I can summon myself

Chapter 82 Then Die

"Are you threatening me?"

Although it was very awkward, everyone still understood what the Spider Queen meant.

Bai Chen shook his head: "No, I'm just stating a fact."

"I admit that you are indeed very powerful."

"But I also have the power to destroy your future."

"The mutated spider eggs are no larger than a football. One egg shell can absorb all light and isolate all spiritual energy."

"But just like a black hole, it is also its life gate. With the perception of the crested ibises, they can detect any situation that is incompatible with the environment."

"The way to hide yourself is not to contain all your breath, but to hide yourself like a drop of water in the ocean."

Bai Chen flicked his fingers.

Four void energy balls, like water droplets, penetrated into the bodies of each member of the National Treasure Team.

"Perceive the taste of void energy."

"Any place in the mine that is similar to it should be washed directly with the natal spiritual breath."


The four crested ibises flapped their wings in unison to show that they understood.

"Wait, human!"

The Spider Queen walked out of the spider swarm under Mo Qianxing Zuo Miao's alert eyes.

Its compound eyes glared at Bai Chen.

"What energy is this?"

It felt a vast, distant, mysterious and all-encompassing ancient atmosphere.

What's more important is that a certain piece of information in each set of DNA is activated in front of the void energy.

Every nerve cell told it that the void energy possessed by Bai Chen was the creation that it and its mutated spider eggs dreamed of.

Evolve, grow, mutate.

Void energy is the cornerstone of evolution countless times more important than human brain.

Its eyes are full of greed.

"You stay, and your companions can leave along with all the food in the nest."

As long as Bai Chen can be kept.

The other people present and the boys and girls captured before were of no consequence at all.

It neighed at the guards.

The Spider Queen's guards locked up Bai Chen's friends in groups of two.

"Thank you for reminding me what a threat is."

"Surrender immediately, or I will kill all your companions."

The Spider Queen's cruel gaze swept across everyone's faces.

However, there was no panic or fear as he imagined.

Everyone's face was full of solemnity.

"Are you using me to threaten my junior brother?"

Zuo Miao's war spear pointed far away at the spider queen's abdomen.

Mo Qianxing raised both blades.

Zhu Huan adjusted the little melon to the position where she could be most easily aroused.

The old village chief laughed loudly: "Only the Lin family who died in the war and not the Lin family who lived in an ignoble way. If we really surrender to you, a beast, the coffin boards in the ancestral graves in the Lin family compound will come out from the bottom of the graves and destroy us backers." Ancestors."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

Lin Hou's immature face turned red. Even if he died, he would not become a tool used by the Spider Queen to threaten Bai Chen.

The Spider Queen looked at everyone in surprise.

These humans are very brave.

But in the face of the absolute power gap, they are destined to die.

"I don't think your four birds can find my mutated spider eggs in the mine tunnel."

"Since you refuse to surrender, then go to hell!"

The Spider Queen roared, and a huge psychic shock wave enveloped the entire space.

Everyone except Bai Chen felt dizzy as if they had been hit by a construction hammer.

The guards behind the eight-headed spider instantly exploded their flesh and blood like thousands of arrows, and rushed towards the national treasure team above Bai Chen's head.

Yes, their first target is neither Bai Chen nor other humans.

The four crested ibises that may cause harm to the mutated spider eggs are their targets.

Faster than them is Xiaocai.

The space around Xiao Cai rippled.

An insect psychic shield fell from the sky like a big bubble blocking the passage, protecting everyone.

Although the flesh and blood of the Spider Queen's guards still broke through the defense of the psychic shield.

But this little time has already allowed the national treasures to react.

Their wings spread out, and the next moment they appeared deep in the mine behind Bai Chen.

"Human! Die!"

The spider queen lifts her belly.

The spout at the end opens.

Countless pure white spider silks spurted out from the nozzle at the tail.

Thousands of threads intertwined into layers of giant nets in mid-air.

The target is Bai Chen.

Watching the giant net falling from overhead.

There was an arc at the corner of Bai Chen's mouth.

"Even if you have human intelligence."

"But he is still an insect driven by instinct."

Bai Chen, who knew the brain-eating spider queen's attack methods very well, retreated instead of advancing.

Void energy was injected into the big iron rod, and the black iron rod suddenly turned blue.

"Don't rush to attack. We don't need to cause much damage to them. Our only purpose is to delay."

Bai Chen held up the big iron stick and stirred it against the cobweb.

The Spider Queen's large web that could cling to all prey was directly cut into pieces by the void energy.

"Don't worry, junior brother, senior sister, I have killed more bugs than you have killed tadpoles."

Zuo Miao's war spear danced with great force.

Neither the Spider Queen's guards nor the ordinary brain-eating spiders could even get close to her.

Zhu Huan's double guns were extremely accurate. Every time she fired the trigger, a brain-eating spider was severely injured.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, our offensive skills are really not good, but our Linya Village team is professional in defense."

The old village chief may seem old, but the team centered around him is like a reef, firmly fixed in place.

No matter how the brain-eating spiders rush.

Their well-organized formation remains unmoved.

The old village chief even took the opportunity to guide Lin Houzi, who didn't know how to use a spear.

And Mo Qianxing and Xiao Cai, one person and one pet, wandered between Bai Chen and the crowd.

Her attacks were not fierce under deliberate control.

But whenever a brain-eating spider might break through everyone's defense, she could always check for deficiencies and make up for them in the first place.

A pair of red crescent double blades.

They emit brilliant light under Mo Qianxing's dance.

Like shining stars, they light up the entire passage.

"Senior sister's steps are very steady, and her defense against the brain-eating spiders is very successful."

"The people of Linya Village should have undergone professional training, so they are not confused at all."

"Zhu Huan's shooting skills are good, and the timing of replenishing ammunition is just right, so that a gun can always be in the best condition."

"Mo Qianxing's individual combat power, human-pet cooperation, and overall view far exceed those of ordinary seventh-level awakeners. He is worthy of being a super idol that only appears once every few years in Yanyu City."

Facing the spider queen, Bai Chen walked leisurely among the brain-eating spiders with insect steps.

It was as if what was in front of him was not a ferocious brain-eating spider.

It was as if a group of worms with a combat power of only FIVE.

Mo Qianxing, Zuo Miao, and Zhu Huan were okay.

After all, they knew Bai Chen's ability.

The people of Linya Village who saw Bai Chen fighting for the first time were all stunned.

"Is this a fight?'

"Is this a spider walk?"

"Is this still a human? "

The fifth-level man was so absorbed in watching Bai Chen that he was almost attacked by a Spider Queen's guard.

Just when its mouthparts were about to fall on the fifth-level man's head.

Mo Qianxing shook his wrist.

The red moon blade cut the sneak attacking guard in half.


Mo Qianxing reminded.


The people of Linya Village dared not be distracted anymore.

A fire was ignited in the mine tunnel behind them.

The National Treasure Squad began to burn the spider nest.

The Spider Queen's roar was high-pitched and rapid.

The brain-eating spiders began to fight desperately.

The pressure increased sharply, and everyone's sight was full of the crazy figures of the brain-eating spiders.

Amid the spiders.

Bai Chen's figure suddenly disappeared.

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