I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 55: The old ape opens the mountain gate with a stick

According to legend, thousands of years ago, the monument of God descending from heaven was engraved with the supreme inscription, and the viewer could have longevity. As soon as the news came out, countless cultivators gathered here, and they killed a river of blood under this mountain, the sun and the moon were dark, and they swallowed an unknown number of lives.

Until an unknown swordsman appeared, he immediately defeated the heroes and climbed straight to the top, and the first one came to the front of the monument. But he didn't look at the inscription carefully, but raised his hand with a sword, suddenly cut off the monument to the gods that day, and then floated away.

Just to teach the world to know, what to fight for, but the clouds are all empty. To sacrifice one's life for longevity is the inversion of cause and effect, the most stupid thing in the world.

Of course, some people later said that the unknown swordsman just didn't want to let the newcomers see the inscription.

It was also said that he had spent a lot of effort to reach the top of the mountain, only to find that he did not recognize the words on the inscription. This was furious, and sent a sword of illiterate anger.

As the years go by, the old things at the time can no longer be tested. The so-called inscription has already been lost somewhere. Only this mountain where countless people buried their bones was unnamed earlier, because of that incident, it was named Broken Tablet Mountain.

The barren hills are silent, hanging in the north. Except for a few good believers who pay tribute to the legends of the past, no one will come here anymore. Until a few decades ago, two young people set foot on this mountain.

One is male.

The other one is also male.

There was a fire on Broken Tablet Mountain.

But today, dark clouds covered the flames.

Cover the sky!

The black wind and demon mist covered the sky for hundreds of miles, and mortals with better eyesight could see the shadows of the demon's teeth and claws from the cloud head. Not to mention howling and howling, it is like a rolling thunder in the sky.

It's boiling and boiling, it's hard to count. Wherever he looked, the enchanting atmosphere was inexhaustible.

At the top of the cloud head, standing is the commander-in-chief of this expedition, the Demon King of Sarutobi Mountain, the Little Ape King.

If there is a unified leader in the Golden State, it is certainly impossible. But Sarutobi is the largest mountain here, and there are still many demon kings and Sarutobi's winds, leaving the Golden State, but they are the only ones looking forward.

The little ape king is not young anymore, but his father, the ancestor ape who is the most respected in the Golden State, is still there, and he has to be crowned with a small character. If the father is still a day, it won't be big.

Standing at the top of the mighty demon cloud, a little ape king with a golden helmet and golden armour, with two long beards on his head, just felt majestic and exuberant.

Since the establishment of the dynasty in Heluo, these monsters of the Golden State have not been so arrogant for a long time. Even if you occasionally walk around the land of Heluo, you must be cautious, like a wild dog crossing the street.

"Hahaha!" The endless monsters behind him gave him confidence, and the little ape king smiled boldly: "Brothers! Today, my little ape king is here to make an oath! If we leave the Golden State this time, we will never go back again! The world's Gun Gun Mountains and Rivers also have a share of our Monster Race!"

This was the promise Utsunomiya gave him to break off the mountain of broken monuments, and the Northland will be at your fingertips, and by then, it will give countless demons a piece of land for free movement.

"Hahaha, don't go back!"

"Don't go back!" ""Don't go back!" "

"Never go back!"

The group of demon kings behind them heard the heroic words of the little ape king, and they all shouted.

They have been fed up in the small Golden State for so many years, and can't wait to come to this prosperous land to stir up the situation.

This time when he came to the world, no monster planned to go back!

"Little ones, come on!"

The demon kings waved their hands one after another, and countless little demon opened their teeth and danced their claws, flew down and rushed towards Broken Tablet Mountain.

Although these demon kings are enthusiastic, they have not forgotten to let the little brother explore the way first. Broken Tablet Mountain is also a giant force, saying that there is no preparation, it must be fake.

Sure enough, as countless little demons flew past, a glowing light suddenly rose from the top of Broken Tablet Mountain.


It seemed that there was a huge mask of infuriating buckle on the top of the mountain, covering the entire mountain peak, and making a loud rumbling noise as it landed.

But the little demon's figure hit it, and was bounced back again. Due to the tremendous force of the counter-shock, many little demon raindrops fell on the ground.

"This is the guarding formation of Broken Tablet Mountain?" Little Ape King grinned, "Brothers, smash it for me!"

Boom boom boom!


At this time, on the top of Broken Tablet Mountain and the square in front of the holy fire, a solid-color high platform of white marble was erected early. On the stage, dozens of heroes from Broken Tablet Mountain were sitting together to cast spells to support the mountain guard formation.

