I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Unexpectedly?

Li Chu's series of operations directly regarded the pheasant on the side as silly.

When I came, I said it well, and after some plans, I couldn't think that Li Chu would directly and brazenly shoot, so simple and rude.

Do you call this euphemism?

Before Huang Wulang told it that Li Chuxiu is advanced, he also thought that this human looks young, no matter how high it is, it may not be successful in head-to-head confrontation with the group of monsters on Hutoufeng.

Looking at it now, compared with this little Taoist priest, this group of monsters would be broken at the first touch.

It couldn't help but be thankful that it stood in the right direction.

Today's black-spotted tiger probably has a deep understanding of what is meant by "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger".

Who would have thought that he was eating meat and sing songs last moment, and suddenly let this kid be robbed.

But the situation is stronger than the tiger.

The monsters who grew up in the jungle, what they know best is that survival is more than everything.

Therefore, its status has suddenly changed from the tiger king to the little tiger.

Li Chu looked at the black-spotted tiger, and continued to ask: "A while ago, two old genius doctors entered the mountain and once searched for Huang Daxian's treasure. It is said that they came to you. Do you know where they are going?"

The pheasant noticed that when Li Chu asked, although his face was calm, his left hands were faintly erect.

It has no doubt that as long as the black-spotted tiger says something to eat or kill, a red rainbow will drop from the sky immediately, burning the entire tiger hole clean.

The black-spotted tiger didn't know if it caught this point, but its answer finally didn't step on the thunder.

"This one……"

It frowned and thought about it. At first it was still a little hesitating and sweating on its forehead, but soon it opened its mouth and said:

"The two old men! I remember now, they are okay. They want to find the place of Huangdaxian's treasure, find the source of the miasma, how can I let them succeed... Uh, this is not important, anyway..."

It realized that it seemed to have said something too much, and quickly changed its words.

"Go on."

Li Chu noticed that it was wrong in his words, and his eyes sharpened suddenly.

After experiencing this time and again, although Li Chu is still elegant and easygoing, there is also a little killing intent in his eyes.

Maybe not vigorous, but definitely strong enough.

The black-spotted tiger shuddered immediately, and his big eyes were aimed at his elder brother on one side.

The yellow-spot tiger's big eyes seemed to show some resistance and pleading, but Li Chu's ruthless eyes were as dazzling as a sword, and it was so scared that it immediately withdrew its gaze.

"It's like this..."

"After I got the treasure bag back then, I didn't think it was very useful, but it just so happened... I had a good elder brother who was in the Golden State. He said that this thing might have a miraculous effect, so I took it away."

"After a while, my... the good elder brother who was in the Golden State came back again and gave me the treasure bag after the sacrifice, and asked me to find a secret place in Long Jueling and open it. Release its miasma."

It turns out that the miasma in Long Jueling was released by the black-spotted tiger.

As for the elder brother who was fighting in the Golden State...

Li Chu looked at the yellow-spotted tiger, only to feel that his face was full of love.

"After these two old men came, I learned that they wanted to get rid of the miasma, so I pretended to invite them into the cave, and secretly ordered their subordinates to imprison them. Then I asked that... some good eldest brother in the Golden State to deal with them. My good elder brother heard that they are well-known genius doctors in the world, so he said that they were just about to make medicine in the cave, so he took them away..."

When saying this, the black-spotted tiger always looks at the yellow-spotted tiger inadvertently.

The yellow-spotted tiger's eyes were angry, as if to say... You just reported my name and got it.

At the end, Li Chu asked: "How many good brothers do you have?"

The black spotted tiger replied weakly: "One."

At the end of the black spot tiger's round, Li Chu sealed his whole body again, and then unlocked part of the yellow spot tiger's acupuncture points, looking at the brother of the golden state...

"It's up to you, what's the matter?"

The yellow-spotted tiger looked at Li Chu in horror, then looked at his younger brother with hatred for iron and steel, and finally sighed deeply because he was afraid of his opponents and his teammates.

"I am a small leader of Sanwangling in the Golden State. Although our Sanwangling was not one of the best in the Golden State, it was also a big power ranked first. But a few years ago, our leader was caught by mankind. Since then, our power in the Three Kings Mountains has declined a bit. The other two kings have been working hard to rescue the great masters. There have been several operations, but they have all failed."

"Until a few days ago, a mysterious man came to him. He said he could help us rescue the big boss, but he asked us Sanwangling to cooperate with them. I don't know the specific content. They all talked secretly. , I just heard a little bit."

