I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Who is so poisonous?

"Venerable Black Tiger is here!"

A breeze hit from a distance, and a sharp-eyed half-monster shouted loudly, with joy in his voice.

After being blocked by this demon tree for a long time, no one dared to step forward, and finally came to the backbone.

The expressionless thin monk came to the front and looked at the glazed fairy tree in front of which dozens of unconscious half-demons were still shaking. His expression was indifferent, and he said two words softly: "Retreat. ."

"It's because the subordinates are incompetent. The Venerable will definitely be able to take down this demon tree." While the doglegs stepped back, they did not forget to lick a few sentences.

"Don't blame you." Venerable Black Tiger looked straight at the Liuli Immortal Tree, and said calmly: "This tree seems to have a great background, I should have done it."

He slowly moved forward and stepped into the ten-meter range of the Liuli Immortal Tree.

Earlier, the other half demons stepped into this range, and they were all **** in the air by the colored glaze fairy tree.

Venerable Black Tiger also felt a trace of oppression.

Then, he saw his eyebrows suddenly raised, and his indifferent face suddenly turned into an angry King Kong!


Then, with a single stroke of both arms, the upper body monk's robe shattered.


Although it is useless, it is extremely powerful and can make enemies who are not strong enough think that you are a master.

Even more terrifying is that after the clothes burst, Venerable Black Tiger showed a dazzling tiger tattoo on his body. The body was as dark as ink, wrapped from the back to the front waist, all over his body, with dense fangs, and closed his eyes. Actually lifelike.

Did the Black Tiger Venerable's name come from here?

The half-monsters in the rear were shocked by the power of the black tiger, and they retreated a long distance, for fear of being affected, and then they did not even dare to make a sound.

Someone wondered: "This is the martial arts battle spirit of Tianwang Mountain?"

"Fart! Don't talk nonsense, this is the evil Arhat raised by Venerable Black Tiger since childhood!"

This black tiger tattoo looks a bit similar to the martial arts battle spirit of Tianwang Mountain, but it seems to be quite different. I don't know what's the difference.

Venerable Black Tiger told them in the next second.

But seeing that his thin body seemed to be congested in an instant, his muscles became knotted in an instant, his whole body swelled with flesh and blood that did not come from, and his stature suddenly rose by a foot.

At the same time, a tiger head seal was formed on both hands.

"Black Tiger Seal!"


With 10% of this seal, three thunders rolled in the low air, deafening!

And the tiger head on his shoulders and neck opened his eyes at this time!


The black tiger goes down the mountain, its evil is endless!


As the phantom of the black tiger landed on his body, it seemed as if there was a violent shock coming from the entire Dongjiang Valley.

The demon behind him couldn't help but want to kneel to the ground!

The moment their knees were shaky in the power of the black tiger, the situation suddenly changed.

Venerable Black Tiger held the seal with both hands and closed his eyes tightly. He didn't need to open his eyes anymore, but merged all his energy and spirit with the black tiger.

This is the strongest supernatural power imparted to him by the Golden Bodhisattva. Since childhood, he has raised an evil Arhat with his body, thinking of protecting the Dharma and respecting the gods. It can be said that at this moment, the black tiger is the main body.

This dharma statue can move mountains and fill the sea and has infinite power. Not to mention a demon tree, even Kunlun Mountain can be uprooted!

Just as his fierce thoughts flashed, this black tiger jumped out from behind him, volleyed into the air, and rushed towards the demon tree. In the process, his body grew larger and closer, and it was getting closer and closer to the demon tree. , Getting closer, getting closer, getting farther, farther away...


Venerable Black Tiger suddenly opened his eyes.

Where are you going?

It turned out that more than once, a branch of the fairy tree had gently and skillfully wrapped around the waist of Black Tiger Faxiang, and then flung it back.

The black tiger with the great power of moving mountains was suddenly thrown out of the nine clouds, becoming a star.

Venerable Black Tiger feels that the blood connection between himself and the Venerable Dharma Protector is suddenly weak. Even if Black Tiger can find this house, it will take at least a day to come back.

Where did it go?

Venerable Black Tiger was in a daze, and suddenly saw a branch thrown towards him again.


He was flew out heavily by a branch, and before he got up, he saw two branches, one on the left and one on the right, suddenly coming to his face.


Bow left and right!

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!


Seeing such a terrible picture, all the monsters behind turned their faces away.

After playing like this for a long time, people were all sunk into the soil, and the Liulishu took back its branches.

Finish working.

After a while, everyone dared to go forward and check the situation. I saw Venerable Black Tiger lying dying in a deep pit, and for a while, I didn't know whether he should be pulled up first, or a monument was erected on the spot...


There is a small temple outside the city of Jixiangfu. There is no incense all the year round. There are few people and almost no one knows. But there seems to be monks in this temple all the time, and I don't know what they live on.

On this day, two half-monsters were carrying a stretcher, and on the stretcher was a bandaged Black Tiger Venerable who didn't know his life or death.

The two demons carried the stretcher all the way into the ruined temple, and only when they came to the tattered Buddha statue that was no longer visible did they put the stretcher on the ground.

Then he seemed to be extremely afraid of the existence in the temple, so he ran out without daring to speak out.

Not long after, a figure suddenly walked out from the back of the sacred platform.

Wearing a golden robe and a majestic treasure, he was actually the Golden Bodhisattva in the Han Palace.

"I didn't say that the wind has been tight these days, so don't come here to find me for nothing." After the Golden Bodhisattva walked out, he glanced around, "What about people?"

"Master, the disciple is here..." The Black Tiger who was lying on the ground was dying and raised a hand.

The Golden Bodhisattva frowned and looked at him. Seeing that it was definitely not "nothing", he asked, "How come this way, who is so vicious?"

"It's not a person... it's a tree..."

The Black Tiger vigorously recounted the brief and tragic battle that took place in the Dongjiang Valley.

"There is such a demon tree in the small Dongjiang Valley?" Golden Bodhisattva thought about it, and said: "There is no room for error here, I will let you go and check it out."


Just about to leave, suddenly I heard a noise outside the door.

A monk with a withered figure, bright eyes, and ragged clothes walked in.


The visitor turned out to be the disciple of the Golden Bodhisattva stationed here~www.readwn.com~Venerable Damu.

"The day before yesterday, the disciple had been ordered by the master to go to Heishuilin to release the black jellyfish and intercept and kill Liu Fufeng and his entourage in the north. He didn't want the black jellyfish to be killed by a sacred tree that descended from the sky. At this time, I heard from Junior Black Tiger that the demon tree is quite similar to the sacred tree that killed the Blackwater Forest Mother..."

Venerable Damu said: "Master, be careful during this trip."

"Oh?" Jin Bodhisattva's eyes tightened when he heard the words, "Is there anything else? Then I...I'm going to take a trip even more."


And above the clouds at this time, a coercive and terrifying cloud group was dashing through the air, wherever it passed, even the phoenix had to avoid it.

The cloud came from the northwest, but in a moment, it reached the north and high in the sky.

The person on the cloud slowly opened his eyes.

"The fairy tree, here..."

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