I can summon myself

Chapter 73 Consider personal issues

After Bai Chen led them to avoid a seventh-level invisible spider lurking on the road ahead with some traces.

Mo Qianxing willingly gave up the position of captain to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen also lived up to their trust.

Although his wilderness survival experience was just a casual part of the combat experience brought to him by the cat Bai Chen, it was not a real outdoor gift package.

But these are insignificant abilities for finding the cat Bai Chen.

This allowed Bai Chen to feel at home in the depths of this dangerous mountain range.

The giant beasts that cannot be offended should be avoided as early as possible.

Difficult opponents such as invisible spiders, Bai Chen also greased the soles of his feet and did not face them at all.

Although the schedule was lengthened by him on his own initiative.

But amid the roars of beasts one after another.

No danger.

There were no twists and turns.

The journey was as smooth as if this was not the depths of the Misty Mountains where humans seldom set foot, but rather a camping place near the base.

Mo Qianxing, who had been secretly vigilant and prepared to deal with emergencies at any time, gradually relaxed.

She, Zuo Miao and Zhu Huan followed the passage opened by Bai Chen and chatted at a normal volume.

Yes, as long as they follow this path, they don't even need to abide by the most important rule in the hunting group's adventure manual and remain silent. But you can chat with confidence and boldness.

"It's so relaxing."

Bored Zuo Miao played with her big iron stick.

Without any target, she slashed wildly at the flowers and plants around her.

"I've never had such an easy road in my life."

Even near the base, small animals appear from time to time.

But this place is clearly deep in the mountains where dangers are everywhere.

Bai Chen turned this dangerous journey into a smooth path.

Zhu Huan held two national treasures in her arms. She felt that her wild survival experience had been refreshed by Bai Chen.

It turns out that there are still guys like him in this world who know the depths of the Yanyu Mountains as if they were their own back garden.

"Zuo Miao, I, Mo Qianxing, are convinced by your junior brother."

Even now, Mo Qianxing still doesn't understand what kind of bloodline can make Bai Chen so powerful.

But in the face of the facts, even she, the leader of the hunting group.

I also have to admit that Bai Chen's ability to survive in the wild is no worse than that of someone like her who has been outdoors since she was a few years old.

On the contrary, she was more than a little stronger. Asking herself, she felt that all the veteran hunters in her hunting group put together were not necessarily better than Bai Chen in wild exploration.

With a flick of his wrist, Zuo Miao coolly put the big iron rod into a special stick bag.

She turned back and stood shoulder to shoulder with Mo Qianxing: "Captain, don't you think about it?"

"Once a talent like my junior brother is missed, there will never be another one in Yanyu City."

She said in an old-fashioned way: "Qianxing, you are quite old. You have already considered your personal issues."

"Whether it's from the perspective of human reproduction or the talent and looks, my junior brother is the best choice for your boyfriend." She clapped her fingers: "First of all, my junior brother is handsome, handsome, handsome."

"Secondly, my junior brother can fight, be a master in school, and can also be in the wild."

"Third, my junior brother can earn 100 million with just a simple formula. It will definitely not be a problem to make money to support the family and make you look as beautiful as a flower." "Fourth, my junior brother's bloodline has shown an unrivaled advantage among Yanyu's peers. If you and Qianxing are perfectly combined, your offspring will be invincible."

In the blink of an eye, Zuo Miao found a lot of advantages in Bai Chen.

Mo Qianxing was speechless.

This is an adventure, not a blind date at the Magpie Club.

Why is Zuo Miao here again?

"Since you think so highly of him, why don't you become his girlfriend yourself."

Zuo Miao and Bai Chen have no blood relationship.

"It's too familiar to make a move."

In Zuo Miao's eyes, Bai Chen was always the little brother who had been working in Zuo's family for as long as he could remember.

"I don't want to be rejected a second time."

Mo Qianxing said coldly, doesn't she have any self-esteem?

Bai Chen has proven with practical actions that he and himself will not call at all.

"This is simple. It's hell difficulty for a man to chase a woman, and easy mode for a woman to chase a man. If you ask me, the best way is to go camping tonight. Qianxing, you are riding in the wilderness, there is no one around, the moon is dark and the wind is high, Just go into my junior brother's tent and come and make a meal out of him."

"I'll keep a lookout for you."

Zuo Miao had a narrow look on her face.


Mo Qianxing glared at Zuo Miao fiercely.

What is this word?

It would be very shameful to go on a blind date.

Now Zuo Miao actually came up with this bad idea of ​​forcing a handsome man to sleep.

Seeing the reluctance on Zuo Miao's face.

Mo Qianxing decided to kill his teammates rather than Pindao.

She turned her head: "I think Zhu Huan and Bai Chen are a good match."

Zuo Miao's eyes lit up.

A tall woman should have a good figure and good cooking skills.

After being in contact with her for a long time, she is not as cold as the iceberg goddess who should not be approached.

But before she spoke, Zhu Huan said expressionlessly: "I have already been married."

Zuo Miao was stunned.

She and Mo Qianxing looked at each other in shock.

They had no idea that Zhu Huan was actually a wife.

Since Zhu Huan and Professor You settled in the base, they have never found that Zhu Huan has close contact with any man.

And, being married?

This is a lot of information.

Zhu Huan took off the mask that covered her face.

A psychic beacon skin covered the nose and mouth below the eyes.

Mysterious and mysterious runes.

Just a glance at it made Mo Qianxing dizzy.

The owner of this mark is far beyond the level of awakeners.

"Twenty years ago, when I was six years old, I was marked by a certain existence."

"I don't know whether it is human or non-human, and I don't know whether it is male or female."

"I only know that I have been dominated by it for my whole life."

"My father wanted to seek justice for me."

"In the end, he was seriously injured and dying just by studying this psychic mark, and he has not fully recovered until today."

"My father's strength has stagnated for twenty years."

Zhu Huan put on the mask again.

"I chose to join the Crested Ibis Park, not because I like national treasures so much."

"I just hope that the national treasures I raised have the opportunity to be reborn as phoenix chicks, so that I may be able to use this new mythical bloodline to break this ridiculous engagement with my husband, who I still don't know what he is."

Zhu Huan's voice was full of sadness.

Zuo Miao's eyes were burning with anger.

Mo Qianxing's eyes were also occupied by anger.

This kind of behavior of occupying Zhu Huan's life.

They absolutely cannot tolerate it.

"Zhu Huan, this should not be your future."

Mo Qianxing's voice was not loud, but it was full of determination to free Zhu Huan from the water and fire.

Zuo Miao pulled out the big iron stick again.

If the controller is not enough.

Then become a myth by defying the heaven.

Since Junior Brother Bai Chen can prepare a potion that improves the matching degree at one time.

Maybe there is a way to break her Zuo Miao's upper limit and give her a chance to defy the heaven.

"Zhu Huan, we will help you."

"My junior brother will definitely help you."

Zuo Miao said word by word.


Zhu Huan nodded.

Although she has never known Bai Chen in depth.

But she also felt that Bai Chen was a young man with a strong sense of justice and a positive outlook.

If he can defy the heaven one day.

Maybe she will have a chance to be free.

At this time, the sound of gurgling water came from the front.

"It should be the waterfall of the volcanic lake."

Mo Qianxing, who had been calculating the distance, said with certainty.

Through the dense woods.

A towering mountain appeared in front of them.

The water of the volcanic lake rushed out from the gap.

It fell in front of them, forming a rainbow.

Bai Chen in the rainbow stood in front of the pool.

It seemed to be covered with a layer of colorful.

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