I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 6: She is absolutely in love with me

There is a herd of weasels on the other side of the mountain and on the other side of the sea.

They are lively and cute.

They are timid and kind.

They live in a cave in Long Jueling, happy and peaceful.

Until one day, a red long rainbow-like sword energy poured into their homes viciously...


In the deepest part of Huang Daxian's tomb, a huge space, the dull cave that was originally mixed with monsters and smells, was swept away by the fiery sword aura of Pure Yang Sword.

The blazing waves were surging, and the weasels were so frightened that they ran wild. But the sword was hanging at the entrance of the cave, pointing in their direction, and there was no way to escape.

Originally, the cave lines in this Wong Tai Sin tomb were intricate, like a maze. There are poisonous gases that disturb people's minds, so for thousands of years, they have lived in peace and stability, and no one has come in to intrude.

But who knows, the sword plunged in suddenly.

Very unreasonable.



The chaotic cry rang, and after this noisy moment, a sharp voice suddenly overwhelmed everything.


A weasel, the largest in the cave, stood up.

Yes, just stand up. It is close to human in size, with a robe on its body and a small cap on its head. It is different from other weasels running around on all fours. It walks upright.

The big weasel screamed, and after calming the surrounding little weasel, he took the initiative to walk towards the sword at the entrance of the cave.

Although it can be seen from its trembling legs, it is also very courageous.

The big weasel walked slowly to the entrance of the cave, looked at the Pure Yang Sword, and moved slowly to the right.

Suddenly, the tip of the Pure Yang Sword also pointed to the right.

It suddenly became an excitement.

After discovering that the sword had no next move, it moved to the left again, trying to leave the space on the left.

Then the tip of the Pure Yang Sword also turned to the left and continued to face it.

The face of this big weasel suddenly showed flattery visible to the naked eye.

It smiled and slowly raised its paws above its head.

When the little weasels behind saw this, they all followed suit and assumed this classic posture.

When Li Chu came to the depths of the cave, what he saw was such a group of weasels who obediently raised their hands and surrendered.

He hadn't noticed the human aura just now, and now he really didn't see anything resembling Changchun Old Man and Xuanhu Weng.


"Master Xiaodao, you came here... what is it..."

The weasel wearing the little hat was the first to vomit, and with a flattering smile, he asked Li Chu.

Li Chu glanced at it lightly, and asked, "Have you ever seen two old people enter this Huangdaxian tomb. They are two genius doctors."

"Two old men..." The big weasel scratched his head for a while, then patted his head, "Oh...you are looking for them, the little road leader, so why bother to make such a battle? Just ask if you can."

"It's just that I don't know the situation in this cave, so I use the flying sword to explore the way first." Li Chu said.

The big weasel grinned and looked behind Li Chu, the whole cave path that might have been widened by the sword a few feet, secretly startled.

Do you call this a pathfinder?

This is clearly an open road.

Of course, he secretly slandered at best, and he still had to laugh with him.

"The little Daoist's supernatural powers really shocked us, the little spirits who have never seen the world, hehe."

He smiled and continued:

"The two genius doctors you mentioned were indeed in our cave, but they left after a short while."

"Leaving?" Li Chu asked: "But I heard the legend of the people in Longya Town. After entering your Huangdaxian grave, no one can get out alive."

"Rumors are definitely rumors."

The weasel's head immediately shook like a rattle.

Seeing Li Chu's suspicious eyes, it weakly added: "Well, this rumor was actually released by ourselves."

Then it explained:

"We are just a group of little weasels who guard ourselves. They are not powerful spirits, let alone harm others. This Huangdaxian tomb is indeed the place where one of our ancestors buried the bones. This ancestor has cultivated to a very high level of Taoism. , He felt the situation of the weasels in this mountain being displaced, so he built a circle here before he died, giving us descendants a place to stay."

With that, it glanced at the bright cave behind Li Chu.

I'm a little worried about whether this circle still has...

"In short, as long as the people who enter these caves, the spirits will be affected and have some terrible hallucinations. Once they are frightened, they will withdraw on their own. In this way, our weak weasel family can be protected from outside intrusion."

"In the past, those who strayed into the tomb of Wong Taixian were only scared back. The reason why no one said it was because..."

