I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 22: The mysterious disappearance of the Golden State Demon King

Next to a small town on the edge of the Northland.

In a courtyard by the town, the chimney was still smoking, and the stove was burning and steaming.

A woman greeted the outside in the kitchen, "The head of the house, asked the girl to come over for dinner."

"Good." The old man agreed, walking towards a room in the yard, and shouting as he walked: "Girl, I'm eating."

But no one agreed.

I opened the door and saw that the room was empty and there were no human figures.

"Huh?" The old man exclaimed.

How can this good-natured person disappear and disappear?

"Don't make trouble with Dad..." When he looked carefully, he caught a glimpse of a yellow ingot on the dressing table in the room.

The heavy starter is obviously real gold!


The old man was shocked, "What the **** is going on?"

A black wind swept across the mountains and stopped in a broken cave not far away.

The delicate girl opened her eyes and saw a middle-aged woman covered in black feathers and a strong figure with a strange light on her face. She was walking into the cave with one hand on her own.

As I walked into the depths of the cave, with a faint light, I could see that there were already four young girls who were also under control, all of the same age and posture.

"Daxian... Daxian, what are you doing?" The girl couldn't help but pleaded, "Please... let me go."

Naturally, this woman was the Black Phoenix King from the Golden State. She turned a deaf ear to the girl's begging for mercy. Instead, she threw the girl aside, then pulled out a black feather and flew out.

Guanghua flashed, and the black feather thorn hit the girl's body, and she fainted suddenly, unable to move any more.

The Black Phoenix King counted, and murmured: "Two of them have been caught here...it seems to have to change places again."

It is a risky thing for monsters to harm people in the territory of the Heluo Dynasty. As long as the matter is serious enough to attract Chaotianque's attention, once it is investigated, something may happen.

So it is very cautious. It chooses some remote places in the countryside and leaves enough money for a lifetime after catching people. It just wants the girls' families to keep quiet.

Especially after the death of King Bi Fang, the Black Phoenix King now has a shadow on doing things in Heluo.

But there is no way, if you want to get more support from Utsunomiya, you can only do your best to complete the tasks they have given.

That's right, Utsunomiya's order was to let the Black Phoenix King help them catch a certain number of human girls.

The Black Phoenix King thought in his heart that as long as he changed a few larger counties, he could grab another five. If you make up the number of ten people, you can go back to the Golden State for business. It doesn't matter how these girls are dealt with by that time.

Once you have enough support from Utsunomiya, you can ask them for help to kill the little Taoist priest and avenge your husband!

Well, strictly speaking an ex-husband.

After revenge for it, you can also consider others. Although the Xuan Diao Wang looked unreliable, but... barely able to use it.

Anyhow, it's better than nothing.

As for these...

The Black Phoenix King looked at the girls who had been captured by him, and there was no wave in his heart.

It's just a humble mortal.

Without the protection of those cultivators, they would have been reduced to blood food. Who would care about their lives?

Thinking about this, the Black Phoenix King turned around, trying to get out of the cave.

But before he could take a step, he saw a red light oncoming.



In the attic of Yaowang Town, King Xuan Diao was startled when he heard Li Chu's words.

Then he asked, "Little Li, have you dealt with the Black Phoenix before?"

"No." Li Chu shook his head again.

"Then what are you..."

King Xuan Diao hesitated to use his words, if you say how dare you be so confident, it might be a bit bad, but he really thinks that way.

It felt that even if Li Chu was a land immortal, it did not mean that he could kill the Black Phoenix King.

Li Chu seemed to understand its meaning and explained: "Because it is dead."

"Dead?" Xuan Diao Wang's eyes widened, "How did you die?"

The news was really sudden, after all, it was still explaining to Li Chu how difficult it was to deal with in the last second.

As soon as he asked this, King Xuan Diao looked at the flying sword behind Li Chu, and suddenly thought of something terrible.

It pointed to Li Chu's sword, and then pointed out the window, "This, this... Just now it... just went out... ah? No?"

"Not bad." Li Chu nodded, "As long as the line is within the range of sight, my flying sword will be able to reach it."

Upon hearing this, King Xuan Diao's cold sweat broke down, almost soaking his back.

When Li Chu asked them to wear the Xing Suifu, he said that if something happened, he would be there at any time. Even if people can't reach it, the sword can reach it.

