I can summon myself

Chapter 47 Bai Chen didn't want to talk, but threw out a national treasure

The arrival of the national treasure team made Bai Chen restrain his thoughts of making big moves. It was naturally good to be able to continue hiding his clumsiness.

"It's okay, you didn't eat my improved crayfish in vain."


Bai Chen waved to them.

The national treasure team gathered around him.

Han Tian recalled his Han Snake, holding the big sword and assuming a defensive posture in the Jackdaw Sword Technique with great vigilance.

"You must not dare to attack if you attack, but you should be able to defend yourself, right?"

"It's hard to say. His status as a national treasure is really untouchable."

"I'll just stand on the wall and I won't make any comments unless I get results."

The male gourmets whose faces were swollen by Bai Chen finally learned their lesson.

Bai Chen, a guy who had repeatedly subverted their fighting common sense, could not be judged from any conventional perspective.

The next moment, Bai Chen moved.

He bent down, grabbed Zhu Liehuo and threw it towards Han Tian.

Not only did Zhu Liehuo show no resistance.

Instead, it flapped its wings and turned into a stream of light, charging towards the confused ice man.

The eyes of the male eaters in the stands fell to the ground.

Their mouths were hanging open.

Everyone was stunned by Bai Chen's sexy moves.

No matter how imaginative he was, he never imagined that Bai Chen would be like this!

"Bai Chen didn't want to talk to Han Tian, ​​but just threw out a national treasure."

"The national treasure was released without saying a word, Bai Chen was so horrified."

"No matter how strong Han Tian is, he can't hold down four crested ibises. It's like an ordinary person releasing four crested ibises against Tyson."

"No matter how cute Gungun is, he is still a bear; no matter how festive the crested ibis is, he is still a bird of prey with the blood of Phoenix."

Compared with the men who eat melons, they are dumbfounded.

Female gourmets are obviously much more straightforward.

"Handsome Bai, so handsome."

"I love the man who controls the national treasure, I love him!"

"The ring battle is over, whoever is ugly loses."

Amidst the cheers one after another.

Bai Chen came to the National Treasure Third Company and threw the entire National Treasure team towards Han Tian in the same way.

Han Tian kept jumping up and down like a giant monkey.

He used the power and agility of the fourth-level awakener to the extreme, but he was still pushed from one side of the ring to the other by the National Treasure Team.

At this moment, his two-handed sword was no longer a powerful weapon for attacking. Han Tian, ​​who did not dare to swing his sword at the national treasures, dragged this burden and dodged desperately under the strong onlookers of the melon eaters.

But he delayed for less than five minutes.

Han Snake, who wanted a savior, was sprayed with psychic flames by the National Treasure Team and couldn't take care of himself.

Yes, the club took away the cold snake's psychic energy the moment he summoned it.

But when the national treasure team fell from the sky.

The energy-draining formation was not activated at all.

Under the flame attack of the National Treasure Team, they were able to melt through the psychic alloy.

Even in its evolved state, the flesh and blood of this cold snake still cannot stop the breath of the crested ibises.

In just a moment, this cold snake that staggered Bai Chen seemed to have been pierced by thousands of arrows and fell to the ring with piercing injuries all over its body.

What made Han Tian's eyes even more dizzy was that the crested ibis with the strange chin was stepping on Han Snake's body with its sharp claws.

It wasn't until the cold snake lost all ability to resist that it was let go.

Zhu Liehuo seized Han Tian's stunned opportunity and rushed to his door, spraying him on the forehead.

Smoke suddenly rose from Han Tian's head, and his hair, which Master Tony had carefully taken care of, started to burn.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his hands.

Zhu Yuan's long beak pierced his wrist, and the two-handed sword fell to the ground with a clatter.

The couple, a national treasure, stretched out their claws to catch one end of the bird, and brought back to Bai Chen the sharp weapon that took two years of Hanlong's income and a lot of favors to be crafted by the forging master of the Jiangnan Awakening Association in half a year.

"My sword!"

Han Tian roared and rushed towards Bai Chen. He must not lose this weapon. This is a weapon and more importantly his face.

But he didn't notice that at some point the iron chin flew to his waist and sprayed the psychic spider silk belt on the mutton-fat jade pendant.

After successfully burning it, he grabbed the space equipment that Han Tian had obtained on credit from the association after working hard for twenty years before the jade pendant fell to the ground.


He saw Iron Chin flying past him with a jade pendant in his mouth.

Han Tian went completely crazy.


The little genius's voice was full of pathos. He had never been so miserable in his life.

He is ranked among the top 50 in the Jiangnan Region and is a popular member of the younger generation of the Jiangnan Awakeners Association.

He was bullied by Bai Chen's group of birds.

The sympathetic men's throats couldn't help but tremble, but no one said a word for Han Tian.

The female gourmets were full of contempt.

"Deserved it!"

"The ugly guy in the same shirt wanted to bully my Shuai Bai because of his status as a fourth-level awakener. In the end, he was treated like a monkey by Shuai Bai. If he couldn't beat him, he summoned his pet to get a weapon. The evolving cold snake! The seventh-level ice shark has long fangs. A two-handed sword! And a shameless off-site reminder!”

"People are ugly, and their hearts are even uglier, but you ugly guy didn't expect that Shuaibai had a national treasure team. You didn't expect that Shuaibai didn't want to talk to you and just threw four national treasures at you!"

"Aren't you majestic and arrogant when you play the sword? Aren't you bullying Shuai Bai with your pet weapon? Now the cold snake has become a roasted cold snake, and the weapon has become Shuai Bai's trophy. What does it mean to be so happy? It’s so satisfying!”

"They say you will become stronger if you lose your hair."

"But you were burned into a black charcoal head, and instead of seeing you become stronger, you can only yell like a loser?"

Female melon eaters are sharp-tongued.

Especially the women who were sitting next to Bai Chen who were unhappy with Han Tian from the beginning were all gloating about Han Tian's misfortune.

"Who is the hunter? Who is the prey?"

"Since the equipment also has combat effectiveness, then the national treasure also has the combat effectiveness of Junior Brother Bai Chen. There is nothing wrong with it."

Zuo Miao laughed.

She applauded the crested ibises and said, "National treasure gentlemen, continue!"

It was as if he heard what Senior Sister Bai Chen said.

Iron Chin, who placed the jade pendant in Bai Chen's hand, was the first to return to the battlefield.

Zhu Yuan Zhu Yuan followed closely behind.

However, like Zhu Liehuo, they did not tear Han Tian into pieces with their long beaks and sharp claws after burning him bald.

Instead, he deliberately controlled his power.

After countless claw strikes.

Han Tian's coiled collared shirt made of psychic spider silk turned into rags.

"A piece of skin on the ribs!"

"It's so annoying, it's really annoying."

"If you peel off the skin, you will be a skeleton monster."

"Hey, Jiangnan Awakener Association? Your famous little genius, Han Tian, ​​is that uncle Han Long. The fourth-level Awakener nicknamed Ice Man is performing Luo Ben in the ring of our Queqiao Club!"

The female melon eaters called the hotline of the Jiangnan Awakeners Association and turned on the video mode.

The lights flashed, and countless billion-pixel cameras were pointed at Han Tian, ​​who was covering his vitals with one hand and his face with the other, running desperately but unable to escape the pursuit of the national treasure team.

Heartbroken, Han Long bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He took the opportunity to take a pill that could increase his mental power, and finally broke free from Mo Qianxing's mental lock.

With a face as cold as frost, he rushed to the ring.

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