I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 72: 1 on 1 man battle

  Chapter 376 One-on-One Man Battle

   In Slaughter City, looking at the empty black cracks, the Eight Demons breathed out.

  The little Taoist priest did not chase along the passage.

  The crisis is resolved.

  But it is only temporarily lifted.

  They looked at each other, Qianshou Mo said with some doubts: "The wooden king just strengthened our cultivation base, we just flee like this, he might be furious..."

   was silent for a while.

  The Bone Demon calmly said: "If you want to be angry with us, at least he has to come back."

   "Yes." Pharmacist Demon Enchantment: "The little Daoist is too ruthless..."

When    said this, although his life was not in danger, his hands were still shaking.

  There is no way, the shadow of death over and over again left him too deep. Although the death at the time was false, the feeling of facing death was real.

  No one knows the little Taoist better than him.

   "But..." Yin Moji raised her head, slightly puzzled: "Nowadays, even Jiang Yi is not an opponent of the Muren King, why should we be afraid of the little Taoist priest?"


  There was another silence.

  If you ask if you want to be afraid, you must be afraid. But if you ask why you are afraid, you can't get the answer.

  The fear that the little Taoist brings to people is not like that of other strong people, the kind of clear realm or coercion. It's that he is standing there, looking harmless and handsome, he will kill you casually as soon as he shoots.

  No one has even allowed him to shoot twice.

  You don’t know what realm he is until you die.

  This kind of enemy full of unknowns is even more terrifying than the number one in the world sounds.

  Because even if it is No. 1 in the world, it is certain, one is one. An unpredictable opponent may be zero or maybe.

   Wuxiang Demon looked at the black fissure that was gradually shrinking, and asked tentatively: "Since we are not afraid, shall we go back and help out?"

  This remark immediately caused an angry outburst.

   "Go away."

   "The fool went back."

  "Are there something in your mind?"


   Wuxiang Demon was sprayed and shrunk his neck, and pulled away anxiously.

  After a while, Yao Shimo said: "Actually, I am not afraid, but I am still loyal to the old city lord after all. Now I just succumbed to the prostitution of the wooden king, so there is no need to sacrifice my life for him."

   "That's right!" Thousand-handed Demon threw his hand, "Me too! We must retain our vitality before we find the Old City Lord."

   "It makes sense." The Hundred Eyes also nodded in agreement, "If the Lord of the City is still there, and if he is in charge, why should we fear that little Taoist priest!"

   "Yes, yes..."

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone quickly reached a consensus. The reason why the little Taoist priest was allowed to be so arrogant was because the old city lord suddenly disappeared. If the old man were still there, it would have been **** to the world today.

  The hall was filled with cheerful atmosphere for a while.


  On the side of Fuhuang Demon Body and Li Chu, the atmosphere is not so harmonious.

After returning to the courtyard, I saw that Qin Zhenghu was in a wrong state. The magic seed in his body had already erupted once tonight, so it should be silent. But it broke out again just now,

  Li Chu looked at the demon body that helped the wilderness, but he was a little jealous in his heart. He had previously had a face-to-face encounter with the demon body and knew the terrifying power of this flesh body.

   But now I know that this physical body was manipulated by the wooden king, and has killed many innocent lives. If he is allowed to leave, it will be unreasonable.

  The thought of hesitation passed, Li Chu still decided to take action.

  According to his own past experience, facing an unknown powerful enemy, as long as he bravely shoots his sword, he will always find that things are simpler than imagined.

  Difficulty is like a spring. Only when you are weak can it be strong.

   Thinking of this, Li Chu drew his sword with his right hand.

  The Demon Body Supporting the Wilderness was also in deep hesitation at this time, because it was very meaningless to be an enemy of this little Taoist priest.

   defeat him, you can't get anything.

  Once you lose, the loss is absolutely unbearable.

  But if you want to turn around and run like this, it's very faceless...

  At this time, he is in the madness of the gods and my cock. It is indeed difficult to accept that he can leave without a punch.

   Just when he hesitated, he saw Li Chu on the opposite side drawing his sword.

   "Wow..." Fuhuang Devil's body gritted his teeth, "Since you are going to fight, then I'll forget the old and new grudges with you!"

  Seeing that Li Chu's sword was about to fall, he suddenly raised his hand and raised the black roulette high.


  The black and golden light suddenly enveloped the two of them.

   There was a rumbling wind in his ears, and Li Chu was also pulled into the battlefield of the Beginning Demon.


   He frowned, and noticed that there were some weird rules around him restraining him.

  Unable to shoot.

   "Hahaha!" Fuhuang Demon Body laughed and said: "Welcome to the Shimo Arena, to have a one-on-one man fight!"

  In this arena, his self-confidence immediately swelled.

