I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 66: We won't say anything

"Why do you all look at me with those foolish eyes?"

After telling his touching love story, Zhao Liangchen slowly raised his head, thinking that what he saw would be everyone's admiration for the pure men. Unexpectedly, the eyes on the other side are quite subtle.

There is pity, sympathy, and inexplicable empathy...

"Hmm..." "Hehe..." "The sky is pretty blue..."

Several people on the opposite side immediately turned aside their gazes.

Zhao Liangchen scratched his head: "This fog can see the sky... Am I blind?"

After a long while, Wang Longqi seemed to be unbearable, and turned around and said: "Brother Zhao, I don't know if I should say something wrong..."


When Zhao Liangchen was still startled, Lao Du suddenly covered Wang Longqi's mouth and said, "Then don't talk about it!", and then pulled the two of them back to whisper.

"What are you doing?" Wang Longqi asked.

"Qi Shao, there has been a saying since ancient times,'Persuade gambling not to persuade whoring, persuasion to not have **** with prostitutes." Now that you tell him bad things about the woman, he will not believe it, and it is easy to turn against you. There is no need." Old Du whispered.

"Then you can't just watch him being deceived, Lao Du, you haven't been deceived like this..." Wang Longqi glanced at Zhao Liangchen and couldn't bear to say: "Women's suffering...you don't understand!"

Durange frowned and said, "I haven't tasted that stuff or not..."

"But I know he is passionate about adultery now, and he won't believe what you say without words. If you really want to help him, it is better to wait for the return to Hangzhou Mansion, and then slowly find a chance to expose the true face of the tea girl."

"It makes sense." Wang Longqi nodded when he heard, but accepted Lao Du's proposal.

When the two of them had a private chat here, Zhao Liangchen also saw something was wrong there, and asked aloud: "What are you two talking about there?"

"Um..." Lao Du turned around, laughed awkwardly, and suddenly said, "Huh? Young Master Zhao, how did you come from this disguised half-demon shell?"

Zhao Liangchen looked at him blankly: "This cha is too blunt, right?"

Wang Longqi interrupted: "Huh? Old Zhao, why do you seem to be handsome? Is your skin pale?"

"Huh?!" Zhao Liangchen shook his body when he heard the words, even his nostrils rose a bit.

As if a handsome character touched his soul.

Then Wang Longqi pointed to the half-demon shell on the side and asked, "Is there no sunlight in that thing? What kind of thing is this, the sun protection effect is so good?"

"Hey, this..."

Zhao Liangchen picked up the set of things and waved his hand: "Didn't I think of a way to rescue a few little devil heads? I simply refined a set of animal clothing from animal skins and put it on the body. It looks similar to those half-monsters. No one found it when I went in. It was this animal suit that I sneaked into their camp and found a lot of useful information."

"For example, their leaders are from the Demon Gate, and they are all affiliated with the five Dharma Kings, the Golden Bodhisattva. As for those who are incarnate as half demons, they are all brave and cruel men recruited from all over the world, and most of them are wanted in exile. Most of them were carrying several murders. The people in the Demon Gate recruited them heavily, let them eat good luck pills, and master the power of half-demon."

"And they came here to clear the Dongjiang Valley and plant the Immortal Returning Grass as the raw material of the Pill of Good Fortune."

"Moreover, these half-monsters who have eaten good luck pills are a little bit awkward...otherwise it won't be so long that no one finds me."

"So..." Listening to his endless talk of intelligence, Wang Longqi asked: "The most important thing is, where are those little ghosts locked?"

"..." Zhao Liangchen paused and said, "I don't know yet."

"Then your information... is useful, but it doesn't seem to be completely useful."

"But it's okay." Wang Longqi patted his chest and said, "Now that I and Li Chu are here, we just need to get into their camp. Just get rid of this group of murderers and help Fairy Xiaodie save. Dongjiang Valley can also help you rescue a few little ghosts.

Zhao Liangchen frowned and said, "But if they are in the enemy camp and rushed in so hastily, will it be bad..."

"Indeed..." Old Du also nodded: "And if you kill it like this, you can only get rid of these, but it will not hit the people in the demon sect very much. After all, as long as there is a pill of good fortune, they need as many as these half demons."

"Then what should I do?" Wang Longqi said.

"In that case..." Li Chu raised his eyes and said, "I have a way."

As he said, he took out a glittering colorful glazed tree from his sleeve.


In that dark camp, in a small room in the attic.

A cinnabar-painted formation was spread on the ground. In the formation, five little dolls sat on the ground with their knees on their knees, back to back in a circle.

Four of the male dolls are all wearing soaring braids, and only the female doll wearing a red jacket at the front is wearing a ponytail.

At this time, bursts of weeping echoed in the formation, and the doll with a round face bit her lower lip, and said, "Don't cry, what's to be afraid of? Be strong!"

An intermittent response came from behind: "Woo...I'm not crying in fear...I...I'm...hungry!"

Upon hearing this, the girl suddenly flattened her lips and filled her eyes with grievances: "I'm hungry too..."

Seeing that she was about to cry, the other little dolls also seemed to have received instructions, and immediately organized the formation to cry.

At this moment, with a creak, a man in a white robe pushed the door and walked in.

The girl hurriedly wiped her tears, put on a strong expression, and asked: "Who are you? What are you doing with us!"

"Oh? Still very energetic."

The white-robed man showed a dark laugh.

"Uncle, I..."

"It's called You Dannu."

"As for what are you doing here? Of course it is to refine alchemy."

"It's really rare to see unsubmissive ghosts as good as yours... Ordinary unsubmissive ghosts are very hostile and untamable, and they are very easy to fail in order to induce alchemy. However, your faces are reddish and gentle, and they are simply stubborn. It’s an excellent drug primer."

The white-robed man smiled.

Several little ghosts were whispering.

"What is Yaoying?"

"Can you eat it?"


"It's just giving you to others to eat."



At this moment, I saw the youngest "Little Five" of the little ghosts suddenly stood up and said: "Don't eat us, our master will definitely come to save us!"

The white-robed man groaned: "Huh? Do you have a master?"

At this time, the "Little Si" in the little devil's head quickly stood up and covered his mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, the owner is only in the supernatural realm, he is a **** repairer, and he can't beat this bad guy! Thank God for being able to escape. Don't let him catch the master."

The white-robed man groaned: "Huh? It's just a spiritual state?"

At this time, the "Little San" in the little devil's head quickly stood up and covered Xiao Si's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, the master won't run away by himself. He is an outstanding disciple of the Flying Sect of Hangzhou Prefecture. Save us. If you say that the master is not good, he should do whatever he wants to us!"

The white-robed man groaned, "Huh? A disciple of the Flying Sect of Hangzhou Prefecture?"

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ "Little two quickly stand up" in the head of the little devil, covering her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense! Hangzhou Mansion is so far away from here, and the master is not well-known in the sect. , Where to move rescue soldiers. He must have sneaked here alone to rescue us, don't expose it."

The white-robed man groaned: "Huh? Will he sneak in here?"

At this time, the eldest female doll hurriedly stood up and covered Xiao Er's mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, the master is so stupid, maybe he came in with a piece of animal skin. Tell it, this bad guy will be prepared. !"

The white-robed man groaned, "Come in in animal skins?"

The five little ghosts hurriedly covered their mouths, showing a face that would rather die than surrender, and warned the white-robed man with their eyes: Don't ask us, we won't say anything!

Then, I saw the white-robed man turning around and shouting as he opened the door:

"There is a spiritual cultivator from the Flying Sect of Hangzhou Prefecture, who may enter the camp in animal skins. Be careful!"

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