I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Are you not afraid of me?

"This Utsunomiya is really hidden."

The three little ones walked out of the bronze hall and whispered.

The King Baoxiang was a little puzzled: "This Utsunomiya doesn't look too big, so where can I hold a aster?"

"Maybe..." Xuan Diao Wang said: "It is far bigger than we thought."

Send people to Utsunomiya, even if they have completed the task temporarily, they can easily return to Sanwangling.

As for the follow-up, Li Chu and the elders of Guanghanzong are in charge.

At this moment they were all staring cautiously not far away.

In addition to Li Chu's accompaniment, the female disciples also left behind a variety of audio-visual methods to ensure that they can be monitored in all directions without blind spots.

In terms of supernatural powers, Guanghan Sect must have more channels than Li Chu.

The black-robed messenger of Utsunomiya used a long rope to hold all the female disciples who had lost consciousness, and gently tugged, those women were like being driven out of corpses. They did not open their eyes, but started to walk on their own.

The black robe messenger walked at the forefront silently. He probably couldn't think of...life is broadcast live every day.

Going along the small door behind the main hall, the light dimmed, and the road ahead seemed to be a bit sloping, because Li Chu could perceive with his heart that their position was always descending.

Going forward for a while, I heard the sound of splashing water.

Under the bronze palace, there is a hidden river. After the messenger arrived, he wielded a trick that didn't know what to do, and the void drew a force of strength.

Not long afterwards, a gleam of light appeared in front of the dark river. The light got closer and dazzling. It turned out that it was a huge, dark lantern fish with a dazzling light hanging from its head.

The huge lantern fish stopped and immediately opened its fangs.

Li Chu's **** stood up immediately.

If the female disciple of Guanghan Sect is in the slightest danger, his pure Yang sword will arrive in the first time.


He didn't think that Utsunomiya took so much effort to catch these human girls just to feed the fish.

Sure enough, the huge mouth of the lantern fish was completely opened, as if it had opened a door, and the black robe envoy directly led the female disciples into it.

The light inside was brighter than that in the dark river. The inner wall of the lantern fish was full of gloomy light. Walking all the way, there was a wide red space.

Is this opening a room inside the lantern fish?

The black robe messenger entered it, and sat down leaning against the wall.

There was a bang.

The lantern fish closes its huge mouth, turns its big head, and moves upstream along the river.

So Shion, isn't it in Utsunomiya?

Li Chu looked at the direction of the lantern fish tracing the flow, and he had a vague guess in his heart, and then followed the elders of Guanghan Sect together.

Naturally, no matter how far away he is, he can accurately strike with a remote sword, but several Guanghanzong elders do not have this ability. They must stay within a certain distance to ensure that they can guard the safety of the disciples at any time.

The underground river is unexpectedly long, and the lantern fish swims surprisingly fast, and only stopped after nearly an hour.

Li Chu looked up and saw that the lantern fish stayed in the depths of Long Jueling.

The really important location of Utsunomiya is not in the Golden State, but in Longjeoling. This is why the life and death of a doctor on Long Jueling can finally involve Utsunomiya.

Someone should have discovered the underground river from Golden State to Long Jueling, and used it in this way to play a cunning rabbit three caves.

If it weren't for the three little inner ghosts, it might be thousands of years before no one would discover this secret underground passage.

Walking all the way to the belly of Long Jue Ling, the lantern fish stopped and opened its huge mouth again.

The black robe messenger led the female disciples out of the fish's mouth again. Looking around, it turned out that it was a well-built circular water pool. There was another stone platform beside the water pool. The steps were repaired into the water, just to lead him out.

The water pool is in an empty cave, but the surrounding area does not look like natural rocks, but like a space made of piled bricks. On the wall, there are still many and complicated murals, but some are not clear, and the style seems quite old.

In the belly of the mountain, a space like this...

"Like a big tomb."

An elder of the Guanghan Sect expressed his first feeling, and the others nodded one after another.

The black robe messenger took a group of people along the exit passage, and walked a long way, only then came to a place that seemed to be a cell. In front of the door stood two guards who were also dressed in black robes, with red masks on their faces.

"The new medicine mother is here, let me know that we can prepare the insects and the medicine." The black robe envoy said coldly.

Listening to his tone, it seems that his position is much higher than the two guards.


The guard promised to take the female disciples in and put them in their cells.

The black robe envoy turned around and walked along the passage to another spacious stone room.

"Zuo Tianguan, are things going well?"

