I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Where are they going~ [Thanks to the leader of "planting a big tree"]


"You said why you did it like this... I should have gone with you at the time, and at least I could take care of it."

"In the future, remember not to be so reckless in your actions. There is still a mountain high in the world..."


"Should I find you a nanny?"

In the Zen room and behind the curtain, Zen Master Chongyi talked about a baby sitting cross-legged on the futon.

The baby's eyebrows are clear, and his eyes are very mature. He is trying to hold his fleshy legs and maintain a quiet, cross-sitting posture.

"It's not necessary."

Hearing what Zen Master Chongyi said, the baby hurriedly refused with the voice of milk and milk. When speaking, he was still a little vague. It can be seen that it has not grown too much.

"Hey, the demon body that helps the wilderness is so terrifying, even you are not an opponent, and you can penetrate the void barrier... If he joins forces with the monsters in the Demon Earth, it will be difficult."

Zen Master Chongyi said anxiously: "I have sent a book to Chaotianque for help, but since they know that your vitality is badly injured, they will inevitably come to attack tonight, then our Zhenmoya may be in jeopardy."

"In any case, you can't let the monster cross a mountain, otherwise the heavens will inevitably flow into a river." Jiang Yi said with a milky voice, and then sighed again inconsistent with his age, "Ah, the disciple is useless. I think of Nirvana. It’s impossible to recover the cultivation base for at least ten years..."

"Don't say that, that is, if you meet the demon body that helps the wilderness, you can still escape. If you don't have you, change the elder next to you or go up as a teacher, wouldn't you die completely?" Zen Master Chongyi quickly comforted Lover.

He clearly understands the rules of the world, knowing that the **** can never blame the thighs for not being thick enough.

"I just hope that the guarding mountain can survive tonight..."

The doors and windows around are closed tightly, but the white gauze curtains have no wind.

Zen Master Chongyi looked outside through the window screens, his eyes full of anxiety.

From this look, I saw dawn.


Zen Master Chongyi yawned, rubbed his eyes, and saw the baby sitting quietly beside him, a jealous soul, "Whose child is this! How come up the mountain! It has nothing to do with Lao Na! Take it away quickly and don't embezzle it." !"

"Master, calm..." The baby rolled his eyes very sophisticatedly, "I'm easy..."


Only then did Zen Master Chongyi wake up, and said with a smile: "I thought it was... who came to the mountain..."

He suddenly raised his eyes, "Huh? Why was it so quiet last night?"


When Jiang Yi spoke, he held his feet and subconsciously wanted to put it in his mouth. The next second he suddenly realized his identity and quickly put it down.

"Since he is watching my Nirvana, he will inevitably rush to attack the Demon Cliff...for nothing, he missed the best opportunity to attack. It is really hard to explain this move..." He frowned his faint eyebrows, his small face was full of confused.

"That's right, the devil's body that helps the wilderness is almost invincible in the world, and came here specially. It can't just look at your handsome appearance and beat you to relieve your breath."

Zen Master Chongyi touched his chin and said, "Couldn't he die suddenly, right?"

"That kind of physique, coupled with the help of Si Mo's battlefield... even if Tong Wudi wants to kill him, I am afraid it will not be too easy..." Jiang Yi shook his head, "This level of character suddenly died overnight. Fantastic Nights."


Zen Master Chongyi smiled embarrassedly for his innocent conjecture. After smiling, he was still a little puzzled.

The master and apprentice turned their heads, and the same doubt flashed in their hearts.

"Then the devil's body... where did it go?"


"The wooden king hasn't come back..."

The Eight Demons were sitting around in the main hall of Slaughter City, and also waited for the night.

Although there is no change of the sun and moon on the magic soil, the color of the magic star will be different between day and night.

"Could he kill the little Taoist priest?"

The Yakushi Mo said, shuddering involuntarily, it should be inevitable to think of the scene of being severely output by the little Taoist again and again.

