I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 25: No name

Beishen will walk very peacefully.

When he walked into the cell, the little priest who was monitoring the case had already locked him up, waiting for any unruly actions from him, and immediately gave him a thunderous blow.

The Guanghan sect personnel who were in the joint control frowned, "This group of villains seems to be stronger than expected, do you want to ask for more support from the sect?"

"You can consider..." Li Chu nodded and agreed. It is always right to think more about such a hidden force that may have existed for thousands of years. Overestimating is better than underestimating.

He turned and said: "If those people want to infringe on the female disciples, I will take action as soon as possible, and I will never let them be harmed."

"it is good."

The Guanghanzong elder stepped aside, took out a jade slip from his sleeve, held it and said something, and then threw it to the sky.


Yu simplified as a cold light and flew away.

Their deployment is concentrated in the cell, with a narrow field of vision. And when the stone chamber was built, it was obviously made of some kind of breath-isolating material, the breath could not penetrate, and the mind and eye technique could not observe everything in it.

The atmosphere is a bit tense.

After a while, the big man in armor appeared in the cell. There is no need to guess whether he is going to do something wrong, the expression on his face is already full of crimes.

Seeing him patrolling in front of a group of cells, it seemed that he was finally unable to restrain himself, Li Chu stood up.

"I'll rush in first, bring the female disciples out, and ask the elders to sweep the battle for me."

What he was thinking at this time was not to eliminate the bad guys, but to ensure the safety of the girls as bait, let them out first, and then consider fighting against those underground villains.

These enemies...

Presumably it won't be so easy to deal with.

The unknown is often the most terrifying.

Seeing that the Northern God General was about to rush to a cell, Li Chu raised two fingers, "Imperial Swordsmanship!"

call out

A red light like a flying meteor, as if ignoring all the mountains, pierced straight toward the location of the cell. Wherever he went, the thick mountain wall did not seem to exist.

Hearing his words about swordsmanship, the elders of the Guanghan Sect looked at each other, somewhat strange.

Do you call this a swordsmanship?

You have to elaborate, the finger is raised, the sword moves at will, and it really looks like a swordsmanship.

But your power...

Isn't it right?

What's going on to open up mountains and land?


In short, it was an explosion.

As soon as the underground Beishen looked up, he saw the red light in his eyes, as if the gate of the kingdom of heaven had opened, coming to attract himself.

But in the next second he realized that this idea was too naive. People like himself are only worthy of **** if they die.

In fact, in the past three thousand years, they have thought about how they would die more than once. Except for that great emperor, no one may really think that they can live forever.

But Beishen would never expect that he would die so hastily.

It's been over three thousand years, and it's gone in one second?

At least...you let me know who killed me?

As soon as his thoughts turned here, Hongmang was getting closer and closer, and he vaguely saw a figure coming in with Hongmang. Although he couldn't see his face and body shape clearly, he could feel a dash of handsomeness just from the vague outline.

Unfortunately, after all, I can't see who it is.

As for resistance?


This idea didn't exist in his mind for a moment.

That powerful sword aura is simply as powerful as he has not seen in three thousand years. Such a sword can no longer be called an attack, it should be called a punishment.


It's better to appreciate the revolving lantern of your life when you have that time.

When the pure sun sword fell, Beishen would melt on the spot, without a trace of lag.

Li Chu's figure also fell.

The girls in the cell let out a noisy and chaotic scream. In fact, it is not difficult to guess. It is nothing but exclaims like so handsome, so strong, so big... and so on.

At this time, the two guards had heard the noise and rushed in.

In the past, Beishen would tell them not to come in no matter what sound they heard when they came in the future. They are also aware of things, knowing that this Northern God will have some strange hobbies. When doing business, it is possible to make any sound.

But this movement... is too big.

At the moment, the two guards made up their minds, even if the North God is really going to do the work, they must come in and see, what kind of posture it is that can shake the mountain...

As a result, when I came in, I felt very dazzling, and it took a long time to see the person in front of him, a handsome Taoist priest who was too handsome to look directly at.

If it hadn't been for an exaggerated hole in the roof of the cell, they might have thought that this person was the North God who was going to change.

and many more…

There is a big hole in the roof of the cell?

The two guards suddenly felt a panic of fear.