"At that time, I happened to have this baby and wanted to offer it to the two great kings. The two great kings also scolded me for carrying something stinking. Who knows that the mysterious man saw it and said with a smile that it was just right. So he took the treasure sack for sacrifice, and after a few days, he ordered me to do this and so, so that I would put the treasure in Long Jueling."

"All of this was instigated by the mysterious man, but it has nothing to do with our Three Kings Ridge."

The yellow-spotted tiger said, and looked up at Li Chu again, and found that the person's complexion was still indifferent, and he couldn't see much happiness or anger.

It continued to preach: "Later, our master was really rescued by the mysterious man, and their connection was even closer. The mysterious man also left a prescription for the master to replenish the vitality consumed by his detention over the years. The boss is good for face, I'm not ashamed to say that no one in our cave knows how to refine alchemy..."

"At this time, my brother said that he had arrested two healers who wanted to find the source of the miasma. It happened to me that if they were to let us refine medicine in the cave, I wonder if it is feasible.

"So I came to take the people away and imprison them to our Three Kings Mountains. These two people really know how to refine medicine. Not only did I refine the pills left by the mysterious people, but I also prescribed several more effective prescriptions. Son, we have cured all of our great kings’ illnesses."

"The great kings of us now don't have any waist pain or kidney loss..."

It was eloquently saying that seeing Li Chu seemed a little impatient, it shut up again.

"So..." Li Chu looked at it calmly: "Now the two old genius doctors are in Sanwangling in your Golden State, right?"

"Yes!" The yellow-spotted tiger nodded heavily.


Li Chu let out a sigh of relief.

After going around this way, Wang Longqi's little fate has finally settled.

It is no wonder that Yaowang Town has invited a great power to come to Long Jueling, but there is still no trace of the two old geniuses.

Because they are not here at all.

It's just a little strange. The two old genius doctors are not Xiao Mengxin who have no experience in the world. Why did they both commit a dangerous situation together?

Can't figure it out.

So he said politely: "That will bother you, take me a trip, it's troublesome."

The yellow-spotted tiger grinned: "No trouble, no trouble, you humans have a sage surnamed Lu once said that the tiger is the best friend of mankind."

Li Chu looked at its enthusiastic face, and felt that there was not much truth in this statement.


Long Jueling is not far from the Golden State.

Along the longitudinal direction of the mountain range all the way to the northeast, and then through a rugged snowfield, when you see the first green, you step into the territory of the Golden State.

This place is actually a vast oasis in the snowy field, and it should be regarded as a great place of life. But now he is entrenched by countless monsters, full of smoke and miasma.

On this oasis, there are hundreds of monster forces working independently, and there may be nearly a thousand demon kings large and small. As one of the three major settlements of the Monster Race, if the strength accumulated over the years can be twisted into a rope, it would be absolutely terrifying.

Of course, this situation is almost impossible to happen.

Three Kings Ridge, among them, can be regarded as a big power that can rank among the first-class. Although there is no such kind of super monster that is equivalent to a land god, the three demon kings have practiced for thousands of years, and they have at least the equivalent of a cultivator in the declining realm.

They have also been keen on recruiting troops, and there are at least two to three thousand little monsters under them.

Had it not been for the sudden disappearance of the boss of the three demon kings in the past few years, I am afraid that he would not have been willing to be confined to a mountain in this area.

On this day, in the Three Kings Ridge, the little boss, the yellow-spotted tiger, walked into the huge cave.

Along the way, I met many monsters, half of them wanted to nod and bow to greet it, and more than half wanted it to nod and bow to greet.

No way, in fact, its status in Three Kings Ridge is not high.

Don't watch the black-spotted tiger yelling five and six in Long Jueling, blowing his brother into the sky. In fact, the yellow-spotted tiger is just a very low-ranking little boss on Sanwangling, and he has no more than eighteen little demons.

It has worked hard in the Golden State for many years, and it can be regarded as having gone through hardships and obstacles, and tasted the bitterness of life, before barely gaining a place.

The folks in Long Jueling thought it was here to eat and drink spicy food, and they didn't know it. In fact, it is more often servile.

Only by returning to a place like Long Jueling, can it enjoy the vanity of a moment of embrace and admiration by all demons.

That's why it saw a decent treasure, so it hurriedly collected it, and wanted to offer it to the king. Because there are too many little demons on the Three Kings Ridge, if you want to get ahead, you must get the favor of several great kings.

