I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Eat a table?

"Xianhuang guts."

Under the old locust tree, everyone sat in a circle, listening to old Taoist priests telling stories from the past.

It also seems to be having a serious discussion.

"According to the legend, one day tens of thousands of years ago, the sky shattered and the sky was cracked. A golden light fell in the endless sky thunder and was picked up by a woman. At that time, there was still a layer of silk silk wrapped around the fairy phoenix gallbladder. There is a nameless technique recorded on the silk silk, that is, the infinitely powerful "Hua Xu Jing". At the level of the "Hua Xu Jing", it is only used to wrap treasures. You can imagine how precious the treasure is. ."

"Therefore, even though Huaxu State relied on Huaxu Jing to establish the country, it still regarded Xianhuang Gu as the national treasure. It is a pity that after all, it is a treasure in the sky, and the world still knows not much about it. For many years, it has only been known. This thing assists in cultivation and can do more with less. But this is by no means the true magical effect of Xianhuangdan. According to legend, if you discover the real secret of Xianhuangdan, you can see the chance of becoming a fairy."

Yu Qi said quietly.

He didn't tell everyone in such detail before, and he was also worried that someone in the view would have a simple mind and would inadvertently leak out and cause trouble to the little Koi.

But since they were all approached at this time, he didn't hide it anymore.

After talking about Xianhuangdan, he continued:

"Wang Longqi."

"It stands to reason, if there are no accidents, so far, he should be the biological son of the wealthy Wang Family Wang of Yuhang Town..."

"It's not good to eat, not to drink, not to bet..."

"The hobby is simple and pure."

"On the whole, he is a dude who has no return to the family, no contribution to Heluo, and no benefit to the world."

"Now the wooden king of Yanyue Sect has taken away Wang Longqi, forcing us to exchange it with Xianhuanggu. On the one hand, it is a peerless treasure that may contain an opportunity to become immortal, and on the other it is a waste." Yu Qi'an said, frowning. , Spread his hands, "It's really hard to choose."

After listening to him, Qin Zhenghu frowned over there, "When these two things are put together, how to choose between them? Isn't it a **** thing to know at a glance?"

"You can't say that..." Li Chu seemed to want to fight for Wang Longqi. After thinking for a long time, he said: "The yard under our feet was paid for by him."

"It's one of the few personnel things that Seventh Academy has done." Durange nodded.

"In fact, others are not bad, and they have helped us a lot in the past...Although they cause us more trouble, we can't be considered bad...It's just that they are extremely lustful and have no conscience, and they are still a little loving... …Although I often teach bad children, I always try to take the Thunder Dragon baby to the brothel..." The fox girl broke her fingers and counted Wang Longqi's "advantages".

Listening and listening, Lao Du stopped her: "Little white girl, don't say it. If you continue to say this, the Seventh Young Master will die."

"I also think that others are pretty good, and I often give me delicious food. It's just a bit strange, always saying that I want to be the master of the moon worship, and I also made some unintelligible wishes to me, such as seven times a night, a golden gun Nothing..." Little Koi also said.

"Those are not important, just forget them quickly." Yu Qi'an waved his sleeves and said angrily: "This kid should be killed with a knife."


Hearing his words, a fat little short claw was raised next to him.

The little fat dragon frowned in protest.

It seems that in the whole Deyun View, it is the one who has the best relationship with Wang Longqi and is most worried about the safety of the Seventh Young Master.

After all, Wang Longqi is a great translator and a supplier of chicken legs in its mind, which is very important.

After making a noise for a while, Li Chu said: "It must be done to save people, but...how do you save it?"

"Didn't you take my Xianhuang Gu to exchange him back?" Little Jinli asked puzzledly.

"Well... it can only be so."

Li Chu pondered for a moment, his eyes long.


late at night.

The vegetation on Miaofeng Mountain is luxuriant.

Li Chu opened his mind and quickly caught the two breaths at the top of the mountain and walked over.

Sure enough, there was a tall and strong young man and Wang Longqi who was tied up.

The young man's face was blue and his eyes were lifeless, and 80% of him was also a puppet of the wooden king.

Now Li Chu is more certain that the Mu Ren King's body should be the old blind man he saw in Southern Xinjiang that day. Because only in this way, he would know the close relationship between Wang Longqi and De Yunguan.

Otherwise, I wouldn't think of using this person to threaten myself.

Hearing that Wang Longqi was **** there, he was not honest, and was still asking the young man something like "Your mother's last name?"

The young man was expressionless and ignored.

Only when Li Chu approached did he show a trace of brilliance in his eyes and stood up.

