chubi was like a better girl in a local brothel in Hangzhou. There is more water than the East China Sea, and the mountain is higher than Mount Tai.

It's not that you are not good, you just choose the wrong challenge.

It is no exaggeration to say that the dust that I learned is a big mountain in Li Chu's hands.

After some complicated mental activities, he began to look at a few little ghosts with cold eyes.

"I was completely stripped as soon as I came in and said! Who betrayed me?"

Several little ghosts covered their mouths with their hands at the same time, shook their heads together, eyes flashing with resistance.

"If you don't tell me, I won't give you dinner tonight!" Zhao Liangchen said again.


As soon as this statement came out, the five little ghosts fought in an instant.

The female doll points to Xiao Er, Xiao Er points to Xiao San, Xiao San points to Xiao Si, Xiao Si points to Xiao Wu...

Xiao Wu tried to return to the female doll with her fingers, but she glared at her, and immediately flattened her mouth in fright, retracted her fingers, looked left and right, and put it in her mouth.

"What are you doing? How about putting a centipede with me?" Zhao Liangchen snapped angrily.

"I know that your will is not strong enough, and the enemy will definitely recruit everything when tortured..." Before he finished speaking, he saw several little ghosts shook their heads together.

"No torture?"

"Well, you dare to take the initiative to explain it."

After being scolded a few words by him, the female doll also glanced cross-eyed: "We are all hungry, you first say what we have to eat tonight, and then you can scold as you please."

"Fat!" Zhao Liangchen snorted, scared: "Have you seen me tied up?"

"Huh?" Xiao Wu asked in a low voice to the female doll from behind, "What does the fart smell like?"

The girl was too lazy to pay attention to him, and replied angrily: "It smells like durian."

Xiao Wu blinked, thinking to herself what durian tastes like...

When Zhao Liangchen saw that it was almost time, he pulled up his clothes and exposed the bell that was hanging on his waist but did not ring.

This was the signal he and Li Chu had agreed upon.

Sure enough, in a blink of an eye, there was a flash of brilliance, and Li Chu had already appeared in the room.

He looked around at the situation and knew that the plan had changed, but it hadn't changed completely, and he was still under control. So he unlocked the seal and rope for Zhao Liangchen, and then gently and skillfully broke the formation drawn by You Dannu on the ground.


Just as everything happened in the attic, the situation under the attic also changed.

Several half-monsters fled back to the camp in panic, threw themselves down in front of the hall, and shouted: "In the depths of the valley, a tree monster with extremely high cultivation level suddenly appeared. Even the elephant leader is not an opponent. Let us quickly come back and invite Venerable Black Tiger. Go ahead and deal with it."

"Huh?" You Dannu was in front of the hall, frowning upon hearing the words: "When did Dongjiang Valley have such a powerful monster?"

But he didn't ask too much, but directly said, "Go upstairs and ask the Lord."

This camp was built by the Golden Bodhisattva, and all the half-monsters and leaders belong to the Golden Bodhisattva, but he is not the only one.

He is a half disciple of another five Lord Bai Shigong. The reason why he is said to be a half disciple is because he has not been admitted to the school before, but he was born in Dannu.

Bai Shigong lived in seclusion for many years, specializing in yin and yang, not in the world. When the other Kings asked him for help, he sent a Dan slave out to help others refine alchemy, nothing more.

It's just that the matter of alchemy here belongs to You Dannu's specialty, so he has a very high status in this camp.

And that Venerable Black Tiger is a direct disciple of the Golden Bodhisattva.

You know, although the Golden Bodhisattva's members are many, most of them are believers who have gathered back with his supreme magical powers. No more than ten people can be accepted by him. And the Venerable Black Tiger right now is one of them, and it can be seen to be highly regarded.

Before You Dannu's words fell, he heard a gust of wind hit the ground.

A slender monk with a young face in a golden monk robe appeared in the room and said to You Danu: "You don't have to ask, I'm here."

"Venerable..." You Dannu nodded at the bow.

Don't even look at the monk who doesn't seem to be able to fight very well. At any rate, it is a personal biography of the Golden Bodhisattva. There is no doubt about his cultivation.

"Don't panic, I will go back. You stay in the camp and be careful about everything."

The young monk left a word, and took a step without looking back. His body turned into a breeze. He didn't even need to bring a half-monster to lead the way, and went straight away, as if he knew everything in his heart.

You Dannu looked at him with such a manner, with a little awe on his face, but a little sneered in his heart.

This group of people who are learning Buddhism supernatural powers in the Demon Sect, they are a little bit divine and supernatural.

As a disciple of Duke Baishi, You Dannu has been fascinated since childhood, and he also thinks that it is right for a man to have a kidney that is not bad, and everything else is empty.

When Venerable Black Tiger left, You Dannu also returned to the attic.

In the attic, there is a mourning hall specially set up by him for his best friend Zuo Dannu.

He followed Baishigong to practice alchemy since he was a child, and his only friend was the Dannu on the left, and the two were very affectionate. So when you are bored, you should come to Zuo Dannu to chat.

Green smoke curls up.

"Today I caught a Jiangnan cultivator..."

Facing the spirit card, he slowly said, "Reminds me of your death in Jiangnan."

"Jiangnan is beautiful. Before leaving, I made an appointment for you and me to travel together. Who ever thought, but it is separated from the sky..."

"Zuo Danu, if you are alive in the sky..."

"One day, Li Chu will be sent to me, and I will slash the dog with my own hands, and I will avenge this **** revenge for you!"

As he was talking, he suddenly heard a squeak, and the door of this room was suddenly opened~www.readwn.com~ and looked back.

I saw a very dazzling little Taoist standing outside the door, and asked politely and softly: "You are looking for me?"

You Dannu's heart sighed, so handsome, young Taoist priest, back sword... How is this characteristic a bit...

He couldn't help but tremblingly asked: "You...Who are you?"

"My name is Li Chu..." The little Taoist replied slowly: "I was next door just now, I heard you call me?"

You Dannu's pupils shrank visibly with his naked eyes, and were sluggish, before blinking for a while, and did not immediately respond to Li Chu's words. Instead, he turned his head back slightly stiffly and looked at Zuo Dannu's spirit card again.


"You are alive in the sky..."

"It doesn't have to be so smart..."

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