I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Who made me a man

"That is my hometown, where the young butterflies live..." Xiaodiexian pointed to the front and said to Lao Du.

But the direction she was pointing, under the white fog, was clearly a vast expanse of scorched earth.

"We live in the valley of the Dongjiang River, surrounded by water and flower fields, and life is endless." She saw this scene, and became more and more grief and indignation. "Hate the wicked gang, they are arrogant and unsympathetic. Collusion is half-monsterless, occupying my home. Burn my mountain..."

"Good job..."

Seeing the little girl talk more and more rhythmic, Wang Longqi quickly reached out and stopped her.

Xiaodiexian also realized that he was too immersed, and smiled awkwardly, and continued: "They set fire to the mountain and cleared all the grass and trees other than the Immortal Grass, and they want to plant them all in the Dongjiang Valley. Now those half The demon is still searching the valley to clean up the rest of the vegetation elves. At the same time, there are a batch of half-monsters, sowing the immortal grass in the parts that have been cleaned up."

"Don't worry, Miss Butterfly, we will definitely expel these villains for you."

Wang Longqi waved his big hand and was about to walk forward arrogantly. Suddenly, he heard heavy footsteps in the fog ahead, he immediately frightened "Ma Ye" and ran backwards behind Li Chu.

Then, a group of four or five tall half-demon figures appeared in the line of sight. When the two sides saw each other, their swords were immediately drawn.

When Li Chu was about to start collecting experience, he suddenly heard a cry of surprise from the other side.

"Little Li Dao?"

The voice sounds familiar.

Li Chu was also a little surprised on this side. He stopped for a while, and when he looked over, he saw the body of the smallest half-monster at the end of the team froze, and then there was a humming sound from behind, and a person came out.

This person is dressed in a short dress, youthful appearance, looks...chievous. It is said to be ugly, but there is no such abominable feeling of ugliness in the ugliness. It can be said that it is ugly and righteous.

It is actually another old acquaintance, Zhao Liangchen of the Flying Sect of Hangzhou Mansion.

"Brother Zhao?"

Li Chu answered.

When this acquaintance met, the remaining half-monsters on that side were shocked. Well, there are good people in the team?

Immediately, there was a scream, and the half-monsters made the same move, ignoring the enemy in front of them, but at the same time rushed to the twenty-five boys behind them at the same time!

Although Zhao Liangchen's cultivation base is not higher than Li Chu's, he can be regarded as a local young talent in Hangzhou. The demon blocked it for a moment.

It seems that he hasn't seen him during this period of time, and he has made a lot of diligence in his Taoism and deeds, and he has definitely not wasted his time.

Moreover, while making a sufficiently effective defense, he also shouted spells and made an absolutely effective offense.

He listened to his strength, his tongue blooming with spring thunder, and he suddenly shouted: "Little Li, help me!"

With this shout, I saw the red dragon coming from Jiu Xiaoyun, Yao Jiao passed, and several half-monsters instantly disappeared into smoke and disappeared.

Naturally, Li Chu made the sword.

After destroying the half-monsters, Zhao Liangchen then withdrew his supernatural powers and greeted him with a smile: "Dao Chief Xiao Li, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I didn't expect to meet you here either." Li Chu also said, and at the same time he passed a questioning look.

"Lao Zhao, hahaha, what are you doing here? You still got into those monsters?" Wang Longqi got too busy and went straight up and asked with his arms around Zhao Liangchen's shoulders.

"Seventh Young Master, Du Daochang." Zhao Liangchen greeted him politely, and then said: "It's a long story..."


Several people looked for a back slope, spread blankets, and sat on the ground. Thanks to taking Lao Du to go out, he kept taking out the same items from the basket of artifacts behind his back, as well as snacks and candied fruits. It was not like coming to eliminate demons, but like a spring outing. Everyone formed a circle. Listen to the story of Zhao Liangchen.

"I came to Northland, originally to sell ginseng..."

The first words of Zhao Liangchen shocked several people's jaws.

Even the Xiaodiexian who saw him for the first time, his eyes were full of disbelief.