Although they are not those priests who have lived for thousands of years, they are considered to be Utsunomiya's veteran qualifications. Earlier, I heard from predecessors that almost half of the national power of the Daewoo dynasty was used to build this tomb.

This is not only a large tomb, but also a fortress that cannot be breached!

For many years, there has never been a place where outsiders can enter, and now he has opened a big hole so easily...


Is he handsome enough?

Thinking of this, the two guards only felt numb, obviously between life and death.

The two shouted almost at the same time: "I'll go back and report! You stand up!"

Say in unison, then turn around and run!

The movements are neat and uniform.

Regarding these evil forces that cruel innocent humans, whether big fish or small shrimps, Li Chu naturally won't have a hint of mercy. He held the Pure Yang sword and waved it lightly.

A one-eighth silk spiritual power sword had already killed out mightily, Chilong swallowed two guards mercilessly.

There was abrupt silence in the cell.

Li Chu looked around and asked: "Everyone is okay, I will save you."

Raising his fingertips, the Pure Yang Sword circled around, swiping the strong iron prison gate in an instant. Don't worry about the prohibition of the talisman, even if it melts, it will highlight an invincible one.

As soon as the prison door opened, I heard a humming sound suddenly coming from the surrounding area.

The female disciples of the Guanghan Sect, who were full of courage and pride, and even sneered with a slight sneer, were full of courage and pride, and almost at the same time, they rushed to Li very softly. Chu body.

"Little Li, thanks to your coming, people are really scared to death..."

"What should I do without you..."

"It's great to have Xiao Li Daochang..."

"It's terrible."

"Hey yeah..."

Li Chu looked at the suddenly weak female disciples, only to feel...human nature is really elusive.

After Li Chu fell, several elders of Guanghan Sect also flew into the air, the divine sense leaked into the ground through the gap opened by the pure Yang sword, and beware.

These elders are generally the cultivation base of the declining state, and there is a land **** leading, but they dare not take this weird force lightly.

"Little Li Daochang entered with such a high profile, it will definitely attract the opponent's crazy counterattack. I must be careful to sweep the formation to ensure that they can escape safely."

"Not bad!"

Several elders condensed their eyebrows and lifted their anger, and they stood ready.

But underground, but there is another situation.

Originally in that stone room, Zuo Tianguan and You Tianguan were shocked by the sound of the pure sun sword falling, and immediately both frowned and stood up.

"What a powerful enemy who dares to directly break through the mountain wall and come here?"

"Even if you and I are cultivated, it is impossible to cause such damage to the tomb. The visitor is not good! The king is not here, so you must be careful."

"The fluctuation comes from the cell. The North God will be there. It should be able to resist it. Don't worry, just look at the situation."

The two of them summed up a few sentences, and did not leave immediately.

Right Tianguan raised his hand, and the void trembled for a while, unexpectedly a wave of water mist appeared, and the mist revealed the scene in the cell at this time.

The Northern God General was already gone.

The guards outside the cell also appeared to be missing.

There were only a group of women with Yingyingyanyan, surrounded by a frowning little Taoist priest.

The little Taoist looks very handsome, with a sword in his hand and fire on the sword...

and many more…

in this way…

"Fuck." Zuo Tianguan couldn't help but cursed, "Isn't it?"

"It seems to be..." You Tianguan's voice was also unbelievable.

As soon as the front foot said to hide when they met, the back footer was killed. What is this?

Always remember, there will be reverberations?

As long as the people thinking in my heart will meet?

Shaking his head to get rid of those outrageous thoughts, Zuo Tianguan suppressed his voice and said, "Is this...not to be called by name?"

The pupils of You Tianguan shrank, not sure, but not daring to deny it.

Legend has it that when there are still deities in the world, those deities will have a strong reaction to their own names.

Every mortal who calls the name of a deity will be watched by the deity. If you are a devout believer, you will be helped. If it is interrupted by an insincere person, he will also be punished.

Later, the gods disappeared in the world, but a secret technique remained. This secret technique possesses a powerful power, and it is said that only those who have the highest cultivation base and can communicate with the world can practice.

I don't know the specific name of this secret technique, I only know...Don't call it by name.

