I can summon myself

Chapter 83 Spider Queen Suicide

The moment Bai Chen disappeared.

The spider queen ran away, and the ten guards closest to it gave up the attack. At its silent call, they quickly moved closer to it.

Layer after layer of psychic shields bloomed from its body.

The last few layers, the originally transparent shields were stained with blood.

This was the last defense it built at the expense of its blood.

Its reaction was very fast.

However, when Bai Chen appeared again.

He was very close to it.

The blue iron stick in Bai Chen's hand stabbed its body silently.

The psychic shield that could resist all attacks within the sixth level was attacked by the void energy.

Like tofu dregs, it broke with one poke.

At this moment, the spider queen finally understood why her twin sisters were hit by Bai Chen without even a warning.

However, the defense layer built by her blood still worked.

The hard blood layer blocked the speed of the big iron stick.

The spider queen, who was rich in combat experience, chose to exchange her injury for her life.

After it used all its strength to change direction quickly.

Bai Chen's big iron stick passed by its most important main nerve and pierced into its soft abdomen.

Void energy exploded directly in its body.

A large hole the size of a washbasin was instantly blown out of its abdomen.

With a miserable hissing sound, the spider queen staggered back into the protective circle of the guards.

One by one, ordinary brain-eating spiders blocked Bai Chen and the spider queen with their flesh and blood.

Although he succeeded, Bai Chen regretfully gave up the pursuit because he did not get the desired results.

There are side effects of forcibly absorbing the experience of the fourth-level awakener Bai Chen who found the cat.

That is, although the Great Void Training Method constantly fills his spiritual energy deficit, the consumption when absorbing experience is too great.

After one blow.

Bai Chen no longer has the ability to continue.

"What a pity."

Mo Qianxing sighed and protected Bai Chen together with Xiao Cai.

This person and pet were ready to fight to the death when the seriously injured spider queen went crazy.

Something unexpected happened.

The spider queen screamed rapidly.

The brain-eating spiders that were attacking frantically suddenly stopped attacking and retreated to the spider queen.

"Human, what conditions do I need to pay to obtain your void energy?"

The wound on the spider queen's abdomen not only did not close, but also kept leaking body fluids.

The spider queen's guards chose to spit out their life essence.

Groups of white light full of spiritual energy and life fluctuations poured into the spider queen's body, but even the essence at the cost of their lives only slowed down the speed of the spider queen's body fluid loss, and could not heal the wound.

The guards lost their breath of life and fell down.

More ordinary brain-eating spiders stood up.

Just when they wanted to force out their life essence to treat the spider queen.

The spider queen chose to give up.


"Don't continue."

Its compound eyes were full of complex colors.

Found that Bai Chen was expressionless all the time, and he was not even interested in answering its questions.

The spider queen made a decision.

"Human, you win."

"I and all the brain-eating spiders that have participated in the pursuit of humans and have been stained with human blood, all committed suicide."

"Our life essence and everything in the nest belong to you."

"The remaining brain-eating spiders and our mutant spider eggs will obey your orders from now on."

"I only have one request, that is, you swear with your soul that you will not count the mistakes we made on the mutant spider eggs."

"It was born before we met your compatriots."

"Everything between us has nothing to do with it."

Seeing the surprise in Bai Chen's eyes.

It said word by word: "It is born at the fifth level and has the potential far beyond our twin spider queens. It and its spider group will be your best help."

After saying that, without waiting for Bai Chen to respond.

The light in the spider queen's eyes quickly dimmed.

It let out a long roar full of attachment to this world. It turned all its spiritual energy into a life essence the size of a football.

After doing everything.

It slowly fell down facing the direction of the mutant spider eggs in the mine.

At the last moment of its life, it saw Bai Chen slowly nodded.

It died peacefully.

The Spider Queen No. 1 also lost her life at this moment.




In the piercing hissing sound.

One after another, the Spider Queen's guards and one after another, the ordinary brain-eating spiders followed the Spider Queen's footsteps.

One by one, the life essences appeared in front of everyone.

The huge group of brain-eating spiders fell one after another.

In the end, only four Spider Queen's guards and thirty ordinary brain-eating spiders were left.

They all lay down in front of Bai Chen to show their submission.

Xiao Cai sniffed at them, and Mo Qianxing said with certainty: "There is no human-related smell on them, they should be innocent."

Zuo Miao sighed.

She never thought that she would experience the power of the void energy in person.

The Spider Queen did not choose to fight to the death.

Instead, she took the initiative to end the lives of herself and most of the spider group.

Use their death and their life essence to exchange for Bai Chen's forgiveness.

"To continue, to reproduce, and to give birth to stronger offspring."

"This is the lifelong goal of insects with high intelligence like the brain-eating spider."

"Killing or eating brains are just means to achieve this goal."

Mo Qianxing said with emotion.

As a seventh-level insect awakener. Although the choice of the Spider Queen is not understood by the stunned mountain people in Linya Village.

But she can read the Spider Queen's thoughts.

Bai Chen has proved his unfathomable strength with the void energy.

The Spider Queen who has personally experienced the power of the void energy.

She gave up herself and most of the spider group, and placed everything on the mutant spider eggs.

As long as Bai Chen accepts its life, their life essence will be the result.

The mutant spider eggs can not only avoid the innate spiritual energy breath of the National Treasure Squad.

Survive from death.

And there is hope to go to the next level.

Even if Bai Chen will not take out the void energy for a while.

But with the intelligence of its offspring, the fifth-level brain-eating spider queen, it will definitely become a powerful helper for Bai Chen.

By then, its offspring will still have the opportunity to obtain the void energy.

It can be said that in a short time.

The Spider Queen has made all the calculations.

She gave up fighting to the end with everyone, and chose a path that may not be able to see immediate results, but there is definitely a chance.

It used its life and most of the spider group in exchange for the future of its offspring.

From this perspective.

Mo Qianxing had a little admiration for this spider queen.

Brain-eating spiders that have harmed humans must die, this is the bottom line.

But it took the initiative to pay the price by committing suicide.

It won hope for the mutant spider eggs.

Bai Chen blew a whistle and called back the national treasure team.

See the brain-eating spiders lying on the ground.

See the life essence emitting white light and very tempting.

Their little eyes are full of inquiry.

"Find the mutant spider egg and bring it here."

"It must be alive, don't kill it."

As he finished speaking.

A tear fell from the eyes of the dead spider queen.

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