I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Just call me Xiaohu

As the saying goes, the weasel pays New Year's greetings to the rooster, and he has no good intentions.

In fact, it is more than just New Year's greetings. If a weasel goes to find a chicken at any time, it will probably be unkind.

Of course, it's not just the weasel. No matter who is looking for a chicken, it will not be a behavior worth promoting...

As the big weasel yelled, an imposing black pheasant came out from the hole.

This pheasant has mostly turned into a human form. It looks like a burly man with a large cloak of jet black feathers, only sharp eyes and a sharp mouth, you can still see the appearance of a chicken.

After he walked out, he looked at the big weasel with unkind eyes, then looked at the little Taoist priest behind him, and said solemnly: "Huang Wulang, you are here to disturb our chicken hole in the middle of the night, what are you doing? Don't tell me Nonsense is useless, but if you dare to say a lie, I will take your skin off."

Li Chu glanced at it, and it turned out that the weasel had a name.

Although very sloppy.

Hearing the threat of the pheasant essence, Huang Wulang shrank his neck, but he may have thought of Li Chu standing behind him, and puffed up his chest again and said, "Brother Wuji, you don't need to hold such a hostile hostility to me. I am also a hostile person. Entrusted, come to you to inquire about something."

With that, he turned half a step to the side and let Li Chu out behind him.

Li Chu looked at the pheasant and asked, "Listen to it. A while ago, two old genius doctors went to Huangdaxian tomb to find their ancestors' treasures and were directed to you?"

"Huh, what genius doctor? I don't know!"

This pheasant's temper is obviously not very good. Hearing Li Chu's question, he just waved his hand, impatiently trying to drive them away.

Before Li Chu asked again, the big weasel rushed up, holding the hand of the pheasant, and whispered: "Brother Wuji...I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds."

Seeing its warning eyes, the pheasant glanced suspiciously at Li Chu, then at Huang Wulang, and then whispered back, "This little Taoist priest is very powerful?"

"Let's tell you so..." Huang Wulang said, "After our cave was entered by him, it was five feet wide."


The pheasant sucked a bit of cold air mixed with the poisonous miasma at night, because it was too hard, it felt a little overwhelming after inhaling, and it took a while.

After a pause, it said to Li Chu again: "My Wuji brother has always been helpful, since you asked me, then I will tell you. I have indeed met those two old men."

Long Jueling is already sparsely populated, and this pheasant forest is in a deeper position. It may not encounter a few pedestrians a year, so its memory is very clear.

"They came to my chicken cave and asked us where Wong Taixian's treasure had gone. They said that the miasma that emerged from Long Jueling was most likely related to that treasure. Only by finding it can we find out the source of the miasma. I I didn't bother to care about them, but the miasma in the mountain has also affected many little spirits, including our clan who are also poisoned by chicks. After thinking about it, I still told them the whereabouts of the treasure."

Huang Wulang asked, "You also gave away my ancestor's treasure?"

The pheasant glared, "Of course I have to use it for good, otherwise what's the use of keeping such a stinking thing?"

Li Chu then asked, "Where did they go?"

"This..." The pheasant's tone was a little hesitating, and said: "I gave the treasure to the black spotted tiger for some other treasures. The two old men came to ask, and I told them the truth. They went to find the black spotted tiger."

"What?" Huang Wulang's expression changed this time, "You actually asked them two humans to find the black-spotted tiger, wouldn't it...send someone to the tiger's mouth?"

"It doesn't matter whether they die or not..." The pheasant scratched his head.

"Black Spotted Tiger?"

Li Chu looked at Huang Wulang, feeling that it looked a little strange in panic.

"This black-spotted tiger...we usually call it King Tiger, a hegemony in this area of ​​a hundred li. Relying on it, there is a brother who is the leader in the Golden State, and he is domineering in our Long Jueling, and he will kill him at every turn. The rest of the demons are very cruel. And...different from the little demons like us who dare not harm people, it especially likes to eat human flesh, but if there are humans in the territory, it will never let go!"

"It has a high morality?" Li Chu asked again.

"Of course..." Huang Wulang just wanted to say that he was very tall, but when he said to his lips, looking at Li Chu's quiet face, he changed his words: "Who is the score compared with."

"Compared with us, it is naturally too strong, so it can only be bullied. But if you are compared with the trail, it may not be comparable." It continued to flatter.

The pheasant looked at Huang Wulang and felt that it had licked a bit too much, but after another thought, this also showed that the little Taoist might be really strong, so it also simply shut up, thinking that the two people should leave the matter quickly.

Li Chu asked again: "Where is the black spotted tiger? Can you take me there?"