It turns out that there is no special meaning, just a literal meaning?

Xiaolou listened to the wind and talked and laughed, killing the monster three thousand miles away.

Is this something human can do?

Thinking of this, he quickly apologized in his heart, it should be...

Is this something that people can do?

Is this swordsmanship that spans thousands of miles in an instant really existed?

Thinking of his three brothers being under the surveillance of Xing Fu all the time... the fear in his heart almost froze.

Doesn't it mean that as long as Li Chu is a little unhappy, he can come over with a sword at any time and take away the lives of their three little ones?

"So I said..." Li Chu emphasized again: "This line of random characters can protect you."

"Hehe." King Xuan Diao had to sneer twice.

This protects...

It's really scary.

When the girls regained consciousness, they heard a gentle voice asking in their ears: "Are you okay?"


When I opened my eyes, I saw Ying's perfectly profiled face.

There is a flying sword that burns in the cave, so there is a warm light illuminating the face of the little Taoist priest.

At a glance, the girls took a deep breath, and an idea came out almost at the same time.

I must be dead.

Here... is it the Elysium?

Who knows, Li Chu stood up and continued: "The monster has been killed by me. You are safe. Now I will take you home."

"Go home?" The girls were startled: "Who is going back to?"


Li Chu blinked and said, "Naturally, I will send you back to each house."

These words without any emotion pulled the girls out of the confusion and remembered what they had experienced.

"Small Dao..." someone exclaimed: "You actually beheaded that monster, you are too powerful!"

"Oh my god, the little road leader saved our lives."

"If it weren't for you, what can I do..."

"There is no retribution for life-saving grace. The little girl is willing to promise her body and grow up with her kindness by reporting!"

"I am willing too!"


Seeing the rescued girls enthusiastically want to give back to themselves, Li Chu persisted in carrying forward the fine tradition from elementary school.

Kindness does not intend to return.

Do good things without leaving a name.

Thousands of words were condensed into one sentence, and he raised his hand and said firmly: "It's not necessary."

After sending the reluctant girls home separately, Li Chucai returned to Yaowang Town with his sword.

Old Changchun was racing against time to refine the pill, Wang Longqi was waiting anxiously, and Old Du was watching him closely.

Rubbing his hands.

It was as if a knife man who hadn't killed anyone in a long time was sharpening his sword.

Actually there is a weird goodwill of the years.

I thought I could do nothing for a while, but the next day, King Xuan Diao came back.

Seeing its eyes with dark circles, it seems to be very tired.

Xuan Diao Wang did not sleep well.

Because as long as it closes its eyes, it dreams of a flying sword flying towards it with rainbow light. Hundreds of miles away behind that rainbow light, there is a huge handsome face...

Every time he thinks about this, it wakes up trembling all over.

As a result, new news came the next day.

The mysterious disappearance of the Black Phoenix King quickly spread to several nearby mountains, leaving no clues or knowing where it went.

But Utsunomiya's mission seemed very urgent, and they found a new Demon King.

The Ram King of Huangmen Mountain.

This Ram King was different from the Black Phoenix King, and was a senior demon in the Golden State. He has always made good connections and some connections. I don't know what kind of blessing Utsunomiya can give it, so that it is also willing to help.

After receiving the news, King Xuan Diao rushed to Huangmen Mountain without any hesitation.

Seeing King Ram, he immediately showed an extremely enthusiastic smile. His enthusiasm made King Ram a little scared. He felt that his eyes were looking at a dead person...

"Brother Xuandiao, what kind of wind is blowing you here?" King Gongyang greeted him consistently.

"Isn't this just getting a good baby, my eldest brother hastened to tell me to come and send me a copy for Brother Ram." King Xuan Diao said with a smile.

"Oh?" The Ram King sat down to welcome it, and asked, "The Lion and Camel King is really interested, what's a good baby?"

"Hey." The Profound Eagle King took out the medicine sac and said mysteriously: "It's this thing."

King Ram took it, took a closer look, and put it on the table, "I don't understand this. What is the function of this thing? Can you three Wanglings value it so much?"

"A few days ago, we caught two genius doctors who could concoct medicine in the cave, or they offered this treasure. Don't look at this medicine pouch smelling inconspicuously. Wearing it on your body, it is extremely good for both humans and monsters. Strong aphrodisiac effect!"

"Is there anything else?"