"It's very likely..." The Bone Demon said solemnly, "But... this is not a bad thing."

"Actually, I have been skeptical about the plan to come to the world before. We should have felt it when we went to the body of law before. How can the world today be the same as it was thousands of years ago? The mountains and rivers of the Heluo Dynasty are consolidated, and the Twelve Immortal Gates Powerful and deep. Isn’t the wooden king strong enough? It’s just one of the five Dharma kings of Yanyue Sect, but what about it? Isn’t such a powerful Yanyue Sect living in the ground? If we slaughter the immortal city really come, countless monsters Survival is not yet known..."

"That's right." Yakushimo quickly agreed: "Actually, after staying in the world for a while, I think that place is also ordinary... Since the Mu Ren King has not returned, then we can live as before. At least... …At least there won’t be a little Taoist priest suddenly coming out to kill you super ghost..."

He said in a weaker and weaker voice.

"I also want to live like before..." Wuxiangma said, "But the point is...not only the Muren King has not returned, but the Lord of the City has not returned either..."


As soon as this remark came out, the whole hall fell silent again.

The location of Slaughter City, I don't know how many monsters are coveting in the Devil Land. Especially the Lord Slaughter Immortal City, every time the city Lord's position is vacant, it will usher in a **** storm that has lasted at least a hundred years.

After a long slaughter and see-saw, there will be a new city lord who will deter the demons completely sit down. And those competitors were either killed or fleeing far, and they would no longer appear in Slaughter City.

Although the time for this city lord to be on top is not short, it is far from the time it should be replaced. Slaughter City should have a long stable life.

But it disappeared...

Those staring eyes outside the city of Slaughter Immortal, I'm afraid they will spy on them again.

Although the status of the Eight Demons is the highest level below the city lord, they are really not in the battle for the city lord. Those monsters with competitive strength are living a life of exile in the endless wasteland outside Slaughter City.

Although it is still calm at the moment, but...

They can already smell the blood in the wind.

"Hey..." After sighing, the Eight Demons looked into the distance together.

"Our Lord of the City, where did you go?"


Early the next morning, the three of Li Chu quietly left Yiduoshan.

Because after killing the wooden king, Qin Zhenghu's demon seed has been released. Because of the turbulent situation last night, I did not dare to act rashly. Seeing that nothing happened today, I would naturally slip away.

Otherwise, stay and be a Buddha?

Li Chu obviously didn't have that interest.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Zhenghu to become a monk, let alone a dumb monk.

As for Lao Du...

This fellow seemed to have that heart. When he left, he looked back at the sign of Yunfu Temple several times in a daze.

However, after some consideration, he still firmly chose De Yunguan.

If there is no Li Chu in the Deyun Temple, then naturally a hundred Deyun Temples can't be compared to Yunfu Temple. But there is Li Chu in the view of Deyun, and that won’t be the case in the future...

Accurately recognizing the thickness of the thigh is also one of the necessary skills for a blunt.

What's more, Yunfu Temple is already at the forefront of the immortal gate, with luxuriant branches, and joining him at his age will not necessarily become an elder.

But Deyun View is still in the initial stage, and there is still much to do in the future.

There is no need to think about which one is more promising.


His old Du also has no great ambition to inherit the family...

After the three returned to Deyun Temple, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com had not had time to tell everyone about what happened at Yunfu Temple before they saw an urgent letter.

It was actually sent by a servant of the Wang family.

"Dao Master Xiao Li, there was an accident with my young master, and he was kidnapped!" The man was full of panic, "The gangster only left this letter and specified it to you."

"Wang Longqi?"

Li Chu frowned.

What happened to this guy again? Is it really fateful?

After opening the letter, I realized that I was wrong to blame him. This unwarranted disaster was actually directed at himself or at De Yun.

I saw two lines written on the letter.

"I want your friend to be okay. Tonight, I will take the fairy phoenix courage and go to Miaofeng Mountain to trade."

"The wooden king."


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