I can summon myself

Chapter 74 Brain-eating Spider

Mo Qianxing and Zhu Huan couldn't move their eyes away.

The next moment, the seriousness on Bai Chen's face brought them back to reality.

"There's something wrong with the water."

Bai Chen placed a freshly dissected fish in front of them.

Many black particles the size of pinheads appeared in the digestive system of the small fish.

Mo Qianxing frowned.

Zuo Miao also recognized these little things.

They were not slag or volcanic ash. Although it was very weak, they still felt the fluctuations of insect spiritual energy.

"Butterfly type, moth type with the powder on its wings?"

As soon as Zuo Miao spoke, he denied his guess.

There are no butterflies of any kind near the Misty Rain Mountains, and the moths would be pure black like this.

"Could it be a bee?"

As far as Zhu Huan knew, some psychic bees as big as footballs seemed to be black as well.

"No, the bees don't like any area of ​​psychic chaos."

"I speculate that it should be some kind of social insect, because the psychic energy emitted by these chitins is not completely similar, and it obviously does not come from one."

"But whether it's mosquitoes, spiders, or ants, it's difficult to deal with them if they swarm in the central area of ​​the Misty Rain Mountains."

Mo Qianxing frowned. If there was anything in the insect system that she was extremely afraid of, it was these gregarious insect system creatures whose individual strength and overall intelligence had been enhanced by spiritual energy.

Under the rule of the female insect, insect emperor, mother body, or other names called the core of the colony, whose intelligence is definitely not inferior to that of human academic masters.

These insects are like small legions that advance and retreat in a controlled manner and are very difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, the national treasure team that is trying to make a fool of themselves needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. Not only are they not expected to contribute, but they must also be carefully protected from injury.

Zhu Huan, the full-time breeder of the National Treasure Team, is not a ruthless character who can suddenly burst into combat power.

Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing themselves can be considered the main force.

The mysterious Bai Chen should be able to fight even against a swarm of insects.

Even with all their efforts, they could only muster the fighting power of three people.

But the problem is that neither Mo Qianxing nor Zuo Miao brought equipment specifically designed to deal with the insect swarm.

And Bai Chen was empty-handed and didn't even bring Han Snake with him.

Everyone wants to face the swarm of unknown levels and unknown numbers of insects head-on, despite the disadvantages in numbers, equipment, and the national treasure team holding them back.

It's really not a rational behavior.

"Junior brother, let's go back the way we came."

Zuo Miao backed down.

Of course she wanted a potion that could improve the matching degree at one time to help her cross the 100% matching level, but she didn't want Bai Chen, Mo Qianxing, and Zhu Huan to be harmed because of it.

"Since there is star blood ore on it."

"We can search within the Jiangnan region based on conditions like Crater Lake."

"Even if there aren't any here, my mother, Muse, is in the City of All Souls. At worst, I can just trick her and ask her to buy some for me from the City of All Souls."

"Or we can go back and gather people immediately. With you in our hunting group, we can pass through the forest without any damage."

Mo Qianxing's eyebrows were crescent, and his smile looked like a crescent moon.

Although she wasn't interested in Zuo Miao's idea of ​​considering personal issues.

But for a guy like Bai Chen who is good at fighting, good at learning, good in the wild, and very eye-catching, she is very willing to include him under the hunting group.

Bai Chen only needs to cooperate with his hunting group once.

Mo Qianxing was able to put the name of the new member of the hunting group on Bai Chen's forehead in a matter of course.

Zuo Miao would definitely not object.

After all, she was the first person who wanted to bring Bai Chen in.

Just when Bai Chen, who was kind-hearted, was considering whether to return immediately or conduct reconnaissance before returning.

A small black dot suddenly appeared in the sky at the top of the waterfall.


"Be vigilant."

Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao reacted immediately.

Bai Chen squinted his eyes and used the Great Void Cultivation Method to tell himself that there was no life fluctuation in this creature.

The small black dots in free fall kept getting bigger in Bai Chen's field of vision.

Bai Chen's expression changed instantly.

"This is a person."

A thud.

The deceased fell into the pool in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen jumped into the pool and fished out the body.

The rough hunting clothes were in pieces, and the skin was covered with traces of insect claws.

The still hot body temperature proved that he had just died.

What made Bai Chen angry was.

Judging from his small stature and immature face, he is still a teenager.

"Local mountain people, no more than sixteen years old."

"The fatal wound is on the forehead."

“His brain was pierced by the insect’s mouthparts, and the brain was sucked out by the insect.

Mo Qianxing bit his lips tightly. The frightened and distorted face of the corpse showed that he suffered unimaginable pain before his death.

"Bug, damn it!"

Zuo Miao took out her war spear and picked up her big iron stick, her eyes were red.

"Let's go up."

There was uncontrollable anger in Bai Chen's calm voice.

It’s one thing to retreat temporarily in the face of the unknown.

It's another thing to sit back and watch one's own countrymen die from insects.

Judging from the boy's equipment and the environment here, it is impossible for him to survive here alone.

In other words, there might be his family up there.

Bai Chen is not a Virgin, but she cannot accept watching human beings being sucked out of their brains by bugs.


Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao began to put on their equipment.

Zhu Huan also took out a .22-caliber psychic gun from her space equipment.

"Lan Xing Bai Chen, lend me some void energy."

Bai Chen said to Lan Xing Bai Chen, because he was still a little short of receiving the combat experience of the first four awakeners of the cat-finding version.

"Okay, this deity, I must kill those bugs."

Lan Xing Bai Chen injected all his void energy into the strange object keyboard without hesitation.

Compared with the silence after the energy was exhausted, he wanted to see Bai Chen's deity, who had received the combat experience of the cat-finding brother, wipe out these brain-eating bugs from the earth.

Humans are supreme.

Any bug that hurts humans should die.

The strange object keyboard began to flash.

A huge combat experience crossed the cosmic crystal wall intertwined with time and space and poured into Bai Chen's brain.

When he opened his eyes again, he had mastered all the combat skills of the first four awakeners of the cat-finding version.

He checked the body of the boy again.

Bai Chen confirmed the identity of the murderer.

"Brain-eating spiders."

"Level 3 swarming spiders."

"Usually 30 to 50 in a group."

Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao had a hint of joy in their eyes.

If they were only level 3, they would have been able to fight.

"But, they have a characteristic, which is that they can absorb the psychic metals in various minerals to enhance their strength."

"The soft mouthparts have been upgraded to the point where they can easily penetrate the hardest human skull. The level of this group of brain-eating spiders is definitely not lower than level 4."

What made Bai Chen even more troublesome was the spider queen in the group of brain-eating spiders.

"For their leader, the star-blood ore is one of the few precious resources that can improve it comprehensively."

"Even if we infer from the normal situation of level 3 brain-eating spiders and level 5 spider queens."

"The leader of this group of level 4 brain-eating spiders is at least level 6."

Bai Chen's eyes were very calm.

He was not a reckless man who would get angry.

Facing a powerful opponent of at least level 6, he needed to make good arrangements.

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