The Ram King blinked, quite surprised.

But he immediately said: "I can't use this stuff."

"Of course." The Profound Eagle King nodded repeatedly, "How can the serious Demon King use this thing."

"Yeah, can the demon king be the one who can use this thing?" King Ram said.

Saying that, it has firmly held the medicine sac and put it into its sleeve.

"Haha..." The black carved king caught a glimpse of its movements and smiled.

"The Lion and Camel King's enthusiasm, I can't refuse it." The Ram King waved his hand: "Naturally, I want to give you this face."

"Hahaha, this is natural." The Xuan Diao King saw it through, but continued to agree.

Afterwards, King Ram also warmly invited him to stay for a banquet.

It was a great time for the guests and hosts to enjoy themselves.

After all, there was some friendship, and the King Xuan Diao still tried to win over King Ram in the banquet.

"Brother Ram, I don't know if I should say something wrong..." it asked.

"But it's okay to say." Ram said kingly.

"I heard that my brother has been very close to Utsunomiya recently, and the younger brother is a little curious. Utsunomiya's origins are mysterious, and it seems that it is not so friendly... Why is my brother entangled with them?"

When it asked, if the King Ram’s attitude was not so determined, it would draw the other party into the camp of the righteous little Li Daochang, and abandon the secret together.

Then King Gongyang replied: "You don’t know the old man, that Utsunomiya’s origins are mysterious and true, but the King Wanshi has treated me... but he has a great grace to save my life. So, even if they tell me to die, I will go too. Not to mention. It's... little things."

The king of Xuan Diao was silent for a moment, and sighed: "These little things are almost the same as asking you to die..."

"What are you talking about?" The Ram King asked again.

"It's okay, brother, I toast you a glass." The Xuan Diao Wang raised his glass aloft.

The Ram King looked a little weird at his posture?

I always feel like I want to send my own pleasure away. What's the matter?

Having had the last supper with King Gongyang, King Xuan Diao rushed all the way to Yaowang Town and reported this to Li Chu.

"It stands to reason that Utsunomiya's own power is definitely not weak. This kind of arresting humans must be better done by yourself. I don't know what trouble they have encountered, they have to fake outsiders..."

It said its doubts again.

"Indeed, there should be some unknown dilemma." Li Chu also felt that it made sense.

Among the three little ones, only this Xuan Diao King had a brain.

"But it's not a way to do this every time..." King Xuan Diao said again: "If every time they find someone to arrest someone, you will behead someone. Then it won't take a few times before they will be aware of it."

"But you can't watch people get hurt." Li Chu said, "When the King of Eternal King's body is not found, killing a few more of this evil monster will always do no harm. When they notice it, maybe it will be the case. When the horse's feet are exposed."

With that indifferent tone like slapping mosquitoes, the King Xuan Diao trembled once again, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "The three of us have always been on the side of justice."

Li Chu nodded and did not hesitate to praise: "So far, your performance is pretty good."

Hearing these words, King Xuan Diao was relieved with a sigh of relief.

I can have a good night's sleep tonight.

The next day, the King of Ram, without accident, "disappeared."

The whole world evaporated without leaving any traces.

This made the Golden State quite panic. The Black Phoenix King and the Ram King were not ordinary little monsters, and no one cared at all when they died. These two are both demon kings that can be counted! It's gone silently for two consecutive days, which is a bit weird.

The rest of the Demon Kings in the Golden State began to panic.

After all, no one knows if he will be the next one.

Then, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Xuan Diao Wang came to Yaowang Town.

Li Chu looked at it and said, "Actually, you don't have to go back and forth like this. If the demon king helps Utsunomiya harm people, just think of a way to hang the medicine pouch. As long as it moves, I will naturally take it. Beheaded. You have to go back and forth so frequently, and it's quite hard."

"No hard work, no hard work, this time... it won't work if you don't come." Profound Diao Wang whispered.

"Oh?" Li Chu saw that it looked strange, and asked, "Which demon king is it this time?"

King Xuan Diao stared at Li Chu's finger, as if afraid of the way it stood up, cautiously said: "This time Utsunomiya found it..."

"It's the lion camel king, the treasure elephant... and the righteous black carving king of Sanwangling."

Listening here, Li Chu's fingers moved subconsciously. This small movement scared King Xuan Diao almost to pee.

Then Li Chu felt a bit wrong after listening.


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