It showed a face of embarrassment quite humanely, and scratched its head.

"Every time those people are scared away, I will step up to them, engrave a warning in a tree, and then cast a spell to trip them in front of this tree. Then they will think that Huang Daxian is always there. Staring at them, I dare not divulge this matter..."

Li Chu knew this.

The warning words that Wang Er saw may have come like this. He was tripped inexplicably in a panic and didn't pay much attention, only thinking that he was exhausted. Seeing the words "Don't talk to others, Huangxian has ears", I thought it was Huangdaxian's manifestation in the dark.

I don't know at all. In fact, there is a big weasel who just dashed out of breath not far away...

"In that case, what about the two old genius doctors?" He continued to turn back to the topic.

"That day, three of them entered this Huangdaxian tomb together. The ordinary man was first affected by the magic circle and turned his head and ran out. The two old genius doctors were able to easily dissolve the poisonous gas in the cave and came to us. The deepest part of the cave..." the big weasel recalled.

"They came here, when they saw us, they came up and asked where is our ancestor's "treasure bag"?"

"Treasure bag?" Li Chu was puzzled.

"That is, after we weasels have cultivated into spirits, the place where...the smell was released before will be transformed into a treasure sack, which can combine with the evil spirit to release...a more powerful smell."

At this point, it actually blushed.

"When we reach the extremely high Taoist weasel, the treasure sac is extremely precious, even more precious than the inner alchemy... it can have many effects. In the past, there were those unscrupulous cultivators who specially hunted and killed the fine weasels just to get our inner core. Dan and Treasure Bag. After we have this Huangdaxian grave, we will have a safe nest." It gritted its teeth and said.

"The two old genius doctors said they wanted the treasures of our ancestors. At the time, we thought they were unscrupulous cultivators. Who knows they suddenly said that the miasma that has recently filled this mountain is likely to be related to the treasures of our ancestors. The bag is related, ask me if I keep it safe."

Speaking of this, it suddenly hesitated.

"Actually... I don't know how they guessed it... The treasure of our ancestors, in fact, is not here for a long time..." He rubbed his hands: "We gave it to other fairies before... Two old men. When I got the news, I went to find the chicken.


Li Chu caught another sensitive word.

In this deep and gloomy cave, facing the ghosts full of holes, he suddenly went from looking for the treasures of the weasel ancestors to looking for chickens... This sudden turn made him quite unprepared.

The atmosphere feels weird.

Is it because the search for the treasure bag failed, so you want to ease your feelings of loss?

The two old genius doctors are both highly respected and respected, so it's not enough...

Seeing that he was a little surprised, the weasel quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the trail leader, looking for a chicken here is a serious one."

Li Chu still has doubts.

Is there any seriousness to this stuff?

"That's it..." The big weasel swayed his paws. "The world often says that we weasels love to eat chickens. It's right elsewhere, but it's wrong on Longjueling. Because of the pheasant family on Longjueling. , Weasel is much stronger than our weasel, and there are quite a few strong people sheltered. A few years ago, there was a little weasel in our clan. He was young and ignorant and couldn’t help but tempted. He ate two chickens on the road. I didn’t want those two chickens to be right. It is a member of the Pheasant clan. The Pheasant clan came to the door and we couldn't resist. We had to offer the most precious treasure of the clan to apologize, and this quelled a catastrophe."

"So after we informed the two old genius doctors that the treasure was in the pheasant clan, they set off to find the pheasant forest, the habitat of the pheasant clan. It's not like you think it is to find chickens like this."


Li Chu was speechless, then nodded.

For the big weasel, he actually tends to believe it.

The reason is simple, because this litter of weasels is indeed very weak.

The two genius doctors of Changchun Old Man and Xuan Hu Weng, no matter how bad their cultivation is, they are relative to their status in the arena. Actually, his own cultivation level also has the level of God Combination Realm and Dragon Transformation Realm. If it is combined with some unique methods of poisoning, it may be even more difficult to deal with.

As for this litter of weasels...

None of the strongest is transformed, it is indeed a bit fake to say that they can deal with the two old genius doctors.

However, there must be some precautions, after all, mountain spirits and wild monsters are not my race.

So Li Chu said: "Then bother you, take me to the pheasant forest, and find the whereabouts of the two old genius doctors."

