I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 68: Weeping Willow Upside Down

After being restrained, Zhao Liangchen didn't show excessive panic, just looked up at You Dannu, and waited for him to ask himself something.

Unexpectedly, You Dannu stood in front, just waved his hand coldly, "Drag it down and chop it down."

"Wait..." Zhao Liangchen was a little panicked at this time, he cried: "Don't you ask who I am? Just kill it? What if I pass by?"

"Your name is Zhao Liangchen, you are a disciple of the Flying Sect of Hangzhou Prefecture, and you are not popular in the sect. Because the five little ghosts you raised were caught by me, so I sneaked into the camp to rescue them..." You Dannu Looking at Zhao Liangchen jokingly, "Right or not?"


Zhao Liangchen looked at You Danu in surprise.

He wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out exactly when he was exposed, and let the other party to get a clear picture of himself. Obviously, he has been investigating himself for a long time.

Where is the problem?

You Dannu looked at him with a mouthful of surprise, and seemed quite proud, so he raised his chin and asked, "What else do you want to say before you die?"

"Since you asked..." Zhao Liangchen looked up and said, "Then I will just say two things."

"..." You Dannu was speechless for a moment.

Routine business is just a cutscene, why does anyone take it seriously?

The rules of the rivers and lakes, those **** who say that they have to say two points simply, often not only say two points, they are not simple at all.

You don’t really think that someone wants to hear you talk, do you?

Look at the audience, obviously more people are looking forward to your death.


"Cough, cough, first..." Zhao Liangchen cleared his throat and said unceremoniously: "It's okay to die, but can I see a few little ghosts before I die? I have a deep relationship with them, so I won't let me. Seeing them on the road again, I won’t look down! Even if I become a ghost, I’ll come to you.”

You Dannu looked at Zhao Liangchen, and said in his heart that he would look like this alive, if he died, he would be so virtuous. Ordinary resentful spirits are not afraid of themselves, but it is not worth it to be shocked.

So he nodded and promised: "Yes, you guys are a bit ugly, but you can be regarded as emphasizing love and righteousness."

Zhao Liangchen looked at You Danu. Although he was complimenting himself in his ears, he still couldn't help but want to sew his mouth.

It's a pity that the situation is better than people.

He can only continue to say: "Secondly, I want to ask...what is the taste of good luck pills?"

This is the biggest doubt in his heart. If you don't ask it, you really won't look down.

"Heh..." You Dannu smiled proudly: "The good luck pill that I have improved has a better taste than the first generation. It is durian!"

"..." Zhao Liangchen cursed in his heart, who could guess this stuff?

"Bring him to the room where the few unsuccessful ghosts are held to meet up, and then execute them on the spot." After answering, You Dannu waved mercilessly.

The two half-monsters carried Zhao Liangchen, who was **** by Wuhuada, and walked down.

On the road, a lion head half demon on the right grinned and said, "Actually, it smells like shit."

A kobold half-demon on the left also continued: "And it melts in the mouth."

Zhao Liangchen couldn't help but grinned, "What's the difference between that and eating shit?"


The two half-monsters were silent for a while, only to sigh.

After a pause, Zhao Liangchen was curious again: "What kind of flavor is the original first generation of good fortune pill, it tastes worse than shit?"

The lion head replied: "I heard... is colorless and tasteless."

"Huh?" Zhao Liangchen couldn't help but glanced back at You Dannu.

This person.

I dare not think about it.


The half-monsters in the camp are only one part of it, and the other part is to execute orders outside to open up the Dongjiang Valley and remove all obstacles that hinder the cultivation of returning immortal grass.

This group of half-monsters walked in the deepest part of the valley, burning with fire, slashing with knives, and axes...Anything that dared to stop them would be swarmed by many half-monsters and uprooted.

The team was advancing quickly, but suddenly encountered obstacles.




Suddenly there was a call for help in front of them, and groups of half-monsters drew closer and found that there was only one abrupt glazed tree left in a clearing.

The tree looked five or six stories tall, but I didn't notice it before for some reason. At this time, the tree was splitting several long branches, and each branch was bound with a half-demon. It was the half-monsters who were being tossed in the air, crying for help.

A wolf-headed half-demon raised a large axe high in his hand, rushed forward fiercely, and chopped one of the branches.

But when there was a cry, the great axe that could cut mountains and cracked rocks fell on the thin branches, and sparks spattered, and then disconnected from it, and half of the axe blade flew out directly and stuck into the ground a few feet away.

The wolf head half demon was shocked and numb all over, before he could react, it was already wrapped around his waist by a branch again, and he shook it frantically in the air.

Then he also exclaimed: "Help..."

"Hurry up and ask the elephant leader."

I don't know who screamed, turned back and ran out. A group of half-monsters surrounded this giant tree, not daring to move forward more than ten meters away.

Pass! Pass! Pass!

Not long after hearing a heavy footstep, a half-demon with a green face and head of more than three feet tall came behind the group of demon, his voice was dull and loud, like billowing thunder.

"what happened?"

"The leader of the elephant, a tree demon suddenly appeared somewhere, and the cultivation base is very powerful. Our group of brothers came forward and wanted to cut it down, and all of them were recruited."

"It's all rubbish..." The Green Face snorted, holding a huge gilt hammer in his right hand, and a long bundle of iron cables in his left hand, falling behind the hammer.

It turns out that this big guy's weapon is actually a meteor hammer that uses clever energy.

Seeing the green face elephant coming forward, the elephant snorted with a long snort, suddenly raptures, straight to the sky! Tension!


He roared and threw the meteor hammer forward fiercely. With the sound of breaking wind, the meteor hammer hula la wrapped around the tree.

Then, the green face gave a fierce force.


Just listen to a bang~www.readwn.com~ the next second, it will rise to the ground!

That's right, the body of the green face rose from the ground.

It turned out that while it wrapped the meteor hammer around the tree, a slender branch was also wrapped around his thick waist.

Then the two sides exerted force, this branch seemed to contain infinite strength, gently and skillfully lifted him upside down, shook his head and feet crazily.

This scene is too shocking in the eyes of the group of monsters behind, you know, the reason why this blue face can become the little leader of the half-demon is because of his infinite power!

But now in front of this tree, this little elephant is like a little toy. His proud long nose also hung softly, swaying weakly in the wind.

Weeping willow upside down!

Another person shouted: "No...Go back to the camp and invite the Lord!"

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