I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Dao Li, the eternal god

Citroen walked peacefully.


When it learned that the three disciples had lost the battle in Genting Wonderland, it was furious on the spot. Because those two springs are of great significance to it.

There is a secret that the snowman may not know at all.

There has never been a snow demon in this world, until later, a snowman brought back a batch of fairy waters from Genting Wonderland, trying to change this land full of ice and snow. Unfortunately, they failed. Even the fairy water cannot allow plants to grow in the ice and snow world below.

In disappointment, the remaining fairy waters let them pour into a river that won't freeze.

Later, many snow monsters drank the water in that river, and some snow monsters were born from it. After a long, long time, even if the river is gone, there is no residual fairy water. But the newly born snow monsters, if they trace their blood, are still descendants of the snow beasts who lived on both sides of the river.

no doubt.

Fairy water is the root of the snow demon's birth!

But neither the snow beast nor the snow demon was qualified to climb the top of the holy mountain, which made it extremely annoyed.

Those snow monsters who turned into snowmen by the ice and snow festival will also have their powers flat. Although they barely snatched a spring, it was meaningless. Only when two springs are combined can it become fairy water.

Originally, the hope was placed on the outlanders who could still retain their powerful power after turning into a snowman, but who knows that there are also huge differences in the strength of outlanders.

Hope is shattered again.

When did Citroen suffer this kind of grievance?

Originally, there was an agreement between the Snow Demon and the Snowman that things above Genting would be settled on Genting, and they could not do anything outside of the fairyland.

However, under the anger, Citroen couldn't take care of these immediately. This agreement originally existed to restrain the snow demon. Under the top of the cloud, how could the snowman have the ability to fight them?

And that stranger might already have a synthetic fairy water on him. Thinking of this made Citroen even more ignorant.

It roared, and directly rose into the air, circling the entire sacred mountain!

Looking at the entire world of ice and snow, who would dare to provoke Citroen!

If these foreigners dare to disobey its meaning, they must pay the price of blood!

Listening to the roar of Citroen, the cultivators on the top of the holy mountain were a little flustered.

Now they are in the form of a snowman. Although all the qi has been transformed into strength, the fight is like a child playing a snowball fight, and the means are quite simple. The combat power is naturally greatly reduced.

Yue Lun glanced at the calm Li Chu.

The existence of certain heaven-defying minds is probably not counted.

But even if it was against the sky, he didn't think Li Chu could defeat Citroen in this state.

After all, even in the outer world, it is a fierce beast that can only be won by the best in the current world.

So he persuaded: "Maybe these words are not suitable for us, but I do think that giving you the fairy water to Citroen may be the only choice now."

Li Chu looked at him thoughtfully and noncommittal.

Hidden Yunzi next to him said: "It can be seen that Brother Yue is really honest. This snow demon leader's fierce name, in Naxue City, we have also heard people mention it, right now in this secret territory, there is no one except the ice unicorn. Can win it again. It's better to give those Xu Xianshui to it for the time being, in exchange for peace. After leaving the secret realm, Guanghan Sect wants to come in again to get the Xianshui, and will naturally find a way to get rid of this fierce beast."

Qingshuijian also nodded: "It makes sense."

Seeing they are about to reach unity.

Li Chu frowned slightly and asked, "But... why don't you give it a try?"

"Try it?" Yue Lun was stunned, did he try it casually? Just try...

Seeing Li Chu's serious look, he advised: "As long as you get off the top of the holy mountain, the Citroen will attack you immediately, I'm afraid it won't give you anything..."

"I won't go down." Li Chu probed the probe at the edge of the mountain, and then glanced at the huge dragon body below, as well as the fierce dragon head, "I'll try it here, it's safe."

"This..." Yue Lun was even more stunned, "It's at least eight hundred feet away from here...you..."

If it is a flying sword or magic weapon, it is naturally easy to leap this distance. But Snowball... at least he hadn't heard of any snowman that could do it.

If someone else said this, he would refute it. But Li Chu said this. His first reaction was...Could it be that I had too little knowledge?

"It should be possible." Li Chu observed visually, nodding lightly.

He slowly raised his right hand and aimed at Citroen's head.

Anyway, it's just throwing a snowball down. If you hit it, you will make a profit. If you don't hit it, you won't lose money. If you don't hit it, you won't lose.

Thinking this way, there is no pressure.

He threw the little snowball hard.


A white glow cut through the air and left.

Compared with the huge dragon body below, the slender arc is more like a joke than an attack.