In this way, I believe it and dare not lie.

"Huh?" The big weasel was startled, "You want me to take you to find a chicken, this..."


"I am a serious weasel after all..."


"Oh no, I mean, I am a weasel seriously, and our two races have been grudges for generations. I will take you to find them, but it is not conducive to communication." The big weasel explained quickly.

"It's ok."

Li Chu pointed to Chunyang Sword.

"I have a very effective way of communication."

I don't know if this is an explanation or a threat, but I have to admit that it is really effective.

The big weasel nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll take the trail along."


After some elegant and easy-going exchanges, Li Chu politely thanked him, and put away the pure sun sword hanging at the entrance of the cave.

The little weasel behind the hole dared to put down his paws.

Immediately, the big weasel led the way, leading Li Chu all the way out of the tomb of Huangdaxian, taking advantage of the night to rush to the pheasant forest ahead.

The distance between the two is not close, and many other territories of the spirits will be crossed along the way.

Some of them have a gentle personality, so they can be safe. Some are fierce or foraging at night, but whenever they show their intention to attack, they will be converted into Li Chu's experience points in the next second.

The big weasel knew that Long Jueling in the night was dangerous, so he didn't love it. At first, it walked carefully, avoiding those ferocious monsters as much as possible. Later, it was discovered that no matter how fierce there is, there is no little Taoist fierce, and he became unscrupulous.

In its hundreds of years of life, it may not have been so arrogant.

There is an inexplicable feeling of exasperation.

On this road, I reached the pheasant forest. The color of the leaves here is indeed somewhat different from the surroundings, which is used to divide a piece of woodland.

Walking to a cave in the forest, the weasel stopped and shouted into the cave:

"Brother Wuji, are you there?"

"Brother Wuji--"

After a long while, there was an urn sound in the cave and an urn reply came.

"Who? I ran to the cave of my pheasant clan in the middle of the night to disturb." It seemed a little unhappy.

Li Chu whispered: "Don't disclose what I'm looking for."


The big weasel was startled, his brain turned rapidly, and then he shouted: "It's me, weasel! Well, I'll give you... a good old age!"


A huge figure came out of the cave.

The tone is quite bad.

"You a weasel, come to give us New Year greetings?"


When Li Chu shuttled through the vast forest of Long Jueling.

In Yaowang Town.

Wenxiang and the little maid sat in the room, their faces dignified.

"The old Taoist...the good thing is to guard strictly, he has been transferred to such a far place, and he can actually appear in an instant, knocking out the joint person." Wen Xiang said angrily.

"He is indeed a bit wicked. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" the little maid nodded in sympathy, "Say it and it's gone, it's like being called to something, it's terrible."

The master and servant thought about each other for a while, and Wenxiang gradually frowned.

"Since you are so spare, don't blame me for being cruel..."


"Ahee! Ahee"

Du Lanke sat in Wang Longqi's hospital and suddenly sneezed twice.

"Thinking about it and scolding, someone is scolding you, Lao Du." Wang Longqi smiled.

"It is clear that two people miss me together." Old Du said.

"Pull it down, Yu Guanzhu said I believe, Li Chu said I believe, but you say..." He sneered.

After laughing, he twisted his neck and said, "Why do you feel that your neck feels more comfortable after being chopped by you this time?"

Old Du said, "Probably because the direction of the split is different this time, come here again."

"Then next time I will keep this rhythm..." Wang Longqi was about to say this, and suddenly he said, "No, no, it's better not to have the next time."

"Speaking..." Old Du also frowned: "That woman, it is said that she is the Ninth Lady of the Han Palace, why did she harass you several times? It made me shoot again and again. Does she want you to die? ?"

"Haha." Wang Longqi sneered, "As early as when I entered Yaowang Town, I saw the woman at the first glance, and I found that something was wrong with her. If I expected it to be good, she would definitely be..."

"What is it?" Old Du was also quite curious about her identity.

I heard Wang Longqi continue to say: "She is absolutely in love with me."

"Really? They are the wife of the Han Dynasty." Lao Du looked at Wang Longqi in front of him, only to feel that he was so ordinary but so confident.

"You don't understand" Wang Longqi shook his head, and said confidently: "You can't go wrong with the look in your eyes."

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