I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Yujian Zhanhuanggui!

When King Xuan Diao came, he mainly said two things.

The first one was naturally asked by Li Chu before, and it caused the three little ones to have a headache for a while, about the Sarutobi Mountain.

According to the previous discussion, King Xuan Diao simply stated the facts, and San Wang Ling did not intend to get involved in this matter at all. Of course, it has also thought about it, and if Li Chu forces them to do something to help, then they have to agree. But whether you can do it after you go back depends on the situation.

In short, it is...no initiative, no rejection, and no responsibility.

After listening to it, Li Chu pondered slightly.

Prince Shin of Sarutobi Mountain...

I haven't heard of it before, and it's impossible to get revenge.

But for so many years, he has not encountered such unfounded resentment.

Handsome, it caused him too much trouble.


With a sigh, Li Chu said, "I don't know the specific reasons and how to solve them. It seems that when I have time, I have to talk to them."

Although he said "talk" in a very peaceful tone, after listening to the King Xuan Diao, he felt a little **** smell for some reason.

In my mind, I sketched Li Chu all the way to Sarufeishan, the gods blocking the killing of the gods, the demons blocking the killing of the demons...

I'm scared to think about it.

I don't know why, it always feels that Xiao Li Daochang is a more terrifying existence than the ancestor ape.

Maybe, because every monster knows how powerful the ancestral monster is, but no one knows how powerful Li Chu is...

to be frank.

Li Chu is a little confused now.

He is also uncertain about his own strength. After easily killing Citroen in the secret realm, he gained a large amount of experience points, and the speed of improvement was still not slow.

If this continues, it is not ruled out that he will be invincible in the world.

Fortunately, Li Chu's mentality is good. It is still not half-expansion. It is the most stable way to maintain a modest and prudent mentality and continue to gain experience from a standpoint that does not affect justice.

after all.

Even if I took the first place for more than ten years, he might suddenly roll over and take the second place horribly. So even if it is truly invincible, it is not a reason to be proud.

Seeing that Li Chu's face was fine, King Xuan Diao didn't seem to be very angry, so he went on to say the second thing.

"The day before yesterday, there was a secret message in Utsunomiya."

"The Demon King contacted by King Wan Shi is definitely not the only one of our Three Wanglings. This time, they asked another Demon King to help them."

"After learning this news, our three brothers took a look."

Speaking of this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Thanks to our three brothers, we still have some connections in the Golden State. I found out this important piece of information in one night."

Li Chu passed a approving look, and then listened carefully.

The Profound Carving King was praised, and said contentedly: "It should be the Black Phoenix King of Changfengling who received the Utsunomiya mission."

Then it gave a brief introduction.

There are relatively few bird monsters in the Golden State, and there are even fewer demon kings with successful cultivation. This Black Phoenix King is considered to be a relatively special one.

The Phoenix and Phoenix tribes, in fact, are similar to the dragon tribe, both of which are strong bloodlines that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, but they are slightly weaker.

Among them, the phoenix is ​​the male and the phoenix is ​​the female.

The black phoenix is ​​the darker one among the Phoenix clan, but it can also be regarded as a direct descendant on Phoenix Island.

A while ago, a major rebellion broke out on Phoenix Island.

The final result was that they were suppressed, and some demon kings from the rebels scattered and fled. Two of them came to the Golden State. One is King Bi Fang and the other is King Black Phoenix.

The two demons are still a couple for many years.

These two newcomers were eager to settle in the Golden State, and wanted the support of the local Demon King. That's why King Bi Fang was so enthusiastic to help the robbery of Sanwangling.

Then it was evaporated by Li Chu Yijian.

"In fact, they just want to have a foothold..." At this point, King Xuan Diao sighed, "Who knew that this house was ruined by someone with a sword..."

After a pause, it seemed to realize that it had said something strange, so he raised its head again, and said to Li Chu: "I didn't mean to kill it wrong. The act of robbing prison is definitely guilty of death..."

After saying this, it felt wrong again, and hurriedly added: "Of course, our three brothers have repented, so they are not so damned... We will definitely change our hearts and become demon again..."

"Let's talk about the point."

Li Chu didn't bother to listen to its confession.

"Ah, good." The Xuan Diao Wang hurriedly turned the topic back.