In Citroen's pair of vertical pupils, this white glow was already reflected, but it didn't even think of dodge at all. Only a sneer in my heart.

These stupid outsiders.

In fact, if it tries to hide, it may be pleasantly surprised to find that... it can't hide at all.


The snowball hit the dragon's head and made a huge explosion.

The first moment this sound was produced, Citroen was shocked.


This little snowball hit the head, why wasn't the sound "pop" or "pop", even "pop", why was it so exaggerated?

Why... I heard some cracking sound...

and many more……

Why does my head hurt so much?

The severe pain of a broken head came, and it immediately wanted to lift its claws to cover its dragon head, but it felt empty.


Where's my head?


No, my head is gone, what am I thinking about?



In a piece of snowflakes, Citroen, a generation of fierce beasts that spanned the world of ice and snow for thousands of years, came to an end.

A huge body without a dragon's head, still maintaining an awe-inspiring posture in the air, stagnated for a few breaths before falling slowly.


This behemoth fell below, and there was another wave of waves, and a huge snow mist rose into the air, almost filling the top of the mountain, before it floated down for a while.

It looks like a heavy snowfall.


The snow was over, Yue Lun and the others couldn't close their mouths yet.


Li Chu looked like he had completed some understatement, killing a mosquito, without any waves.

However, the more understatement of his expression, the more it seemed that he was quite terrifying.

That's Citroen!

Even if they have just arrived in this world, they all know how terrible this thing is.

It breaks with one touch?

Is something wrong?

That little snowball, why...

Eight hundred meters away, a ball exploded the head of the Snow Demon leader!

My god.

Is this what people can do?

In fact, as early as when Li Chu blasted the statue off, Yue Lun had already doubted whether Li Chu was a human. Looking at his current skill, Yue Lun confirmed this idea even more.

He is not human.

He can't be a human!

The same thought also appeared in Qingshuijian's heart, but he was not so shocked. When the same person surprises you too many times, you will inevitably produce some antibodies.

Li Ge is certainly not a human being.

He is always God!


Inside the city of Nai Xue.

Under the Wannian Ice Cave.

There is a pair of bright and bright eyes, staring in this direction.

When the Citroen yelled at the top of the holy mountain, there was hesitation in this divine light.

When Citroen was headshot by a ball, the doubts in the divine light gradually dissipated, revealing a little satisfaction.

Then, there was a bit of ridicule.

Then there is some self-satisfaction, seeming to be proud of my cleverness.

Then he slowly closed his eyes again.

Go on sleeping contentedly.

When the ice unicorn was sleeping, there was even a slight smile on the corners of his mouth. The meaning of that smile seemed to be saying...

It is indeed my ice unicorn.

I'm so smart.


"Ah, some of you are coming back so soon."

Elder Snowman was overjoyed when he saw Li Chu and the others return to Nayxue City.

Although there were three people when they went there, they were six when they came back. After all, it would be inconvenient for Yue Lun and the others to go to the Snow Demon. It's better to give in at ease, follow Li Chu and the others to Naysue City for a tour, and then go out of the secret realm together.

At least security is guaranteed.

"Do not humiliate the mission." Li Chu replied.

While Elder Snowman was happy, he looked at a few people with strange eyes.

Because the other five people honestly followed Li Chu and didn't dare to take a step forward, no one even dared to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. And looking at the look of awe, it seemed as if he would kneel down collectively in the next second.

It was fine when I left, what happened in the middle?

After a while.

Hearing what happened in the middle, Elder Snowman couldn't calm down anymore.

Even it wanted to kneel down for Li Chu.

"God, my god, my god, you actually killed Citroen... with just one blow?" Elder Snowman repeated this several times before he could barely accept this fact.

"This may be something that even Master Bing Qilin can't do..." It said, and consciously fumbled, "No, how can I question the great patron **** Bing Qilin? But..."

"Elder..." Li Chu interrupted his thoughts and said: "Now we are leaving first, and there may be other people coming here, who want to climb into the Genting Wonderland, I hope you can Continue to help them."

"Will do."

Elder Snowman shook Li Chu's hand and nodded heavily. Several old tears almost dripped.

When he left, Elder Snowman brought almost the entire city of Snowmen, and almost came to Li Chu to send him away. It has been so far away from Naysul City before I have to wave goodbye.

With so many snowmen, it is still too risky to walk out of Naysul City collectively. Although Citroen was dead, the other snow demon hunting on the ice sheet were not extinct.

