I can summon myself

Chapter 81 On the verge of breaking out

"If we are lucky, we will face only one Spider Queen and no more than eight Spider Queen guards at the peak of fifth level."

"If you are lucky, except for one spider queen and no more than eight spider queens and guards, there will be more than half of ordinary brain-eating spiders."

"If you have the worst luck, one spider queen, at least twenty spider queen guards, plus all other brain-eating spiders."

Bai Chen's judgment made Mo Qianxing a little confused.

She could understand that Bai Chen could kill Spider Queen No. 1, but only by interrupting its main nerve and disabling its combat effectiveness.

Because as long as Spider Queen No. 1 is alive, Spider Queen No. 2 will not go crazy.

This is a wise choice.

As long as Spider Queen No. 1 remains alive, Queen Spider No. 2 and the group of brain-eating spiders will be distracted by her.

It will be beneficial for the next battle.

But what Mo Qianxing didn't understand was why the number of Spider Queen's guards was the key.

"The spider queen's bodyguard is not a regular part of the brain-eating spider group."

"Only when the spider queen produces spider eggs, will the most powerful members of the common brain-eating spiders evolve into the spider queen's guards. Although they are not on hand like the daily disposable temporary workers that the spider queen reproduces, It doesn’t last more than a day, but it’s also a consumable item.”

"Once the queen passes her weak stage, they are killed by the queen as food for raising her young, just like the daily-disposable males."

"The number of the spider queen's guards is determined by the quality of the spider queen's eggs."

"The higher the quality, the more of them there are."

"Normally, a spider queen will have no more than four guards, and a twin spider queen will have no more than eight guards."

"But there are exceptions to everything. There is still an extremely unlikely situation among the already very rare Gemini Spider Queens."

"That is, they used their life essences to work together to give birth to a mutated spider egg."

"This kind of spider egg is naturally one level higher than ordinary offspring."

"Not only does she possess all the abilities of the Gemini Spider Queen, she also has a high chance of possessing innate high-level skills."

"Once this rare mutant spider egg is laid, the Gemini Spider Queen will cultivate more than twenty spider queen guards at all costs in a way that destroys the potential of the entire spider group."

"Similarly, other brain-eating spiders, whether adults or immatures, will use their lives to defend this mutant spider egg."

"Because this is the key to the evolution of the entire group of brain-eating spiders."

Bai Chen's explanation stopped abruptly.

A wry smile appeared on his always calm face.

in his field of vision.

Spider Queen No. 2, with twenty-four spider queen guards that were slightly larger than ordinary brain-eating spiders, rushed over with murderous intent.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot."

Mo Qianxing's mouth felt bitter.

The Gemini Spider Queen is already a rare existence among brain-eating spiders.

It's good now. From Bai Chen's reaction, it can be seen that the situation he least wants to see happens.

A mutated spider egg appeared in this nest of brain-eating spiders.

"Be prepared to fight hard."

Bai Chen, who was standing there, took a deep breath and held the big iron rod tightly.

Mo Qianxing pursed her lips tightly.

Taking her gear out of the space gear.

This is a set of pitch-black seventh-level battle armor made of high-level insect chitin carapace.

Then she took out her weapon.

A pair of crescent moon double blades made from the original crimson mouthparts of an eighth-order beetle.

At this time, a ball of light came from the distance.

Guarded by the Spider Queen's guards who are brighter than a lightbulb.

Spider No. 2, three meters long and completely pink, came into their sight.

Familiar footsteps came from behind.

Zuo Miao, wearing the same insect armor as Mo Qianxing and holding a war spear, ran over.

"If you want to hurt my junior brother, just crawl over my body."

There was fighting in her eyes.

Zhu Huan, who was holding two psychic pistols in both hands and a bunch of psychic melon grenades on her waist, also came.

"We came here together and we will go back together."

She and Zuo Miao stood behind Bai Chen, one on the left and one on the right.


Iron Chin's nostrils spurted psychic fire.

Zhu Liehuo and Zhu Yuan could not help but circle around Bai Chen, their small eyes locked on the No. 2 Spider Queen.

"There is no reason for Linya Village to let guests stand in front of us."

Two fifth-level strong men are the arrows, and two third-level villagers are the left and right.

The old village chief and Lin Hou'er, whose legs were shaking but had a determined look on his face, were in the middle.

The people from Linya Village behind the two fourth-level psychic hunters holding shotguns also came to Bai Chen's side.

"My sister saves people. I want to buy time for her."

Lin Houer gritted his teeth and raised a heavy spear that was taller than him.

A trace of disdain flashed in Spider Queen's eyes.

In addition to Bai Chen, who absorbed spiritual energy like a human-shaped black hole, it was confused, and Mo Qianxing, who had a high-level insect-type mouthpart, made it feel threatened.

The rest is scum.

It raised its head high and let out a loud neighing sound.

The twenty-four Spider Queen guards opened their mouths uniformly and roared in response.

Behind them, dense crowds of brain-eating spiders trampled the ground.

For a moment, the mine was filled with the noise made by the brain-eating spiders.

"Come on, Xiaocai."

Mo Qianxing bit her tongue.

She spat out a mist of blood.

A portal appeared in the bloody mist.

Xiaocai, her natal pet with a snake head, scorpion body and lizard tail, was forcibly summoned by her.

After seeing the brain-eating spider in front of me.

Xiaocai's size quickly increased.

Finally, it becomes the size of a husky.

The spider queen opens her huge sickle-like mouthparts.

Just when the battle was about to start.

Bai Chen suddenly turned his head to face the National Treasure Team.

"Iron Jaw, Zhu Liehuo, you two are on your own."

"Zhu Yuanyang, you two are on your own."

The Spider Queen, who absorbed the information in the human brain and could understand human speech, was full of jokes.

These four stupid birds together are no match for an ordinary brain-eating spider.

This stupid human actually separated them?

But Bai Chen's next sentence immediately stopped the idea of ​​attacking.

"Don't join the battle."

"Immediately follow the mine tunnel behind me and burn all the non-human objects in this mine."

"Especially spider eggs, whether it is the two piles of fake eggs in the two nests where the boys and girls are imprisoned, or the mutant real eggs hidden somewhere, use your innate spiritual energy to burn them to ashes."

Bai Chen's command, word by word, made the Spider Queen feel cold all over.

"Ga, ga!"

Iron Jaw was very dissatisfied with Bai Chen's arrangement.

Zhu Liehuo and Zhu Yuanyang also protested with ga ga.

Burning eggs?

They are a national treasure squad, they don't want to do this kind of work.

"Go quickly, if you don't want me to die here."

Bai Chen's words made the crested ibises panic.

But the one who panicked more than them was the second spider queen.

Even though her IQ was not inferior to that of human academic masters.

But she couldn't figure it out.

Why was Bai Chen so sure that the eggs she and the first spider queen laid in the nest were fake eggs.

She didn't understand how the human in front of her knew that the mutant spider eggs they had produced with the power of the spider group were buried by him in a mine room where there was no trace of any brain-eating spider activity?

"I know you can understand me."

"You can make a bet with me."

"Let's see if you and your spider group kill us before the crested ibises destroy your mutant spider eggs."

"Or when you kill us, the crested ibises also use their innate spiritual energy to destroy the future of your species."

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