The treasure bag presented last time seemed to have played a big role. In addition, two medicine refining tools were caught. Several great kings have noticed it, and it has gained the power to walk freely in the cave.

It thought this was the beginning of its growth, but it didn't want to cause such a disaster.

On its right waist hung an inconspicuous little bell, and it didn't make a sound when it walked because it was stuffed with something in the bell.

That is a line appendix.

According to the little Taoist priest, as long as he wears this talisman, he can see the scene within ten feet of him.

I have to take this charm to the place where the two old men are imprisoned, and then leave the bell there. At this point, you can complete the task yourself.

The little Taoist priest will rescue the two old men. In this way, no one knows that he is a young man.

Perfect plan.

If he really has the strength to save people silently.

The inner cave entrenched by the three kings is also very wide, almost hollowing out an entire mountain. As soon as I entered, there was a huge public area, the front was fairly clean, and there were bones everywhere in the corners, and no monsters cared.

There are a total of six or seven cave openings that extend in. In addition to the caves leading to the three kings, there are also some key places leading to other places.

Prison is also among them.

The yellow-spotted tiger walked towards the entrance of the cave with an unnatural expression. It was the second time that it entered the entrance of the cave.

There were two big monsters guarding the entrance of the cave. When they saw it, they squinted their eyebrows: "Whose little monster are you? Don't you know if you can't rush into this prison?"

"I am a yellow-spotted tiger, two eldest brothers." It flattered and said with a flattering smile: "The two old men who concocted medicine were sent in the day before yesterday. The kings valued them very much. I just came back from Long Jueling, and there are some things to ask about Two old men, that's why I wanted to go on."


The two big monsters glanced at it, looked at each other, and nodded to each other, feeling that the monster was indeed familiar.

Moreover, its strength is not strong, even if it goes on, it can't stir up any storms.

So the two big monsters stepped aside and let the yellow-spotted tiger pass.

The yellow-spotted tiger went all the way down, passing by many prisons of various types of prisoners, and came to the innermost steel prison.

The treatment in this prison is actually pretty good, with beds, beddings, and toiletries all available.

In fact, just because the kings value these two old men refining medicine very much, they have created such an environment for them. The other cells are still very primitive.

In this cell, there are indeed two old men with gray temples. One is tall and thin, dressed in white robe, and the other is short and fat, dressed in floral robe. They are discussing fiercely, and they can't see that they are being held by monsters. Looks like, on the contrary, it seems to be enjoying it.

Seeing the brindle tiger came, they did not give the slightest color, and continued to argue about the pharmacology that the monsters did not understand.

The piebald tiger was so happy that they didn't move, and quietly placed the bell on the ground, and then slowly backed away.

Nothing seems to have changed.



Just a moment later, a roar suddenly sounded in the cave!

A red rainbow suddenly fell from the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ It penetrated the top of the mountain and fell, hitting the prison of two old people!

"Earthquake?" The flower-robed old man panicked and hurriedly covered the paper on the table.

"How is it possible?" The white-robed old man was also surprised, but he was still sane, frowned, and said, "It is clear that the sky has fallen."

Over their heads, there was indeed a bright sky light.

It's just not that the sky is falling apart.

Instead, a figure in a blue Taoist robe suddenly appeared, and said in a deep voice: "The two are Changchun old men and Xuanhu Weng?"

"We are, are you?" The two old men looked at him suspiciously.

"Time is running out, let's talk about it later, I will save the two and leave first." Li Chu said.

When I was about to take the two old genius doctors away, I heard a voice from outside the prison: "Hold on!"

Then a lot of footsteps sounded, and the vicious group of demons suddenly surrounded the cell!

"Hahaha... Do you think the yellow-spotted tiger will obediently be instructed by you?"

A giant man with an elephant nose slowly walked out of the group of monsters and laughed wildly.

"It's still too small to look down on our Three Kings. Here, who would dare to deceive the three of us? He had already reported your little trick."

Another man with a hooked nose and a pair of black wings appeared from the darkness.

In the end, a monster with a green-maned lion head appeared on the scene with a sneer, and said with a sneer, "Hehe, we've been waiting for you here long ago, can't you think of it..."

When its voice reached here, it suddenly paused, as if it saw something extremely terrifying.

Maybe it was so scared that it forgot the line it wanted to say and repeated it again.


It's just that the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end there are only two sounds.



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