"I'm here." Li Chu appeared, raised the kit in his hand to the young man, and said: "Xianhuangdan is here and let my friend go."

Two goldfishes are embroidered on the pink kit, and there is a small bell, which looks like a girl's thing.

The young man looked at him and said: "Little Taoist priest, I know you are powerful, and you can kill me instantly. But don't try to play tricks. I planted thirty-two kinds of strange poison in your friend's body. If there is no antidote, he will not survive tomorrow morning. You will give me the Xianhuang Gall, and someone will bring the antidote to me later. If not..."

His words stopped here.

Li Chu looked at Wang Longqi, his eyes seemed to be asking.

Wang Longqi immediately put on a crying voice and shouted: "It's true! I was eating hot pot, singing, and happily visiting the brothel that day, suddenly someone came and robbed me!"

"After the robbery, they also fed me a lot of weird things. I said that if I didn't eat it, he would beat me. I had to eat all of it. Don't say it, it tastes really good..."

Li Chu didn't bother to listen to his nonsense, and directly threw Xianhuang's guts over it.

The young man caught Xianhuanggu, opened the kit and checked it, showing a satisfied smile.

"Not bad."

After that, he let go of the rope on Wang Longqi's body.

"As long as I go back, the antidote will be delivered." After that, the young man stood up and flew away.

In fact, Li Chu didn't want to let him go like that, but Wang Longqi's life was in the hands of others, and the other party was cautious in doing things, and there was no good way.

I had to bring Wang Longqi back to Deyun Temple first.

At this time, everyone was not asleep, they were all there waiting for news. At this time, the little genius doctor hadn't left after seeing Qin Zhenghu last time. After staying here for a few days, he invited him to give Wang Longqi a look.

The little genius doctor stepped forward, just a glance, and his expression was a bit solemn. He put his wrists on again, and his eyes were a little bad. Finally, Wang Longqi stretched out his tongue and suddenly smiled.

"It's okay." The little genius doctor smiled. "You don't have to worry about whether they will deliver the antidote."

"Can you solve this poison?" Wang Longqi said with joy suddenly.

The thing he worries about most now is that the King Mu Ren releases pigeons. It would be better if a little genius doctor could cure this poison.

"Of course not." The little genius shook his head quickly and denied, "He didn't lie, he did give you thirty-two kinds of strange poisons, and now the medicinal properties are mixed together and haven't erupted. Just wait for dawn, but one of them When the medicine becomes agitated, the toxicity will be like a flash flood, and it will definitely be killed on the spot."

"Huh?" Wang Longqi was shocked: "Then what do you mean when you say you don't have to worry about whether they will deliver the antidote?"

"The meaning is that so many poisons are mixed together, there is no antidote at all." The little genius shrugged, and said: "The complexity of this kind of poisonous mixture is beyond the limit that humans can deduct. He didn't even think about it. Keep your life. UU reading www.uukānshu.com"


Upon hearing this, everyone was a little surprised.

"This old crippled man can't live with innocent mortals. It really deserves to die." Qin Zhenghu said indignantly.

"It may be that Dao Master Xiao Li has done bad things for him several times, but Dao Li himself can't do anything about it, so take this opportunity to retaliate." Li Maoqing said.

"It's a pity that Xianhuang has the courage to take it for him." Yu Qi'an also shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah..." Lao Du also felt a little regretful, "That's what makes Yue'er girl comparable to the land immortals... Then how much money should we give to the Wang Family for funeral?"

Yu Qi'an thought for a while, and said, "Let's come and see the banquet dishes. There are many dishes to order, but the dishes are not good."

"Good." Old Du nod first responded.

Yu Qi'an smacked his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, it's really been a long time since I had a banquet."

Old Du said, "Wang's family is a big family in the town after all, it won't be bad to go to his house to have a dinner."

"Isn't it..." Wang Longqi was about to cry on the side, "Is it almost time to eat? I am still here now, don't you think about trying to rescue it?"


As he was talking, he heard a bang over there, and when he looked over, it turned out that it was Li Chuning who patted the table with his eyebrows.

Rarely showed an angry face.

"The wooden king did too much. He has taken away the courage of Xianhuang, and he even intentionally killed you early."

"It's still my good brother after all." Wang Longqi looked at Li Chu moved, "Only you are heartbroken for me."

At this time, Lao Du next to him said: "Master, don't be too angry, the big deal is that we won't go to the table, so we don't need to pay the gift."

Hearing this, the stagnation in Li Chu's eyes slowly dissipated.

But the tears in Wang Longqi's eyes couldn't stop streaming out.

Like a spring.

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