In the end, Wang Longqi hesitated and said, "Lao Zhao, it's not that I talk too much...I am more or less half-professional about this stuff... You sell it like this, the market will not be too good..."

Zhao Liangchen sternly looked at everyone's eyes, and said, "Are you trying to get crooked? What I said... is Beidi wild ginseng."

"Um..." Old Duhaha smiled, "Yes, haha, I think about selling ginseng."

"Me too, me too." Wang Longqi nodded hurriedly.

Li Chu asked: "When did you fly to the Sect, when did you start this kind of business?"


When mentioning this, Zhao Liangchen sighed.

"It has nothing to do with the sect. It is a private job I personally took. You know, the sect gives us monthly money every month, but the silver is only enough for clothing and food."

"When I went to southern Xinjiang a while ago, I told you that I...I'm in love."

"Two people are still very different from one person. After that, the expenses I need have increased greatly. Originally, the best business for us as a cultivator was to exorcise others, but..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Li Chu, with a slight resentment in his eyes, "Hangzhou Mansion's evil gangsters have almost let you kill... And as your deeds gradually spread in Hangzhou Mansion, now everyone only recognizes Deyun. It’s getting harder and harder for us to take the job."

"At this time, I found another business opportunity, which was to gather medicine. As we all know, many heavenly materials and earth treasures grow in places where human resources are difficult, and only the practitioners can obtain them. These rare medicinal materials are collected and sold. It’s a high price. And most of the natural treasures are actually not useful... The best rare medicinal material on the market is the wild ginseng from the North."

"Because of its aphrodisiac effect, it has always been loved by the vast number of middle-aged and elderly wealthy people."

Wang Longqi nodded when he heard this, he understood the rich man's thoughts very well.

Durranke also nodded, he understood the thoughts of middle-aged and elderly people very well.

"This Dongjiang Valley, this is the second time I have come here. It is because of the rich land, water and soil, and there are many treasures. But I didn't want to, when I was collecting medicine the day before, I was running into a group of cultivators doing something wrong here. ."

"I found out that I wanted to retreat, but the few unsatisfied ghosts I raised were sent out to help me find herbs, and they were all caught by one of the people in white robe!"

"Huh?" Li Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew those little ghosts and loved them quite a bit.

"Because I was worried about their safety, I didn't leave. Instead, I tried a way to get into their camp. I also investigated some of their origins, but I haven't found a chance to rescue my little devil..."

At this point, Zhao Liangchen sighed again worriedly.

Li Chu heard that he nodded, this is what Zhao Liangchen could do.

The little ghosts that were raised, if they were replaced by others, even if they were lost, they would feel distressed for a few days. But Zhao Liangchen is a man of love and justice, and he always takes those little ghosts as his family. This way, I would rather be in danger and rescue them.

Old Du said, "It's okay, my master is here, and Master Zhao doesn't have to worry too much."

Wang Longqi’s attention fell to another place. He touched his chin and wondered: “Lao Zhao, you are a leader among the young monks anyhow. It should be easy to put down your body to make this kind of money. How many months? Are you still busy? It stands to reason that it is enough to marry ten wives. In Hangzhou House, even if it’s a good oiran, it doesn’t take so much money? How can you spend your money?"


Speaking of his friend~www.readwn.com~ Zhao Liangchen's face flushed, and he scratched the back of his head shyly.

"Actually... Xiao Juan, oh Xiao Juan is my... sweetheart."

"In fact, she is a very good girl, she has a good housekeeping, she spends money well, and never spends my money indiscriminately, but right..."

"She had no parents since she was a child, and was brought up by her grandfather, and her grandfather and grandfather depended on each other for life. And her grandfather, he packed a mountain of tea in Wuyi Mansion, just in time for the two years of poor sales, and the mountain's tea cannot be sold... …"

"Grandpa is crying so sad!"

"There is no way, in order to share the worries for her grandfather, and to make her happy, I have to work hard to make money and buy all grandpa's tea..."

Speaking of emotions, Zhao Liangchen tightened his eyebrows.

"Who made me a man?"

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