In terms of the number of people, although there are many heroes on Duanbei Mountain, they can't be compared with the countless monsters. It is absolutely impossible to go out and fight. As long as the formation is opened at this time, Duanbei Mountain will surely be submerged. Therefore, for the present plan, there is only to stick to it.

The dark monsters outside almost obscured the sky of the entire mountain. People who are less courageous will break their livers and gallbladders alive by seeing such a scene.

But the heroes on Duanbei Mountain were not too alarmed.

"This great mountain guarding formation has been passed down for many years and has never been broken. As long as we persist until the master comes back, when the unicorn comes out of the mountain, no matter how many monsters there are outside, in front of the supernatural beasts, they will all be chickens and dogs."

In the center of the formation, the teacher named Gao presides over the formation while cheering up the heroes.

As everyone worked together to perform the spells, the Great Array outside the mountain was under the bombardment of the Sky Demon King. Although it seemed to be crumbling, it was well maintained, and there was no sign of being breached.

But what they didn't see was that not far away, three pairs of eyes had already looked over.

"With such a big movement, won't the legendary unicorn beast take action?" Li Chu asked curiously.

Next to him, He Tu replied: "Brother Wang Qi, you don't know, hey, this unicorn on Duanbei Mountain, its surname is Guo!"

"Yes." Cao Pan sneered softly: "Guo Longque prides himself on being smart, who would have thought he would be planted on this. He does not allow anyone except himself to contact the unicorn, so that the unicorn only recognizes himself. But. This Broken Tablet Mountain, but died on it. As long as he can't come back, then this mountain will be destroyed today!"

The three of them hurried under the platform while talking.

Cao Pan said, "Let's go up and help."

The disciple of the guard below glanced at Li Chu and said, "It's okay for the two leaders to go up. This new brother should rest here."

Obviously, he was worried about Li Chu.

"Okay." Cao Pan nodded, and then said to Li Chu if there is a deep meaning: "Then Wang Qi brother, please watch from below to see what we are doing..."

"I understand." Li Chu nodded slightly, motioning to understand.

Cao Pan turned around and jumped onto the platform with He Tu and walked all the way to the center.

"Higher education!" he cried.

"Why did you come here?" The senior teacher frowned slightly, seemingly displeased, "Sit down quickly."

While speaking, Cao Pan had already come to him, and suddenly raised his hand to the distance, "Look, Meteor!"

"What?" Gao Jiaxi turned his head and suddenly wondered, "The sky is full of monsters, where are the meteors?"

As soon as his thoughts flashed, he saw Cao Pan lifted both palms, and his luck hit him viciously in the chest!


Gao Jiaxi was shot down directly from the legal platform by this long-planned full palm, and blood spurted wildly.

At this time, a quick-reacting guy around him immediately shouted: "Cao Pan! He Tu, what are you two doing?"

At the moment Cao Pan took the shot, He Tu was already heading towards the sky, and at the same time he shouted: "Brother Wang Qi, do it!"

This is just the situation on the Dharma platform.

At the same moment that the higher education of the abbot's formation was knocked into the air, the formation in the sky had already appeared a wave of ripples.

And it was the strongest existence in the sky that caught this ripple first.


The endless dark clouds suddenly swept and gathered, and the countless monsters behind the cloud head were like a little lady whose tube top was suddenly torn off, suddenly revealing his true face.

And the dark clouds in the sky that were torn away all came together to form a giant ape that is extremely difficult to see, with the sky above the sky and the feet on the earth. This is truly upright and upright!

His body was slender, and his face could be aging, but his power was not diminished. For example, a pair of divine pupils and electric eyes suddenly swam up the golden dragon when he was in a fight.


The mountains shook and shouted.

The golden dragon swam from the old ape's arms to the palm of his palm~www.readwn.com~ and just raised his hand to the sky. At this time, the two golden dragons suddenly entangled in one place, twisted into one strand, and turned into a giant stick in the sky.

The old monkey is in the air, and the stick is still upright.

This giant stick that pierced the sky appeared at the moment that the platform was shaken, sinking in the desperate gaze of the hero on Broken Tablet Mountain.

The wind and thunder in Kyushu are hard to hear, and the waves are tumbling in all directions.

This is great.



Kakacha seemed like the sky collapsed, and the rumbling seemed to crack the ground. The mountain guard array that had previously blocked countless demons, under this rod, was wiped out in ashes!

After a moment of action, there is only one sentence left in the hearts of those who have witnessed this scene.

The prestige of the ancestor ape is terrifying.

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