I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 23: Utsunomiya, Shien

Li Chu looked at King Xuan Diao.

King Xuan Diao looked at Li Chu.

The air seemed to stand still, and the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

Li Chu seemed to have made a preparatory action, and then realized that this is an acquaintance today and cannot be killed for a while.

Two fingers were slightly lost and put down.

A headshot of Citroen in the ice and snow secret realm, plus the experience points gained from beheading the Demon King in succession over the past two days, is really considerable. He has been far away from the starting point of the eighty-level, thinking about the eighty-first level to move forward.

If there are three more demon kings equivalent to the decay state, they should be infinitely close to the eighty-first level...

Eighty-one, nine-nine is true, what a desirable number.

He looked at King Xuan Diao Wang with a trace of longing.

The Profound Eagle King got up and said in an almost swearing tone forever: "Don’t worry, Mr. Li, since our three brothers have promised to help you, naturally they are completely on your side. It is impossible to help Yudu again. The palace hurts mankind. More than that, whoever dares to hurt mankind in the future will not be the same as my Three Kings! Our three brothers are mankind’s best friends! Best partners!"

"Oh." Li Chu sighed and praised: "I recognize your awareness."

Recognize a fart!

You sighed there.

He looks disappointed.

King Xuan Diao did not let go of every emotion in Li Chu's eyes.

after all.

A grain of dust in the eyes of the little Taoist could be a heavy mountain when it fell on the three little ones!

"I'm just thinking about what to do with this matter." Li Chu said, "Since Utsunomiya found you, it might not be an opportunity to use."

"Yes." The king of Xuan Diao nodded, "Isn't Mr. Li just trying to explore the inside story of Utsunomiya? As long as you let yourself in with your travel signs, don't everyone know it."

"Yes, it's a good idea."

The words of King Xuan Diao coincided with Li Chu.

It's a pity that such an opportunity to penetrate the enemy's interior is not used well.



"Where can I find so many girls?"

Li Chu said to himself.

The Profound Eagle King had been sent away by him first, and they agreed that tomorrow the three Demon Kings would come to Yaowang Town on the grounds of going out to capture women. At that time, Li Chu will find ten women to wait here, and they will carry Li Chu's travel amulet to guard their safety. When they enter Utsunomiya, they will know what the mysterious power is about.

But the problem is...

After all, this is a very risky thing, it is impossible to find a few little girls to top it up. If you know the seriousness of the matter, I am afraid that few girls would be willing to take this risk.

Female disguised as a man?

Stop it.

Wang Longqi and Du Lanke were also in the room at this time, and when they heard Li Chu talk about it, they also helped to advise.

Hearing Li Chu's confusion, a flash of inspiration flashed in their minds at the same time.

"I know!"


Seventh Young Master and Old Du glanced at each other, glimpsing the aura in each other's eyes, revealing a wise and sympathetic smile like a young crouching dragon and phoenix.

"I know there is a place..." Wang Longqi smiled.

"It's all women inside." Old Du continued.

Wang Longqi said: "And they are all in the midst of a young age..."

Old Du said, "All of them have special skills..."

Wang Longqi said: "They are all sacrificial and helpful..."

Old Du said: "The master has also had some dealings with them..."

The two people talked more and more like each other, as if they were about to spread their palms and reveal the word "fire" at the same time.

"This place is..."

"The Brothel!"

"Guanghan Sect!"


Wang Longqi and Lao Du blinked at the same time, then smiled awkwardly.

It's a mess.

Old Du said, "The women in the brothel are definitely unreliable. They have no cultivation level, and can't just send them into the monster den because they are good girls? Even if a master guards the whole process, there won't be any major problems... But not afraid of 10,000, just in case, it is better for the female sisters of the Guanghan Sect to have the ability to protect themselves."

Wang Longqi said: "The good girls can be invited as long as they give money. Anyway, there is Li Chu guarding them. They just go in and make a circle. It is impossible to make any mistakes. The female cultivators of Guanghan Sect are naturally more comfortable than them, but Why can someone help you?"

Old Du spread his hands: "Because the master is handsome."

Looking at him as if it were taken for granted, Wang Longqi froze for a while.

There is really no way to refute it.

"Yes, it is indeed a feasible method to ask Guanghanzong for help."

Li Chu thought for a while, stood up and walked out the door without hesitation.


When Li Chu visited Guanghanzong again, he was treated more enthusiastically. After all, he was also considered to have helped Guanghanzong, although it was an equivalent exchange, but the favor was there. What's more, the strength he showed in the ice and snow mystery last time was enough to make any force look at him with admiration.

He was directly taken to Elder Yaochi this time, and Elder Su Xin agreed without hesitation after he explained his intentions.