"It's territory is the Hutou Peak dozens of miles ahead, but..." Huang Wulang said, "The black-spotted tiger is extremely vicious. The little demon like me who has no friendship with it will send it rations when it comes to the door. So I have never dared to approach Hutou Peak, and I don’t know where it is. Why don’t you ask Brother Wuji to take you there. He has friendship with the black-spotted tiger and speaks better.”

Li Chu turned his eyes to the pheasant essence: "Can you?"

"It's not necessary, don't go too far." The pheasant waved his hands, and he didn't want to mess with such people and things that don't know the foundation.

I heard Li Chu say again: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

The pheasant listened to him with a sincere tone, a very polite posture, a very kind face, and...

While speaking this sentence, a flying sword volleyed into the sky and turned into a red rainbow, swept around in the pheasant forest, and the place it passed was annihilated in an instant.

The pheasant's pupils expanded silently two times, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips: "Since you are so sincere, how can I refuse?"

"Thanks a lot." Li Chu thanked him politely.

"It's incumbent!" The pheasant took out the boldness that the children of the rivers and lakes should have.

Between the mountains and forests, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.


The day is full of forests, and a new day has begun.

On Long Jue Mountain, the snow in many places has not melted yet, and it is still the sound of karaoke when it is stepped on. There are footprints of different shapes all over the snow, and experienced predators can hunt down pitiful ones one after another with the smell of these footprints and the wind.

"It just so happens that the black spotted tiger has recently passed its 200th birthday, and has been recruiting friends and friends in Hutou Peak. I was also invited." The pheasant's voice resounded in the forest.

"However, you must hide your identity, Master Dao. You can't say that you are a human. I have another friend of the boar spirit. A few days ago, he failed to cross the tribulation and his body disappeared. I will say that you are the one who succeeded in transformation The boar spirit, introduced you to the black spotted tiger. It still respects powerful monsters, so that it is easier for you to talk to him."

"When you arrive at Hutou Peak, behave as tactfully as possible so as not to alert the black-spotted tiger. Because if the two old genius doctors have been killed, even if you forcibly interrogate the black-spotted tiger, you may not be able to come out of the trial. Besides, there are more than one on the peak now. With it, as well as the large and small demon kings on Long Jueling, if your human identity is exposed, it will be very difficult to handle."

Listening to the pheasant spirit's dedicated plan, Li Chu nodded, indicating that the plan was feasible.

In fact, he is very reluctant to force others to do things, but if there is a temptation, he really can't come up with any benefits that can make this mountain spirit and stranger's heart fascinating.

Time is running out, so you can only choose to intimidate.

At most, be polite when intimidating.

So he said, "Thank you very much."

"Eh." The pheasant waved his hand. "We will see you if we say thank you."

Li Chu turned his head and said, "I will guarantee your safety and will never leave you any trouble."

The pheasant squashed his mouth and said very touched: "Thank you."

Not long after, the two came to a mountain that resembled a tiger's head. No wonder it was called Hutou Peak.

At the top of the peak, there was a huge cave, which was dug afterwards. At the entrance of the cave stood a large group of colorful little monsters, shouting five and six.

Looking at the guests coming from all directions, there are quite a few.

It can be seen here that Long Jueling's demon spirit is prosperous, and there are so many demon creatures that are nearby or have transformed in an area several hundred miles around.

"Oh, pheasant brother! Welcome, welcome."

As expected, the pheasant had friendship with the black spotted tiger, and as soon as it landed, it was warmly received.

The pheasant took Li Chu over, posing as a big lala, and shouted: "This is my brother, the newly transformed king of mountain pigs, Haonan."

The little demons immediately nodded and bowed, shouting one by one from the mountain boar king, but they were somewhat puzzled.

After all, transforming into a pig like this...not many.

To be conservative, there are none.

The pheasant spirit had already told Li Chu that this was an unwritten rule among nearby monsters. As long as it is a monster that has been transformed, it is called a "king", which is regarded as a respectable name.

Even some monsters who have not yet transformed themselves like to crown themselves with the word "king".

There are kings everywhere, short and brilliant.

Because of the pheasant spirit led, Li Chu easily got into the cave of the black spotted tiger. At this moment, he was dressed in leather armor and a leather hat on his head. Apart from the fact that he looked a little out of the ordinary, there was nothing wrong with him.

In addition, the surrounding demon aura is extremely strong, as long as he does not take the initiative to display his magical powers and reveal his aura, it is unlikely that anyone will find that his is wrong.

The Pure Yang Sword was buried in the woods not far away, and his thoughts could be instantaneous.

On the high king's seat, a giant bald man with a black pattern on his head was laughing. When the pheasant came, he waved his hand: "Pheasant, come and sit!"

The pheasant led Li Chu over and introduced it again.