"After the death of King Bifang, the Black Phoenix King is alone. Although it is not weak, it is still difficult to gain a foothold when the other demon kings in the Golden State are squeezed out. At this time, Utsunomiya made a big move and helped it a lot."

"With the help of Utsunomiya, it obtained Changfengling, a good cave mansion, and began to form its own forces..."

Hearing this, Li Chu nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

The Demon King's cave house is probably similar to a human house. Although in theory there are vacant lots everywhere, you can sleep on any street. But if you really want to own a house of your own, it is not an easy task.

In particular, the Golden State is a resort in the hearts of human monsters, and it has long been overwhelmed, and its involution is quite serious.

A little demon who goes to other places like the yellow-spotted tiger, even if he is already a leader among the little demon, and he has worked hard for a lifetime, it is impossible to have a cave of his own.

Don't even think about it.

They can only exhaust their youth in the Golden State, and then wait until they are older and return to Long Jueling to wait for a smaller mountain to realize their dream of dominating the king.

This is already considered happiness.

I don't know how many little monsters will die in the struggle of the Golden State and become a stepping stone for their own Demon King's expansion.

It's not easy for a demon to live.

"I happen to have some friendship with the Black Phoenix King..." The Profound Eagle King continued, his face flushed a little.

If you think about it carefully, without it, the Black Phoenix King would not become a widow.

Now it also changed hands and passed the information to the ruthless little Taoist who killed its husband.

"So it didn't completely hide it from me, but let me know that Utsunomiya did give it a task, but it didn't want to say what the content was. It seems that Utsunomiya is very strict about such matters. It may not be the first time."

Xuan Diao Wang finally said.

After listening, Li Chu pondered.

Utsunomiya provides help to these demon kings, and then asks them to complete tasks for their families. It seems that you want to turn the Golden State into your own power in a subtle way?


If you don't know what Utsunomiya asked it to do, you can't guess more.

He asked: "Is there a way to put my line chase on it?"

"This..." King Xuan Diao said with an embarrassed expression, "It's not that easy..."

After thinking for a while, Li Chu said, "It shouldn't be difficult. I have a horoscope, I can tell you."


"Oh, big girl." Xuan Diao Wang smiled boldly: "I'm here again, haha. "

It's just that this place is no longer Yaowang Town, but a long and narrow black stone mountain with a huge cave on the mountain.

The distance between Yaowang Town and the Golden State was not too far, for it and other bird monsters, it would take an hour or two to go back and forth.

In the cave, there were not many little demons, thirty or fifty, and most of them were weak in cultivation. However, a newly established Dongfu can have such a scale, it is already considered good.

In the cave, a sturdy middle-aged banshee covered in black feathers stood up to greet him, "King Xuan Diao, why is it here again?"

"What?" King Xuan Diao came up with a smile, "Aren't you welcome?"

"Naturally not, it's just that I just want to go out for something." The Black Phoenix King sat down with it again.

"Is it going to do what Utsunomiya explained?" asked the King Xuan Diao.

"King Xuan Diao, last time you said you didn't want to ask." The Black Phoenix King looked a little unhappy. "If you asked if you took the mission from Utsunomiya, I shouldn't tell you. ."

"Hey, why are you angry? I'm not asking casually, haha." King Xuan Diao waved his hand and said.

Instead, it continued to say meaningfully: "It's just... that Utsunomiya is a bit weird after all, I advise you to...it’s better to deal less with them..."


The Black Phoenix King chuckled lightly when he heard the words.

"Do you think I can't see that they are coming from wrong? But... what can I do? The King Wanshi is strong enough, and only with his power can I avenge my husband! Kill what you said... that Taoist priest with a very strong cultivation base!"

"..." King Xuan Diao was silent for a moment.

After a while, he said with a complex expression: "Big girl, when is the time for the redress..."

"What's this?" The Black Phoenix said: "The vengeance of killing a husband is not shared. Do you still want me to give up revenge?"

"Of course not..." The Xuan Diao Wang waved his hand quickly.

The Black Phoenix King asked again: "Don't you hate that Taoist priest in your heart?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense." Xuan Diao Wang hurriedly waved his hand.

At the same time, there was a secret voice in my heart, good words can hardly persuade the **** ghost...

So he took out a jade box from his arms and opened the jade box. There was a kit inside, which was swollen and smelled like medicine.

"Don't mention the unhappy things, I'm here to find the big girl this time, just to give you this thing."