"Hunter girl... no matter what the purpose is, it is unforgivable. Such demons, my cultivators should walk the way for the sky. Even if Dao Li doesn't mention it, my Guanghan Sect knows this, but also I won’t let him do evil again. This time, my sect will send several elders to fight with you."

Guanghanzong is indeed one of the twelve immortal gates, and the sense of responsibility of the disciples under the school is nothing to say.

After some generous words, she told Bi Luo: "Take Daochang Xiao Li to pick the girl."

"Yes." Bi Luo replied.

Then he took Li Chu to the hall of another mountain.

Li Chu was sitting in a wicker chair and saw Bi Luo go out for a while, and then led a row of dozens of Guanghan Sect disciples into it with smiles.

Seeing Li Chu, the girls had implicit expectations in their eyes, and they yelled together: "Hello Xiao Li."

Seeing these female disciples lined up in front of him, Li Chu examined it carefully and frowned slightly.

When Bi Luo saw this, he said hurriedly: "Dao Master Xiao Li is not satisfied? If you are not satisfied, then I will go out and call a group of teachers and sisters in. The elder has ordered you to choose until you are satisfied."

Li Chu hesitated, did not make a sound, but raised his finger to two of them, "These two can stay, and the other girls will be embarrassed and bother to leave for nothing."

The two female sisters who were selected were naturally smiling, while those who were not selected were greatly disappointed, and went out with Bi Luo angrily.

Not long after, Bi Luo walked in with a new group of sisters.

As soon as the girls entered the door, they said in unison again: "Hello Dao Li Xiao..."

Li Chu examined it again.

This time, he only selected one.

Change another batch.

Bi Luo stepped forward and said, "It's better for Dao Master Xiao Li to inform me of the selection criteria. I will help you call more qualified seniors and sisters over, so as to save time."

After thinking about it, Li Chu said, "No, just pick a few more times."

The reason why he didn't say it was because his selection criteria were...ugly.

After years of practice, female cultivators can’t change their natural facial shape, but most of them have ice muscles and bones and dusty temperament. As long as they don’t have poor congenital conditions, they are mostly beautiful.

But here is the problem.

Those monsters catch human girls, and they want to go to the barren mountains and ridges to find them, the more barbarous and remote the better. Because in the large cities, there are survivors in the sky, and committing crimes is too dangerous.

In this way, most of the peasant girls they captured were some peasant girls, and even the best-looking of them, they couldn't see where they were.

These Guanghan sect disciples Yishui'er's skin is beautiful, suddenly sent over, it is inevitable that flaws will be exposed.

However, this standard cannot be declared.

Ask someone to help you go to the dangerous place, and also say that the reason I chose you is because you are ugly...

This is a bit too human.

After some selection, Li Chu struggled to choose short ones from the tall ones, and selected ten...not to be ugly, just the ones with more ordinary appearance.

On the same day, he took the three elders of Guanghan Sect and these ten female disciples back to Yaowang Town.


Early the next morning.

In the distant sky, a cloud of demon spirit floated over.

The three cold-faced Guanghanzong elders Qi Qi with swords in their hands, and the female disciples behind them also drew out flying sword magic weapons.

"Don't draw your sword! Your own person!"

"Little Li Dao...It's us!"

A familiar voice was uploaded from the cloud, and Li Chu motioned everyone to stay calm, and saw the demon cloud fluttering to the ground.

The lion camel king, the treasure elephant king, the black carving king...

The three little ones held their hands high and ran all the way to Li Chu's side, with a flattering smile on his face.

When the Guanghan sect saw this, they felt a little disillusioned.

These demon kings, who are obviously not low in cultivation base, are also arrogant when they use their supernatural powers. How can they be like those raised in the family in front of Dao Li Xiao... Is there something wrong?

"These are my internal responses in the Golden State. During this period of time, I have endured the humiliation and made a lot of contributions." Li Chu introduced to everyone in this way.

"How can it be called patience and humiliation? It's all for justice and peace in the world! It is the lofty ideal that brings us together!"

The three little ones also replied sternly.

Looking at that posture, it seems that it is possible to raise his hand to salute at any time, and then submit an application for admission.

The Guanghan Sect had little trust in these three demon kings, but they had a very high sense of trust in Li Chu. Seeing that Li Chu knew them so well, he put down a little guard.

"Those few went to Utsunomiya with the three demon kings, and I followed the three elders." Li Chu said.

"Good." The ten female disciples of Guanghan Sect nodded one after another.

"Okay, offend everyone! Offend! I'm sorry!" San Xiaozhi politely apologized, while casting a spell to restrain all the ten female disciples, and then carried the head of the cloud.

With another fingertip, the demon cloud lifted into the sky and flew far away towards the Golden State. The three elders of Li Chu and Guanghanzong followed closely behind.

Just talk about the three little ones.

