I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 56: Wan Jian Liaotian Sets the Universe

After many years, seeing the meteor, the heroes on Broken Tablet Mountain will still think of the afternoon when the monster attacked the mountain.


When the old ape revealed the Tongtian Dharma Body, in conjunction with Cao Pan's integration of inside and outside, he smashed the mountain guarding formation of Broken Tablet Mountain. At the moment when the loud noise that made everyone's mind burst, all the heroes on the mountain almost had only one idea in their minds.

This time, it is pure and pure.

The demons flying like a wasp in the sky, even if they really only have one thorn, are enough to kill everyone on Broken Tablet Mountain.

But the blow was so shocking that it was even difficult for them to resist immediately.

The quickest response was the mountain elites on the Dharma platform, and someone immediately fixed their eyes on Cao Pan and He Tu.

"They are traitors! Kill them!"

Immediately someone gritted their teeth and shouted, I am afraid that no one is spared on Broken Tablet Mountain today, but before they die, they must be chopped into mashed meat!

Cao Pan and He Tu moved faster, they had already soared into the air, and flew past the monster camp in the golden state of the sky. But the heroes are coming fiercely, and the two are also at great risk.

So He Tu shouted again: "Brother Wang Qi, do it!"

In their plan, Wang Qizheng, with a high level of cultivation, should use his sword at this time to help stop the crowd around him for a moment. Only a moment of time is enough for them to escape safely.

However, Li Chu seemed to have not heard half of it, and stood still in place.

What He Tu didn't hear was that Li Chu responded softly.

"Already moved."

Yes, as early as when He Tu called out for the first time, asking him to do something, Li Chu had already moved. At that time, the great rod of the ancestor ape had not yet landed on the formation, and a meteor had already come from the west.

The current situation is already very clear.

The master instructed himself to possess his soul and go to Duanbei Mountain, just to find out the traitors on Duanbei Mountain and bring out the forces behind them.

At this time, the traitors on the mountain were exposed, and the forces behind them...

Li Chu raised his eyes and looked at the sky, he was already much bigger than he thought. Such a vast number of monsters, he did not know whether he could stand it.

But in any case, always give it a try.

Whether the people on Broken Stone Mountain are good or evil, they are ultimately what the master wants. As for the monsters in the sky, he had already learned a little through Cao Pan and He Tu, and they all came to wreak havoc on the earth. It can be said that even if one is let go, the innocent people of Heluo may suffer.

So this time, we will do our best to eliminate evil.

Li Chu's instructions were erected early. This time he went up the mountain for fear of revealing his identity, so he didn't bring the Pure Sun Sword with him. At this time, with the call of Imperial Swordsmanship, flying fire meteors, a sword came to the west.

call out--

The light of this sword energy was concealed under the ancestral ape's stick, and it seemed inconspicuous. But no one knows that the next second will be the moment to witness the miracle.

In fact, at the moment when Ancestral Ape shot, the humans who saw this scene and even the monsters on the same side were horrified, their hands and feet weakened, and the whole body couldn't help trembling. In their view, this is likely to be the most powerful attack they have ever seen in their life.

After all, the horror existence of the ancestral ape level makes an all-out effort, and there are not many opportunities to see it.

But the world is unpredictable. Who would have thought that they would see something more terrifying in just a blink of an eye.

Compared with this, the ancestor ape's indomitable stick suddenly appeared short and weak, only the word huh.

What are they about to see?


When the meteor arrived, Li Chu's tactics quietly changed.

"Wan Jian Jue."

After learning this sword art, Li Chu didn't have many opportunities to use it. It just frightened people in the Guanghan Sect, but at that time it was still somewhat restrained. In fact, he didn't know the specific lethality he exerted all his strength.

But he felt... it should be okay.

Every sword divided by Wan Jian Jue has at least one-eighth of the power of a silk spiritual power sword. And this sword art can distinguish...

Ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million...


Because there were too many sword shadows in an instant, there was a muffled sound.

The heavenly ancestor ape body just shocked the sky, enjoying the admiration of thousands of demons, and recalling the glory of the war when he was young.

Suddenly, a group of terrifying sword aura exploded next to him, and he glanced at it in a blink of an eye.

At this glance, the ape's hair stood up.

This breath actually reminded the old ape on the spot of his mother who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

My ape mother kissed me.

what is this?

The sky hundreds of miles around was originally filled with demonic air, but the endless sword shadow suddenly burst out, suddenly opening up a new sky.

From a distance, it is half the red sky and half the black sky.

This scene only lasted for a short time.

Because very quickly, that patch of red sky hit the patch of black sky.

Li Chu's Wan Jian Jue fell in the demon array.

That scene, let time stand still.

The heroes on Broken Tablet Mountain stopped all their actions, not even the two traitors who had escaped, and the heroes behind did not chase them. Everyone just looked up and stared at the sky blankly.

I will accompany you to see the meteor shower, which falls on the demon cloud.

Let your blood fall on my shoulders.

No, not really.

There is no drop of blood in the sky, and the sword tactics passing by are like crops when locusts pass by, and there is not even a stalk left.

The huge ancestral ape body also raised the Golden Dragon Rod to resist. As soon as he raised his hand, he was shot at by hundreds of sword lights. Because of his huge size, he received the most sword lights. He didn't survive for a second longer than those little monsters, and then they collapsed.

Clear the field with one sword.

Huoyun completely took over the sky.

The collision between the endless sword light and these countless monsters is not completely lossless, and the rumbling explosions continue to form a wave of gold. After the explosion, the uncontrollable flame aftermath rustled down.

Countless red-golden fire spots, instantly connected into a rain of fire.

At first, the people on Duanbei Mountain didn't care, and were immersed in the power of that sword. But after the first rain of fire fell, there was a roar.


Gunpowder exploded in half of the mountain.

The heroes were shocked to realize that this is not an ordinary Mars, it is just a fire falling from the aftermath of the sky, and there is still a very exaggerated power. One or two points may not be a big deal, but it is rain!

"Oh my God……"


I don't know who was the first to shout ~www.readwn.com~ and then ran away, black wind whizzing past, one after another fled from Duanbei Mountain.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bomb

This rain of fire fell, and the whole mountain was instantly enveloped in black smoke.

Natural disasters, this is an absolute natural disaster.

Li Chu also had to soar into the sky to get out of the scope of gunpowder smoke. The aftermath was so big that it was a bit beyond his imagination, after all, it was the first time to fully display it.

Even he himself was a little surprised by the power of this Ten Thousand Sword Art, but he didn't have the time to think about it at this time. At this time, he was completely immersed in the pleasure of the turbulent white light entering his body.

When the whole world was horrified by this sword, the thought in Li Chu's mind was...

This wave of experience has made a lot of money.

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