"What is this?" The Black Phoenix King asked curiously.

"A few days ago, I caught two human races who know how to refine medicine in my cave. This is the secret medicine pouch they refined. As long as you wear it on your body, you can detoxify your face and keep your youth forever, and you will never grow old at the age of eight thousand. , The more alive the better."


When the Black Phoenix King heard it, his eyes lit up.

He picked up the kit, sniffed it twice on the tip of his nose, didn't think it was strange, and then put it away.

Seeing the king Xuan Diao, he said that Xiao Li Daochang's eight-character proverbs were really effective.

"Men use aphrodisiac, women use beauty."

Sure enough, invincible.

But when he turned his face, the Black Phoenix King suddenly stared at King Xuan Diao suspiciously again, with a piercing light in his eyes.

The Xuan Diao King was so excited by its gaze, he hurriedly said, "Big girl...what do you think of me like this?"

"Haha..." The Black Phoenix King sneered: "I've seen it a long time ago, you might as well recruit it from the ground."

"Huh?" The Profound Eagle King was startled, cold sweat fell to the ground, and calmly said: "You...what did you see?"

"You gave me this thing..." Black Phoenix Wang Wu sneered, "Is there a ghost?"

"Did you find all of this?" The Xuan Diao Wang stood up.

This medicine pouch was made by the old genius doctor in Yaowangzhen by Li Chu. Although it is not as exaggerated as keeping youth forever, the effect of clearing turbidity and nourishing the skin is real. The line accompaniment is meticulously sewn into it, and through the carefully reserved needle eye, it just allows the line accompaniment to pass through.

Was such an intricate design actually recognized by the Black Phoenix King at a glance?

It can't help but worry.

This Black Phoenix King possesses a pure Phoenix bloodline and is talented to be able to communicate with spirits. If he fights, he will be 80% of his opponents. If today's things are exposed, it will be difficult for oneself to get away.

Thinking of this, it raised its hand and said: "You... listen to my explanation..."

"Huh, what's there to explain?" The Black Phoenix snorted again, with a squeezed expression on his face, "But you like me."


The excuse made by King Xuan Diao reached his lips, and he was taken aback.


"You came to me to chat with me over and over again, and now you give me this object again. It's nothing more than that. Everyone is not a three or four hundred year old monster, why don't you understand?

The Black Phoenix King turned and said, "It's just that my husband died not long ago. I have no thoughts about this matter at this time. You...will you wait for me for a while?"

The Black Phoenix King raised his eyes to look at it.

The black phoenix king also looked at the Black Phoenix King, and he felt inexplicable for a while.

Am I willing?

I can go to you.


Leaving Changfengling, King Xuan Diao with embarrassment on his face, another long-distance raid, returned to Yaowang Town.

Came to Li Chu's attic to report the results.

"Following the mission, I have successfully delivered Xiao Li Daochang's medicine pouch to the Black Phoenix King."

"Thanks." Li Chu nodded towards him.

In fact, he had already discovered that he could see the actions of the Black Phoenix King at this time whenever he thought about it.


Did Utsunomiya let it do this kind of thing?

It will never be tolerated.

"I have tried to let it join our camp, but it has a deep hatred for Xiao Li Daochang, and it seems that it cannot be convinced." King Xuan Diao continued.

"Hmm..." Li Chu said, "It seems that it can only be killed..."

"But it's not easy to kill it. After all, the Black Phoenix King has the authentic bloodline of the Wild Ancient Phoenix Clan, has extremely high Taoism, and has talented supernatural powers..." The Profound Eagle King lowered his head and meditated and said, "We three brothers didn't fully grasp it when we shot together It might even show off the wind..."

While speaking, it heard a swoosh ~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked up, and found that Li Chu was fainting his eyes, his expression unchanged.

So it continued: "So... you might have to take the shot yourself, Xiao Li Dao. Moreover, the Phoenix Clan has a lot of life-saving supernatural powers. Even you have to be careful. If you don't pay attention, it will escape... "

As he spoke, he heard another swish.

It turned out that the flying sword with fire flew in from the window and returned to the sword bag behind Li Chu.

Immediately, Li Chu opened his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't listen carefully just now." He apologized: "What did you say?"

"I said..." Xuan Diao Wang said: "It is very difficult to kill the Black Phoenix King..."


Li Chu heard the words, nodded, and slowly spit out a few words:

"Not really."

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