I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 57: This plan to warm up

In Deyun View, the sky suddenly changed color.

The original Zhanzhan clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the tumbling dark clouds gradually turned into a weird color glowing with black blue.

Guo Longque, who had just received news from the Auspicious Mansion, raised his eyes to look at the sky, and suddenly sneered.

"These rats seem to want to keep me in Jiangnan."

"This time you suddenly went to the south of the Yangtze River, it was indeed a bit reckless." Yu Qi'an said leisurely by the side.

Guo Longque glanced at him and said: "Because it is about you, I was a little rash."

"Oh?" Yu Qi'an smiled slightly.

Something strange seemed to rise in the air, and the atmosphere was slightly anxious.

At this moment, Lang Lang laughed suddenly in the front yard.

"Humanistic Guo Longque went to heaven and earth. There are tens of thousands of heroes. When I saw him today, it turned out to be just such a little black fat man."

When everyone looked over, they saw a tall, white-faced, middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and phoenix eyes, wearing a yellow robe with dragon brocade, Shi Shiran stepped in.

This body is a real dragon robe. Everyone except the emperor in the world wears it is a death penalty. But when he put it on, he didn't feel a trace of contradiction.

The man in Huangpao walked in and first glanced at the old locust tree in the yard. He seemed to feel a little strange and frowned. He glanced at the well next to him again, not knowing what he felt, his eyes drifted slightly.

"Who are you?" Wanli Feisha, with the consciousness of being the youngest in the audience, jumped up and asked.


Huangpaoren glanced over with a pair of eyes, his gaze was compelling, and he was silent and majestic. Wan Li Feisha was frightened and sat back, whispering: "I'll just ask...not to speak..."

This is a subdued coercion accumulated over the years by the strong and the superiors. Although it is insubstantial, it can overwhelm people from a spiritual level.

For example, although Li Chu's cultivation base is so high that he doesn't know where he is, he lacks this kind of deep accumulation, and he can't convince people with coercion.

Of course, he doesn't need it too much.

Guo Longque didn't get up either, just looked at the person coming with a smile on his face: "Dare to come and stop me alone, presumably your Excellency is not an ordinary person, please sign up."

"Hahaha..." The man in Huangpao laughed again, and said: "What a great honor you said to dare to stop you, but I tell you, Guo Longque, today I will stop you and it is you. It’s a great honor."

"Huh." Guo Longque was noncommittal.

The yellow-robed man flicked his sleeves and said loudly: "Wait, have you heard the name of the King of Ten Thousand Worlds?"

"It turned out to be you, Golden State Utsunomiya..." Guo Longque stood up and said slowly: "I want to know that I have always been in trouble with you in Broken Stone Mountain. What is the intention of such a big fight? "

"My Utsunomiya returns to the world, and I need a place to build a nation. The Northland is just right, and your anti-thief's den is too much a hindrance there." King Wan Shi shook his head.

"That depends on your ability." Guo Longque's eyes slowly narrowed.

For decades in the Northland, this master has never been a good temper.

What's more, the enemy's goal is probably not to kill him. It only needs to delay him for some time, and it will be enough for the army of the Golden State to take down Broken Tablet Mountain. At that time, there is no point in rushing back.

Therefore, King Wanshi is not in a hurry, but he is in a hurry.

At this moment, I heard the old Taoist sitting over there say: "What are you doing? Do you two feel like a guest, and even if you are empty-handed, you still want to fight here? This is my home."

Wang Wanshiwang's gaze came over, but the old Taoist priest did not fear his coercion at all. Instead, he did not wait for him to speak. Keep me and tell him."

"You?" The two people who were facing each other looked at the old Taoist strangely.

"Hehe, I think you are interested in the old locust tree in our courtyard. If you sit down, I will tell you where it came from. If you still want to stop Lao Guo today, I will tell you that we two are dead. friendship……"

The old Taoist smiled and didn't finish speaking, but King Wanshi understood.

The rest is obviously, if you dare to stop him, it will be over if I can't get you.

This is somewhat beyond the expectations of the king of the world.

Because he was chasing Guo Longque, only Guo Longque felt the strong breath. He has a self-cultivation base, and he is by no means inferior to Guo Longque. Even if it can't be killed here, there is no problem in dragging it for a while.

Who knows that such an arrogant man suddenly appeared.

His aura looked no different from a mortal, and his appearance was completely fearless of his own coercion and it was indeed unusual. If it is not a true mortal, it can only be a super master who surpasses himself.

At the moment when he was hesitant, Yu Qi'an smiled again: "I did have some conversation with you. You know Li Chu, my apprentice."

A master is definitely a master.

This sentence directly strengthened the idea in the heart of King Wanshi.

The little Taoist and Utsunomiya affairs were blocked by the court, and not many people knew about it, so most of the old Taoists were not lying. And if he is really the master of the little Taoist priest who caused the Northern God to destroy the souls and corpses, then it seems that the horror of his cultivation is justified...