As long as you mention the practitioner of this secret technique, you will be sensed by him, in the dark, looking at you...

Thinking about it, the backs of the two heavenly officials began to numb.

"It must be!" You Tianguan nodded his head heavily, "Otherwise, why did he come here as soon as I mentioned it to you, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"Then he must be watching over, and he will come only when he finds something interesting..."


"Even if the world is extremely high, it is difficult to resist the temptation of the elixir. He must have come for this reason."

"Our unintentional mistakes turned out to be a big mistake! It's really impossible to redeem it!"

"The Northern God General has no breath, he must have been beheaded in one breath. This cultivation base, the king is not here, no one can fight him at all!"


The two heavenly officials analyzed here, and the more they talked, the more they felt too terrible.

"How to remedy it now?"

"There is no prescription for immortality in this tomb. Only we and the Internet know about it. As long as we get away, there will be no problem..."

Zuo Tianguan looked at You Tianguan, and frowned: "You mean...we have provoke such a powerful enemy and we are gone? Let go of everything here and give up the family business accumulated for thousands of years?"

You Tianguan looked at Zuo Tianguan and said, "No, we shouldn't walk...we have to run!"


"Also notify the other gods and generals to run together!"

The elders of the Guanghan Sect outside thought that Li Chu was escorting a group of female disciples out, and they would definitely be pursued by Utsunomiya.

They are here, ready to block the enemy for Li Chu at any time.

What I didn't expect was...

Not long after Li Chu fell, he hadn't come up yet.

But a few more exits were opened in the mountain, and then... a group of people in black robes rushed out like they were fleeing for their lives. Towards different directions, each means to fly away in an instant.

Scattered is a starry sky.

Looking at the speed of their escape, their cultivation bases are not weak, but I don’t know why...

There is no fluctuation in fighting underneath?

Shouldn't these people just give up their hometown without resistance?

How is this going?

The visual perception is like a tiger burrowing into a hole, and then a lot of wild boars rushed out, rushing into the distance without turning their heads.

What's not home.

Whoever looks back is the grandson.

The picture is amidst the weirdness, and there is still such a trace of joy.

The heavenly officials and **** generals who fled without saying a word did not meet until they reached the agreed safe place thousands of miles away.

Looking at each other, each other is so embarrassed.

After a long while, Zuo Tianguan broke the silence: "This...this servant is really hateful. I will choose to come when the king is away."

"Yes, if the king is here, even if the world is the best, why should I be afraid of it?"


The others agreed.

The atmosphere began to become harmonious.

But what they didn’t know was that when all this happened, on another mountain not far from Long Jueling, there were two other figures who witnessed everything...

"Haha." The monk wearing a golden robes and a solemn look gave a chuckle, "That's it...our cooperation is ready."

"Naturally, those of us who are not in the world should stand on the same side."

Opposite, there was an old man with a rickety figure and a hoarse voice covered in black robe.

"Those who cannot tolerate us are just not yet enlightened. We have to help them to take refuge." The monk said in a gentle tone, but his words were a little weird.

"I'm not as good as Master Yaxing, I'm only interested in their Yangshou..." The black robe man also smiled sorrowfully, "Since the cooperation is confirmed, the next time I meet, I think the master will come here?"

"The King of Ten Thousand Worlds..." The monk smiled: "Don't play tricks on the poor monk... You, the flesh, can't be the main body. Like us, once the main body is found, isn't it not far from death."

"Hahaha, you are indeed a wonderful person." The black robe man laughed again, "Then I will go back and prepare the elixir for you."

"Thanks. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" the monk folded his hands together.

The black-robed man turned around and looked in the direction of the large tomb on Long Jueling. Although it was separated by dozens of miles, it was not a very far distance to them and the like.

When Li Chu's sword energy broke the mountain, the black robe man's footsteps stopped.

After hesitating for a while, he turned around again: "I have a very happy conversation with you, why don't we talk more?"

"Um..." The monk also looked in that direction, "There seems to be something wrong with you...?"

The black-robed man waved his hand: "No harm is done!"

"Don't you need to go back and see?" the monk asked again.

The black-robed man shook his head: "No need!"

"Utsunomiya's subordinates are running away..." the monk said again.

The black robe man gritted his teeth: "Things outside the body!"

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