In the stone room, there are already two people waiting there.

One was the same black robe with an old voice, and the other was a burly man in armor.

It seems that not everyone here is wearing black robes.

"It's going well. The Sanwangling I was looking for this time has some abilities. I didn't have much trouble and I caught enough medicine mother." said the black robe envoy known as "Zuo Tianguan".

"Haha." The big man laughed: "The monster Zuo Tianguan was looking for caught people smoothly and smoothly, and you would find no one for the Right Tianguan. It seems that Zuo Tianguan is more reliable."

The black-robed man with an old voice, who is called the "right heaven official", snorted softly, "This is indeed a bit weird. I'm still investigating the reason behind it, and Beishen doesn't have to provoke you here. "

The big man called the "North God General" smiled.

"Yeah..." Sitting at the table, Zuo Tianguan also echoed: "It's been thousands of years. What's the point of using that little trick back then?"

"Well, I know that your two heavenly officials are stronger than Jin Jian. Only between our gods and generals can there be enmity." The northern **** general Dala La stood up and said: "How about this batch of medicine mothers? Is there any handsome appearance? Okay, I can bear it for a long time, so I will go to play. When the time comes, the elixir will come out, and I will let you eat Lao Tzu's seeds! Haha."

The two heavenly officials didn't make a sound, and he felt boring, so he also stepped out.

After the sound of his footsteps had gone far, the stone chamber was quiet for a while before the sound came out again.

You Tian said: "Even though it has been so long, I still find it difficult to accept...I am immortal in this way. We...will go down to eighteen levels of hell."

"All these are sacrifices that must be made in order to establish a truly immortal kingdom of God." Zuo Tianguan firmly said: "It's okay for you to tell me this, but don't be heard by the king, otherwise ...Do you remember how miserable the death of the Eastern God General was?"

You Tianguan nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

After a pause, Zuo Tianguan asked again: "What happened last time was that King of Yanyue Sect...what happened afterwards?"

"What else..." You Tianguan's tone became gloomy, "He wants to cooperate with me, of course. It is natural to give him the elixir, and the king agreed. But he was wishful thinking and wanted a prescription for elixir... …There is absolutely no room for discussion on this matter. He later poisoned all the medicine mothers to death, and even the doctor who detoxified the medicine mothers...has already committed a deadly vengeance."

"This is what the king meant?" Zuo Tianguan asked.

"Naturally, the king has already spoken, and that golden bodhisattva...immortal endlessly." You Tianguan said solemnly.

Zuo Tianguan nodded, and said: "Since it is the meaning of the king, naturally there is no room for discussion, but... we now want to use the Golden State to regain control of the Northland, and we have to seek between the government and Broken Tablet Mountain. Interests, if you provoke a powerful enemy like Yan Yuejiao again, I'm afraid it will be a bit..."

"You are not responsible for this side of things, you may not know. If it had been before, Yanyuejiao might still be a strong enemy, but now..."

You Tianguan sneered.

"Oh?" Zuo Tianguan showed a little curiosity.

"The leader of Yanyue Sect, Emperor Yu Yuhuasheng of the Demon Gate, is said to have cultivated a masterful demon skill, and he will never leave the gate until he has completed it. And the five Dharma Kings below him have been killed in succession recently, and there are only three left. The old man Baishi is full of pleasure. If he is tempted by the elixir, he will immediately fall to us. Grandma Lihuo has a deep relationship with the former Yin Emperor, and she doesn't pay much to Yuhuasheng, almost listening to her."

You Tianguan said coldly: "So what we have to deal with now is the Golden Bodhisattva who hides his head and reveals his tail. If he has not been able to find his trace, why should the king personally worry about this matter? Take it down."

It seems that although they have been huddled in this corner of the North Land, the news is quite well-informed and they are always paying attention to human affairs.

"So that's the case." Zuo Tianguan nodded, "In such a troubled autumn, he actually dared to provoke Utsunomiya to me, he really didn't know whether to live or die."

"Maybe he didn't expect it." You Tianguan sneered: "I discovered some interesting things when I investigated Yanyuejiao's affairs. For example...Do you know how the two French kings died?"

"How?" Zuo Tianguan asked.

"Yanyue Sect is very secretive about this, and there are not many people who know about it, but I still found some clues and pieced together general things..."

You Tianguan said: "Previously, there was probably a plan in their teaching. Five Dharma kings stirred up the situation on all sides of the Heluo Dynasty to build momentum for Yuhuasheng's exit. Among them, the plan of the Canghai King was to destroy Shenluo City. . Actually, it has been quite smooth, who knows..."