So King Wanshi sat down.

"I want to hear, what do you want to chat with me?"

His mouth was stiff, but in fact he still recognized a little bit of counsel. He claims that he will never lose to anyone in the world, but if the two are unreasonable and gang fights, it is not certain whether he can get away.

Yu Qi'an glanced at Guo Dang and said with a smile: "You go first and talk later."

Guo Longque didn't hesitate, nodded, and walked out on his own. This is Yu Qi'an's magic power. It was like this when they wandered through the rivers and lakes before. He could always do some seemingly magical things.

You can always trust the old Taoist priest.

Seeing that Guo Longque took the people away, the old Taoist priest cast his gaze on the opposite King Wan Shi, and said: "Xiao Wan, go get the chessboard, and I will play against Lao Wan."

Wan Li Feisha was a little upset, saying that you call him like my dad, but it is obviously not his turn to speak in this kind of scene, so he can only get up and get the chessboard.

But the King of Eternal Ages was not happy, and frowned: "What old Wan...I was the emperor of humans long ago, and now my name is the King of Eternal Ages, which means the king of all ages. You can call me your majesty."

"Good old king." Yu Qi'an said casually.

King Wanshi couldn't figure out his way, and for a while, he was a little bit angry and dare not speak.

While talking, Wanli Feisha had already sent the chessboard over.

"After this game of chess, you and I will go back to each house and find each mother, without interfering with each other." Yu Qi'an said with a smile.

Wang Wanshi knew that he was trying to stop him from chasing Guo Longque, so he sneered: "Don't sell it. You just told me about the locust tree in the courtyard. I really feel a little strange, you should talk about it."

"I know how strange you look, it's just that you feel familiar." Yu Qi'an said casually: "You were in the Golden State. You probably met Huaizu in your early years."

The Golden State is one of the three largest demons in the world. As one of the oldest and most powerful demons, Huaizu naturally appeared there.

Wang Shiwang heard the words and looked at the old locust tree in the courtyard again. His pupils shrank slightly, and there was no sound for a while.

"Haha, don't mention it. The Golden State is in the north of the Northland, not far from the illusory ghost country on earth. I don't know if you have seen the second hall of the ghost country? That's a pretty powerful old man. Guys."

"You mean... the King of Burning Lanterns..." Wang Wanshi thought for a moment, "He seems to have disappeared a few years ago."

"Then do you know, where is it?" Yu Qi'an asked with a smile again.

"Huh?" Wang Shiwang looked at his kind smile and suddenly felt a little scary.

"In the past few years, there was another rising star in the Momen, called Yin Jiuyou. He is not too old, and his name is louder than you, called Yindi. I don't know if you have heard of it?" Yu Qi'an asked again.

"Yin Di..." Wang Shiwang murmured.

Although Utsunomiya is in the Golden State outside the world, the news on the land of Heluo has never been cut off, not to mention the news of such a big man as the Demon's Yin Emperor.

"He also disappeared..."

"Then do you know, where is he?" Yu Qi'an smiled again.

After a pause, he asked again: "Do you know who among the top five evil spirits is the strongest?"

"Five evils?" King Wanshi blinked, "Naturally it is Beiming Kunpeng. According to legend, Kunpeng will destroy the world as soon as Kunpeng emerges."

"It's a pity that it never came out, except for it?"

"Under Kunpeng, it is naturally gluttonous, and the legend can swallow heaven and earth." Wang Shiwang said again.

"I don't know if you have seen it before. This kind of monster doesn't often walk in the world, and I don't know much about the news. I tell you, it has actually disappeared for many years."

Wang Wanshi looked at the eloquent Taoist priest, a little nervous.

I saw the old Taoist slowly saying, "Then I ask you, do you want to get together with them?"

Did you finally show your fangs?

King Wanshi withdrew his hand from the chessboard, paused, and said, "Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

"Don't be afraid of it, no one cares what you think." The old Taoist gave him a blank look and said, "The reason why I haven't gotten you off yet is because you are a human race, and there is an essence to those monsters and monsters. The difference. I said this to tell you, honestly play a game of chess with me~www.readwn.com~ and let you go after the game, and never break your word. Dare to engage in those crooked evils, hehe..."

"But..." Wang Shiwang whispered: "You have already lost."

"Huh?" The old Taoist was startled and looked at the chessboard carefully, "Is it so fast?"

He stared wide-eyed for a long time, and found that he really didn't have the magic to return to the sky. The little fat dragon stared to one side again, "He gave me a condom, why don't you remind me a little bit?"

Wanli Feisha and Xiaofeilong held their foreheads by their hands, wondering if they were embarrassed together. After just a few words, Guo Longque hasn't even gone far.

"Then... can I go?" Wang Shiwang asked again.

What he thought was the same. At this time, going after Guo Longque was hopeless...

I saw the old Taoist priest who had just said that he would never break his words, his face was stern, his sleeves touched the chessboard, "No, this is a plan to warm up."


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