The black-spotted tiger looked at Li Chu, touched his head, and said in surprise: "My mother, a pig can be transformed into this way, I have never heard of it."

Li Chu said calmly: "It's nothing but ordinary."

"Okay, since it is the brother of the pheasant, that is my brother, you call me the tiger king, I will cover you from now on! Hahaha!"

The pheasant also laughed: "Good brother, speak loyalty!"

The black-spotted tiger laughed boldly, then turned his head to entertain other guests.

Li Chu wanted to ask him about the two old genius doctors, but he was not free. Pheasant Essence calmly said: "Be calm, don't be irritable, after a while, the banquet will start, naturally there will be a lot of time to ask it."

Just after sitting here, there was a gong sound.

Just listened to the outside shouting: "Great King, Great King is here!"

"Ah? Big brother is here!" The black-spotted tiger was overjoyed.

Suddenly all the monsters present stood up and greeted the outside together.

The pheasant spirit explained to Li Chu in a low voice: "This is his elder brother who is the leader of the Golden State. He is called the Great King here."

"Oh." Li Chu nodded.

The three major settlements designated by the human race for the Yao race are the Golden State to the north of the Northland, Mingyue Township to the south of Tiannan, and Phoenix Island to the east of the East China Sea.

They are all remote and savage places that are difficult for humans to live in, but for the monster race, they are vast enough and enough to survive. In these three settlements, the number and quality of the great monsters who have successfully cultivated far surpassed the monsters in the Heluo Dynasty.

However, there are some differences in the relationship between the three settlements and the Heluo Dynasty.

Mingyue Township has the best relationship with the Heluo court, and some of the monsters who walked out can also get the identity plates specially awarded by Chaotianque.

Because Phoenix Island is separated by the vast ocean, there is basically no intersection with the Heluo Dynasty.

As for the Golden State, it is mixed. Some of the demon kings are law-abiding, while others are wild and untamable. It is difficult to define the good and evil of the monsters here.

Although these savagely growing monsters in Long Jueling are self-proclaimed as kings, they are actually not even a small boss when they are thrown into the Golden State. The monsters of the Golden State came here, which was considered a dimensionality reduction attack.

Not long after, a group of demons came in, surrounded by a big man with a vicious look and a beard wearing a large cloak of python. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of the bald black-spotted tiger.

It is its elder brother, the yellow-spotted tiger.

"I haven't seen it in a few years, but the scale of your Tiger Head Peak is getting bigger and bigger. With so many monsters in form, together, even in the Golden State is a big force. Wait... ?"

The yellow-spotted tiger and the group of demons walked along, taking a violent step.

At this moment it just came to Li Chu's.

Looking at Li Chu's face, a pensive face suddenly appeared.

"Brother, this is a morphed wild boar essence." The black-spotted tiger quickly introduced.

"Have you ever seen a pig like this?" The piebald tiger glared at it. "Is he a pig or are you a pig?"

"Isn't it..." The black-spotted tiger dare not say it again~www.ltnovel.com~ I remember this face. "

The piebald tiger frowned, paused, and took out a piece of paper from his arms, unfolding it as a portrait. Through the reflection of the fire in the hole, Li Chu could see from the back of the drawing paper that his face was vaguely on it.

Although the unspeakable handsomeness can't be fully realized, but the outline is the same, it can be described as quite vivid.

Why is there a portrait of himself in the hands of the leader of the Golden State? He couldn't help but frown.

"Sure enough! Get him up!" Before he could think about it, the Debra tiger shouted and pointed at Li Chu, "He is..."

It doesn't work.

Seeing the other party seemed murderous.

Li Chu raised his finger, "Set."

The figure of the piebald tiger suddenly froze.

"Hey! You..." The black-spotted tiger was about to get angry.

Seeing Li Chu again pointed out: "Ding."

The black-spotted tiger was immediately imprisoned in place.

At this moment, the group of demons around saw that the Tiger brothers were subdued in an instant, and they heard a voice shouting: "The king was captured by this man!"

Li Chu frowned, just waiting to deal with the many little demons.

Just listen to the next voice calling: "Run!"

Suddenly, a hole of monster disappeared in a blink of an eye with a speed that made Li Chu feel dumbfounded.


This level of loyalty made the pheasant, who was also a monster, blushed a little.

"That's it, it's exposed anyway, it's better to ask directly."

Li Chuchao said to the black-spotted tiger: "King Tiger, I'm here to ask you something important. I have no other choice but to make a bad move. Please don't blame it."

While speaking, he raised his hand to unlock some of the acupuncture points of the black spotted tiger.

Then, I heard the black-spotted tiger smile: "You are too polite."

"Just call me Xiaohu..."

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