"A little Taoist was killed midway."

"Little Taoist?"

"Yes, a little Taoist from the south of the Yangtze River. He is not very old. His appearance in Shenluo City is very colorful. Lord Canghai has already summoned Xuanwu, one of the four elephants, and he is about to freeze Shenluo City. The monks of the Bailong Temple joined forces to stop him. After that, Lord Canghai seemed to seek him for revenge, and finally he fell."

"Which little Taoist priest can have such a cultivation base, is it possible that he can't be reincarnated?" Zuo Tianguan was a little suspicious.

"Probably so." You Tianguan said: "I don't know the specifics, but I also know that the wooden king is very likely to have died in the hands of this little Taoist..."

"Oh?" Zuo Tianguan was slightly surprised.

"The wooden king was doing things in Southern Xinjiang. It was originally smooth and profitable. But after he met the little Taoist, he wanted to avenge the Canghai Lord, trying to get rid of the little Taoist with a plan, and this provokes the killing god..."

"His final trajectory seemed to be trying to threaten the little Taoist priest to surrender something... Soon after, news of his death came out."

"This..." Zuo Tianguan took a breath, "I heard that the wooden king is very cautious. Almost no one knows where his body is, and he can be beheaded. It is a bit scary to be true."

"Yes." You Tian said: "The talents in the world are really unreasonable. You and I will live forever and have practiced for thousands of years, but progress has been slower and slower, and it has been difficult to make progress in the past thousands of years. Some people can reach the top of the world with only a hundred years of cultivation..."

"This class of people, we still have to be careful to avoid it." Zuo Tianguan had a lingering fear.

"That's right." You Tianguan was also deeply convinced, "I have specifically checked things about this little Taoist priest. According to legend, he looks very handsome, almost not like a mortal. He hates evil, and is extremely keen to kill evil men. The cultivation base is high. No matter what enemy you kill, you only need one sword. Under one sword, there will be no dead."

"Will it be too exaggerated?" Zuo Tianguan said in surprise: "We have lived for thousands of years, and no one has ever seen Wushuang Tianjiao, but no one can say that a sword will destroy all enemies."

"It's not made up by me. In short, no one has seen anyone who can make him use a second sword." You Tianguan said, "In short, if you meet a young Taoist priest with a handsome face and a fire on his sword, you should be as early as possible. Stay away."

Zuo Tianguan said: "I see."

Before the voice was over, there was a loud rumbling, and there seemed to be a big shock outside.

The two heavenly officials looked at it together.

"what happened?"


But said that the North God General.

After leaving the stone room, he walked graciously all the way to the outside of the cell.

When the two guards saw him, they nodded immediately: "Master God."

"Hehe." The North God General laughed twice and walked into it.

There were more than a dozen iron prisons reinforced with talisman on both sides, and ten girls were locked in them. At this time, they have all awakened, and when they saw him coming in, they immediately looked at him.

"Hahaha..." Beishen smiled lewdly: "You probably don't know what fate you will meet next. I am the first to come, but I won't be the last. Fear, struggle, beg for mercy! Me! I like to see you being afraid and helpless in the face of abuse..."

With abnormal words on his lips, he cast his eyes on the woman in the first cell.

I saw the girl looking at him very calmly, her face blank.

"Huh?" Bei Shenjiang frowned, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Really not afraid.

"It's boring..." He turned his gaze, glanced at the second woman, and... met the same calm face.

She didn't pretend to be calm, there was no panic in her eyes, and she even wanted to laugh.


"It's weird." The North God will mumble, then cast his gaze to the next one.

Looking at the ten people one by one, the North God General touched his head.

"What's going on... Are you not afraid of me?"

The girls in the past were caught in ~www.ltnovel.com~ When they opened their eyes, they would cry for a long time, and when they saw him come and violent, they almost turned into desperate little lambs. Strange things like this collective calmness have never been seen for many years.

Beishen will not find pleasure, but feel angry: "I walk in one by one, I want to see if you are really not afraid!"

After all, he will open the first cell and be angry and violent!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a rumbling overhead,

Suddenly a trace of comprehension rose in the heart of the Northern God General, and there was something terrifying, and he rushed towards him.


He raised his head and saw a rainbow piercing through the stone wall!

In a moment, he realized.

Since they are not afraid...then it should be themselves!

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