As for the promised statue, the snowmen did not break their promise. The highly efficient snow artisans have already completed three ice sculptures of equal height according to the ratio of three.

An ice sculpture that is said to never melt.

It's just that neither Li Chu nor Zang Yunzi chose to take away the ice sculptures. After all, such a large object is not very convenient to carry. Only Qingshui Jian enthusiastically picked up his own statue, preparing to erect it in front of his own gate.


Before leaving the secret realm, several people actually had some worries. After all, they were still in the form of a snowman, and they would remain like this if they left.

It's a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, after leaving the secret realm, all six of them immediately recovered.

Li Chu also turned from the most handsome snowman back to the most handsome Taoist priest. Looking at his handsome figure, Zang Yunzi couldn't help but feel bitter.

So strong and so handsome...

is it necessary?

The elder of Guanghan Sect and the elder Chen of Daxueshan were all waiting outside, and it was strange to see the six people coming out together.

The dispute between the fairy gates, even if it is no longer as **** as it was in the past, is still quite fierce.

Otherwise, they won't all be led by juniors.

It is because the older generation of masters can easily lead to big feuds if they fight for power.

As harmonious as them...it's really a minority.

And compared to the elated appearance of Guanghan Sect, the morale on Daxue Mountain was actually a bit low.

When the three of Yue Lun came back, Elder Chen was slightly displeased, frowning and asked, "What happened?"

Yue Lun's lips moaned, and he asked in a low voice, "Elder, do you believe that there really are gods in the world?"


The word "Chuan" appeared on Elder Chen's forehead.

In Guanghan Sect, the female elder smiled upon seeing the trio return victorious, "How?"

Li Chu handed over two clean bottles: "It's going well, the origin of the secret is unknown, but the situation is almost clear. The two bottles of spring water are synthesized, and there may be fairy water."

"If there really is immortal water in this secret realm, then the three young heroes have contributed the most!" The elder was overjoyed.

With a whistle, the soul bird flew over, carrying the three of them back to Xuanyue Mountain.

On the Xuanyue Mountain, there is a jade peak embedded.

Elder Su Xin took Bi Luo and waited there long ago, and stood up when the spirit bird fell.

Facing the issue of immortal water, as the elder of Xiao Yaochi, she was especially concerned.

After receiving the bottle of Yin water and Yang water, she smiled slightly: "Thank you three for this trip. Regardless of whether you can get fairy water or not, my Guanghan Zong Xu Yi's reward will be given to three people."

Li Chu was relieved.

Next, she had to go to Xiaoyao Lake to fetch water for comparison, a series of things could not be seen by the three of them. Guanghan Sect's protection of Xiaoyaochi is extremely strict. Not to mention outsiders, it is difficult for even the disciples to get close.

Elder Su Xin hadn't returned yet, and Bi Luo had already walked back with a long jasper box.

"Dao Master Xiao Li, this is the ice gall sacred heart lotus you want." When she said this, she bit her lip, her eyes clearly filled with resentment.

"Thank you." Li Chu took it, nodding lightly.

"You don't have to be polite, I heard them say, you helped me Guanghanzong a lot in the secret realm, you deserve it." Bi Luo said softly.

Li Chu didn't stay much, got what he wanted, so he left, and flew back to Yaowang Town.

Watching his sword light go away for a long time, Bi Luo did not look back.

"Don't look at Brother Li, let's take a look at this." Qing Shui Jian greeted with a smile on the side.

He was showing off his ice sculpture there, with a smug look on his face.

"What is this?" Bi Luo asked.

"The snowmen of Naysul City specially carved for me, ice sculptures that will never melt." Shimizu Kendo.

"Then what's in your hand?" Bi Luo asked curiously.

Qingshuijian looked at his hand~www.ltnovel.com~ and said nonchalantly, "Water."


His eyes trembled.

Looking at it again, I found that the ice sculpture had indeed melted.

"Isn't it? I only touched it a few times, why is there a rush of water?" he exclaimed.


When Li Chu returned to Yaowang Town, he was about to send Ice Gall Sacred Heart Lotus to Baishi Residence as soon as possible. But as soon as he landed, he was told that a strange man came to him.

He was a little curious, who would come here to find himself?

I walked over and saw that he was an acquaintance.

The king of Xuan Diao in the three little ones.

Seeing Li Chu, King Xuan Diao immediately smiled flatteringly, "Dao Master Xiao Li, we have important news to report!"

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