Soon I came to the lofty mountains of the Golden State. On the highest mountain, there is a huge bronze palace that is extremely conspicuous.

It is the legendary Utsunomiya.

The palace is located on top of the cliff, with a sense of oldness and a bit of aura, as if it could be pulled up like a sharp sword at any time.

It makes people feel as if they are guilty of the cold when they look at it.

If it weren't forced, with the strength of Sanwangling, none of them wanted to have any intersection with Utsunomiya. In the entire Golden State, there is probably no Demon King who does not have deep fear of this weird force, and he is unwilling to take a step.

But this time life forced, but had to come.

According to their previous appointment, they led the girls all the way into the gate of the bronze palace, and before they were called, the gate of the palace burst open.

Inside is a hall with a high dome, cold and empty, without a trace of popularity.

It is said that a dozen demon kings came to Utsunomiya in a group and entered the hall together. When viewed from the outside, the hall was so empty. But as they stepped in, the gate of the palace closed suddenly. When it was opened again, blood was already flowing inside.

The more empty, the more terrifying, no one knows where the danger will appear.

"My Envoy?" Xuan Diao Wang called out, walking inside, quite frightened.

After a while, a few soft footsteps came from the palace.

"If you stay, you can go." A cold command was heard.

A shadow in a black robe appeared in the depths of the main hall. It was the messenger who had contacted Sanwangling before.

"Good." The lion camel king agreed.

Then the King Baoxiang asked, "My Envoy, I don't know about these human women, what are you doing with them?"

"Huh?" The messenger raised his eyes and said with a stern tone: "What is the relationship with the three?"

"It's okay, my second brother is very curious. Hey, if you shouldn't inquire, we naturally won't inquire." King Xuan Diao was busy making rounds.

"Actually... it's okay to tell you, after all, we still have to cooperate in the future." The messenger thought for a while and said, "These women are going to Ziyuan."

"Aster?" King Xuan Diao blinked, "Is there still asters in Utsunomiya?"


In Yaowang Town, just when Li Chu's figure left with a sword, in the attic not far away, a hidden figure quietly closed the window.

"Madam, that little Taoist priest with a very high level of cultivation has gone away." Fangfang whispered.

"Hmm..." The Ninth Lady of the Han Dynasty Mansion Wenxiang, nodded after hearing this.

In the past few days when Li Chu was in Medicine King Town, the master and servant did not dare to move in the slightest, but silently observed a few people.

Now that Li Chu left, they dared to move their minds.

"Previously, I inquired about some from Doctor Lang. This group of people came to Yaowang Town, seemingly to help the joint person detoxify something." Wen Xiang muttered.

"But after these days of observation, I have reason to suspect that the reason they want to treat the connector is to interrogate information about the mountain from him!"

"Otherwise, why should they strictly control the contacts with us? Why should they be treated so rudely?"

"Even though the little Taoist is gone, his apprentice... that old Taoist is also a bit weird. He doesn't want him to do bad things. It seems that he can only do some cruelty this time... Did you get everything you got? "

"I got it." Fangfang took out a medicine bottle, "I got it from the little disciple in Yaowang Town, specifically for the anesthesia of large monsters... Jiuxiang Lost Soul Powder."

"As long as a small amount is mixed into the water, you can turn over a dozen monsters. Use it on people...absolutely never wake up."

Wenxiang opened a tile cup on the side, and it was fragrant and fragrant, which seemed to be a cup of soup.

"Fell," she ordered.

Fangfang sprinkled the medicine powder into the soup.

"Pour more." Wenxiang felt unsafe, and ordered again.

Fangfang poured into a big pile again.

"Just put it all in..." Wenxiang said with a frown.

Fangfang spilled a whole bottle of powder in it.

"Are you sure you can turn him over? Don't you need to..." Wenxiang thought of the ghostly Taoist priest, always feeling a little unstable.

Fangfang held her hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said: "Madam, it's almost there. There is almost no medicine in the soup..."

"All right." Wenxiang nodded reluctantly, "Then you go, I don't know when the little Taoist priest will come back, hurry up."

"Good!" Fangfang nodded heavily.

The two masters and servants looked at each other, and their eyes were full of tragic and vigorous benevolence if they didn't succeed.

Fangfang took Tang Zhu Yingying and walked to the attic where Wang Longqi was, and said softly, "Dao Master Du, are you there?"

"Girl Fangfang, what's the matter?" Durange greeted him and asked when he saw the little girl who hadn't seen him standing outside the door.

"Someone helped Madam to make soup, and there happened to be leftovers, so I had an extra bowl, and I want to give you a taste."

"Ah, the girl is interested." Old Du happily took the soup bowl, opened it, and was a little puzzled, "This soup...so thick."

Fangfang blinked and said with a smile: "All...for you are dry goods."

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