I can summon myself

Chapter 72 Show off your skills

Bai Chen thought mining was easy.

Take off from the base and land in the abandoned mine.

With a wave of the mining hoe, the star blood ore fell into his bag. Then dust off the mineral dust on your hands, get back on your flying mount, and return to base that same day.

There is a big gap between reality and imagination.

Blue Star Baichen, Looking for Cat Baichen, 233 Earth Baichen’s Experience, failed when they flew less than fifty kilometers from the base.

The Misty Rain Mountains lying in front of him interrupted Bai Chen's flight.

Chaotic spiritual energy rules the sky.

The shadows of giant creatures can be felt even from a great distance, and their terrifying pressure far exceeds that of Mo Qianxing.

Senior Sister Zuo Miao, who was leading the way, took the initiative to land outside a gap into the mountain.

"Let's camp here today."

Mo Qianxing looked at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded and whistled at the four national treasures guarding him. The four crested ibises returned to him at lightning speed.

Judging from their little eyes that pretend to be strong.

Obviously, the giant creatures in the mountains also put great pressure on them.

"Bai Chen, come here and help me." As soon as she landed, the tall woman Zhu Huan began to unload the supplies on the psychic albatross' back.

Yes, in addition to Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing, she also joined the team for the reason of taking care of the national treasure team.

Bai Chen took over the physical work of loading and unloading without hesitation.

Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao began to build a camp on the spot.

"The psychic energy here is very chaotic. Not only does the mobile phone have no signal, but even the small radar specially designed for the wild cannot be activated."

"Fortunately, I prepared all the psychic sentry posts before departure."

Zuo Miao took out five palm-sized wood carvings.

The surface of each little figure is engraved with psychic patterns, which are specially designed to detect psychic changes that can cover a range of thirty meters: sense.

Zuo Miao placed them in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and placed the fifth one at the highest point.

She was just about to activate it.

A gray mist appeared in the distance, making her stop.

"This is a psychic cyclone."

"Junior brother, Zhu Huan, you should quickly find a place with leeward wind to take shelter."

As soon as Zuo Miao finished speaking, she saw Bai Chen and the tall girl already waving to her and Mo Qianxing from the inner recess of the rock wall.

Not only that, all the supplies on the Psychic Albatross were also brought here.

Even the psychic albatross was driven by Zhu Huan on the journey back to the base.

Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing had just withdrawn their tents and hid in the inner recesses.

The psychic cyclone rushed to the gap.

In the howling wind.

Auras of chaos, violence, and madness penetrated their bodies.

"Bai Chen, be careful!"

Zuo Miao and Zhu Huan desperately resisted the invasion of these psychic powers.

Only Mo Qianxing still had some energy left to remind Bai Chen loudly.

Something unexpected happened.

A whirlpool appeared in front of Bai Chen. With him as the center, the violent spiritual energy brought by the spiritual cyclone could not help but converge on his body.

He transformed into a humanoid self-propelled black hole and walked to the outside, and all spiritual energy was sucked into his body.

The pressure on Zuo Miao and Zhu Huan disappeared instantly.

See the clarity in Bai Chen's eyes.

Zuo Miao, who was originally prepared to scold his junior brother not to commit suicide, turned his worry into curiosity.

Zhu Huan opened her eyes even wider.

The crowd watched as Bai Chen sucked away every drop of the violent spiritual energy that made them uncomfortable.

The psychic cyclone comes and goes quickly.

Three minutes later, Bai Chen regretfully found that the psychic gift package had disappeared.

He sighed: "This is too short-lasting."


The tall woman pursed her lips.

The spiritual cyclone that put so much pressure on her was actually so weak in front of Bai Chen.

Really pissed me off.

"Is it blood again?"

Mo Qianxing couldn't help but look at Bai Chen. The aura of chaos, violence, and madness had no effect on this guy at all.

On the contrary, it made him look more radiant.

If this gets out.

I don't know how many psychic hunters who are afraid of psychic cyclones will be scared to death.

You know, whether it is a self-employed person running a single gang, or a small team, or a hunting group working as a team.

This sudden psychic cyclone has always been regarded as a great danger and fear by humans in the wild.

As far as Mo Qianxing knew, at least two digits of awakened people walking outdoors in Yanyu City died at the hands of psychic cyclones every month.

And the number of creatures that lost their lives as a result was even more numerous.

But for the monster Bai Chen, the extremely dangerous spiritual cyclone turned into a powerful tonic pill.

Even though he is already the idol of thousands of young people in Yanyu City at a young age, Mo Qianxing, who is regarded as the darling of heaven, feels that this God is too unfair.

Heap all the talents on Bai Chen.

Zuo Miao patted Bai Chen's shoulder carelessly.

"All psychic cyclones from now on belong to you."

There is a humanoid self-propelled black hole like my junior brother.

Any subsequent psychic cyclones are no longer a threat to them.


Bai Chen dragged the supplies out of the rock wall again and sorted them into categories with Zhu Huan.

Those that can be put into space equipment can be put into space equipment.

Those that couldn't fit in were packed into a giant backpack.

Bai Chen is responsible for carrying it.

"By the way, the four of you must restrain all your aura after entering the mountain tomorrow."

Zhu Huan said to the national treasure team.

"Although the Yanyu Mountains are not famous compared to the famous mountains and rivers in the Jiangnan region, there are also many controller-level psychic beasts in them."

"Although according to their habits, they usually disdain to attack us humans who pose no threat."

"But no one knows if there are giant beasts that like to eat national treasures, so it's better to keep a low profile."

Zhu Huan explained to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded in understanding.

"You should continue to COS the national treasure dolls."

The national treasure team instantly turned into motionless, small eyes rolling crested ibis toys.

Bai Chen stuffed them one by one into the pockets on the outer layer of the backpack specially used to place them.

"Stay still and don't move."

The national treasure team nodded honestly, indicating that they understood.

After the tent was built.

Zuo Miao called Bai Chen: "Junior brother, I will teach you how to get water, how to hunt, and how to cover up your breath."

"These are all knowledge that requires long-term experience to accumulate."

Although Bai Chen wanted to tell his senior sister, no one had more experience in wild survival than Zhao Mao Bai Chen, who was thriving in different apocalypses and was like a fish in water in various worlds.

But he still followed Zuo Miao into the mountains.

"I think this guy has also awakened his ability in the wild."

Mo Qianxing said seriously while helping Zhu Huan set up the stove.

"I think so too. This guy will definitely bring us a big surprise."

Zhu Huan's opinion was the same as Mo Qianxing's.

A guy who can even absorb the psychic cyclone.

It's not surprising that he suddenly became an old hunter.

Just as they expected.

In less than an hour, Bai Chen returned to the camp carrying a 40-50 kg first-level spiritual bird.

Zuo Miao, who was carrying a bucket of spring water behind him, looked depressed.

"Junior brother, I have nothing to teach you."

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