  He had noticed earlier that the sword aura of the little Taoist priest was extremely powerful. Even if it was the demon body that helped the wilderness, he didn't have the confidence to be intact under that sword aura.

   But in this arena, he has an absolute first mover. In this way, he could be killed in an attack that the little Taoist priest could not release at all.

  There is no shortage of sword repairs whose lethality far exceeds their own realm, but the defense of this type of sword repair is relatively fragile. The reason is simple. Heaven is fair. If your attack is outrageous and your defense is terrifying, how can this world tolerate you?

Ha ha.

  His smile became cruel.

   "In the next life... be more eye-catching when choosing enemies."

   released this ruthless sentence, he didn't talk any more nonsense, but directly shot himself, exploding out of thin air!



  There are no other moves, and no other moves are needed. There is only one punch, and only one punch! The most powerful physical body only needs the simplest way to attack!



  The entire battlefield of the Beginning Demon was trembling and humming, being shaken by the aftermath of the collision of fists and flesh, and it lasted for a long time.

  Tick, tick.

   A crisp sound of water droplets sounded.

  The fist of supporting the devil's body still stayed on Li Chu's chest.


  Black blood also flowed from his mouth.


  His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but could not say, only more black blood gurgled.

  The strange sound of Karala came from his body.

  As if something was shattering section by section, the whole burly body began to tremble.

  A pair of cockfighting eyes burst out with incredible light.

  I am the strongest body in the world...

  What kind of weird thing are you?

  If I hit this serious punch, I will be backlashed to death, so you won’t be itching at all?

   seems to have heard his inner wailing.

  Li Chu's eyebrows gathered together, stepped back two steps, and said in a groan, "It hurts."

  The punch of supporting the devil's body really made him feel a pain, and even the blood in his chest surged.


  Since coming to this world, he hasn't felt pain for a long time. Suddenly feel it again, even a bit novel.

  But that's all.

   Looking at the devil's body on the opposite side, black cracks have appeared on the surface of the skin from the wrists, and the terrible cracks went up the arms all the way to the face, and finally spread all over the body, like broken porcelain.

At last.


  The whole exploded!

  Li Chu looked at this scene and blinked.

  He just felt the shackles of the rules disappear, he can fight back, and as a result...

  You fell down before I shot it?

  A stream of light sprang out from the broken body of the demon, hanging in the air.

  It was a small wooden man with a big palm, holding a purple eyeball that was much larger than itself. At this time, both the wooden man and the eyeballs were full of panic.

  It wants to escape, but it can’t.

  Not long ago, I thought that Shimo Battlefield was simply awesome. At this time, I only felt that this magic weapon was extremely stupid.

  The wooden man, Li Chu is very familiar with, and he is naturally the masterpiece of the wooden man king. And that purple eye pupil was the eye of the Beginning Demon that had been cut once in the Huaxu mystery.

   is definitely not a good thing.

  Li Chu raised the sword in his hand high, and lightly waved it at the wooden man.

  One-on-one men fight.

  You punch, I sword.


  Because it was in another space, and it seemed that he could only take one shot, Li Chu didn't keep his hand at all. A pillar of scarlet sword air swallowed the eyes of the wooden man and the beginning of the devil, and slammed into the black and gold barrier.


  Si Demon Battlefield was trembling again and began to emit dazzling brilliance.

  Probably since its birth, I haven’t seen this kind of attack to penetrate myself, and I want to work hard to protect myself.

  It's a pity.

  It is as futile as the struggle of a wooden man.


  There was a broken sound in the air, and Li Chu's figure suddenly appeared outside the courtyard, where the wooden king was originally.

  The black-gold roulette that was shattered in two halves fell to the ground, and Li Chu glanced at it, feeling a little pity. This magical artifact is very valuable to the naked eye, so it was a pity that it was ruined.

   Then he saw a group of bald heads surrounding the courtyard, sneaking inwardly, like a melon field under the moonlight. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  "Huh? Master Ronghe?" Li Chu called out, "What are you doing?"


  A group of monks was startled by his voice, and turned around, all of them were startled.

"Amitabha..." Zen Master Rong He calmed down first, tactically announced a Buddha's name, folded his hands and asked: "There is a monster invading this temple, we are coming here to bring you to the temple for protection... Where did you go? ?"

   "Oh." Li Chu agreed, and said casually: "I just killed a puppet of a demon cult."

   His tone was casual, as if he had just killed a fly.

  Rong and Zen Master saw that there was nothing wrong with him, and there was no so-called devilish energy on his body, so they glared at him. As for who Li Chu killed, he didn't ask. Anyway, it's just a puppet, and it must be no big deal.

  "It shouldn't be too late. Let us go." He said seriously: "The enemy of the attack is not small. Depending on the attitude of the abbot, the situation may be quite serious."

  "I am afraid it is a major crisis that our temple has not encountered in hundreds of years!"

  (End of this chapter)

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